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Posted By: Nan Home: Murder By Earthlight: 19/19 - 10/06/08 09:19 PM
Home: Murder By Earthlight: 19/19
by Nan Smith


Stephanie glared at Lori. "You're not worthy of him!" she repeated. "Clark belongs to me! I'll tell him what I saw!"

"Oh for the Lord's sake!" Lori said, her exasperation overcoming her self-control. "I was being kidnapped, you nitwit!"

Eclipse made an odd sound, somewhere between a cough and a laugh. "I think a flight to the police station would be in order, don't you think so, Superman?"

"Yes, I do." Clark's voice was choked, and Lori looked sharply at him. Her husband was trying not to burst into laughter. "Ms. Lyons, do you mind if I give you a lift?"

"Not at all, Superman," she said. Inside, she was still shaking, but she could deal with that later. She felt Clark's arm encircle her reassuringly, and then they were flying. Lori closed her eyes, letting the sense of security that she always felt when she flew with him smooth away the last traces of fear. It was over.


And now, the final part:

The nightclub was quiet and dim. Dance music was muted beyond the privacy screen and to Lori it made a pleasant background for the four persons at the table.

"The police are pretty sure that Decker set the fire," Clark was saying. "The arson investigators found remnants of his incendiary device and traced them back to the people that sold them. They're working on the details now, of course, but Brown says he believes they'll have an open and shut case on that aspect of the business pretty quickly."

Joanna Prescott shook her head. "So the investigator for the company was in on it," she said. "I guess it's impossible to find good help these days."

"They're still working to confirm that, too," Lori said, "but the Planet was able to give them some help. We had one of our people tracking Tal's movements in Metropolis the week before the conference, and she was able to confirm several calls and one meeting with Johnson and Decker. Of course they're tracing the connections, but Tal apparently knew Johnson while they were in Europe some years ago. And they have evidence now that Decker was in our room. They found a hair that matches his DNA in the bathtub. It wouldn't have been much use if they hadn't had Decker in custody for trying to kill me, but after Superman and Eclipse brought him in, a routine check came up with the match. I think they'll manage to put it all together before long."

"Probably," Pete Swanson said, "now that they have all the pieces, thanks to you two. Why don't I have the chance to get in good with my editor the way you do? You saved his wife's career and reputation, and came up with a terrific story in the process."

"Just lucky, I guess," Lori said. "We were the ones that came to Luna City at the right time, so John asked us to investigate."

"Right," Joanna said dryly. "Like I said before, if I find out you two are going to be at the next convention, I'll remember to bring along my Nancy Drew Detective Kit so I can get in on the action."

Clark smiled and shook his head. "The next convention will probably be nothing but presentations and partying," he said. "You can't expect something like this situation every day. I, for one, am glad that it's over. Lori and I are going to spend the next day seeing as many of the sights as we can cram in before we have to go home."

"That's right," Lori said. "I still want to fly at Heinlein's Cave."

"Maybe we should go as a foursome," Joanna said. "I planned on trying that, too, before I go home."

"Not a bad idea," Clark said. "What do you think, honey?"

"Okay by me," Lori said.

"By the way," Pete interjected, "whatever happened to Stephanie?"

"She's back in the psych ward," Lori said. "She escaped, after she was taken there the first time -- she *is* an investigative reporter, you know. She shorted out the ward's lock and got away, and then seems to have hung around the hotel, trying to figure out how to get in to talk to Clark without getting caught. We think Decker set the fire, hoping to be able to take advantage of the confusion to get hold of me -- which he did, obviously -- and Stephanie saw him grab me. Only she didn't see the knife, of course, and she thought she had some evidence that she could use to break Clark and me up. Only she wasn't sure it was me, so she followed us." Lori took a gulp of the champagne that Clark had poured for her. She probably shouldn't, she thought, but the memories of earlier in the day wouldn't quite lie down and go away. By tomorrow she would be able to put it all into perspective, of course, but for now the pleasant effect of the beverage helped her to relax and enjoy the evening more than she otherwise might have done. "I hate to admit it, but she may have saved my life. I wasn't going to let Decker get me in his car, and I was going to try to make a break for it. Stephanie gave me my chance."

"I never thought I'd be grateful to Stephanie for anything," Clark said. He reached out to rest a hand on top of hers where it lay in her lap. "I am, although I'm sure she doesn't appreciate it. Brown said they'll probably ship her back to Earth for arraignment, and she'll most likely be ordered into mandatory counseling again. I hope it takes better this time."

"Me too," Pete said. "She could have killed you. And my fiancee wouldn't be very happy if she came after me again."

"Your fiancee?" Clark said.

"Yeah," Pete said. "I'm getting too old for single life, I guess."

"I think that's great," Joanna said. "I'll expect an invitation to the wedding."

"So will we," Lori said.

"I'll be sure to send them," Pete said. He stretched slightly. "In the meantime, shall we take advantage of the band? Want to dance, Lori?"

She glanced at Clark and then nodded. "All right."

The band was playing a slow selection when Lori and Pete stepped out onto the floor. As they began to move in time to the music, Pete said, "I'm really sorry Jo and I lost you in the crowd. Things happened so fast that we got separated before I realized what was happening."

"I know," she said. "It wasn't your fault. If it hadn't happened, Decker would still be free. As it is, everything worked out."

"Yeah," Pete said, "but I'm sorry you had to go through that. It nearly cost you your life."

"I know." She winced slightly, but he noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"Decker cut me slightly with his knife. It isn't serious, but it's a little sore. I won't be doing any fast dancing tonight."

"I don't blame you." Pete guided her slowly around the floor. "I'm glad I met you, you know. After that thing in Alta Mesa, I wondered. You figured prominently in it, and it made me curious. Clark's never had a permanent partner before. I've known him for a long time, and it always seemed to me that he was looking for something. I think he's finally found it."

Lori smiled. "I'm glad you think so. By the way, I forgot to thank you for keeping me from being knocked down in the tunnel. I appreciate it."

Pete laughed. "You change the subject as fast as Cathy does."


"Cathy Eagleton, my fiancee. Anyway, you're welcome. Ray is claustrophobic. He's an okay guy, otherwise."

"I just hope I don't get caught in any tunnels with him again," Lori said. She glanced sideways as Clark and Joanna circled past them, and then Clark tapped Pete on the shoulder. "Care to trade partners?"

"Charmed to," Pete replied. He turned quickly to Joanna as Clark took his place with Lori. The two of them moved smoothly away in time to the music.

Lori relaxed in her husband's arms. Pete was nice, of course, but, at the moment, no one was more welcome than Clark. He pulled her close and she put her cheek against his shoulder.

He kissed the top of her head. "How are you doing, honey? Are your ribs all right?"

"They're a little sore. They'll be fine," she said, but she didn't move away. The music came to an end, and she slowly released him, but to her surprise he didn't let her go. The announcer cleared his throat. "This next selection is a special request," he said. "'Fly Me to the Moon' for Lori from her husband, Clark."

As the strains of the music filled the room, Lori looked up into his face. "I love this song."

"I know," he said.


John Olsen bounced his goddaughter, Mary Kent, on his lap and grinned at the baby's laughter. The lovely little girl was technically his great aunt, as well as his goddaughter, but it was difficult to think of her that way. The child was a happy baby, adored by her four siblings and everyone in the family who saw her at all frequently.

"My turn," Marilyn announced, and scooped Mary from his lap without ceremony. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you all changed and dry. Your mommy and daddy will be here in a few minutes."

"So Kent and Lyons left an indelible impression on Luna City," Velma Chow said. "Why am I not surprised? I'm just glad the city is still in one piece." She was a relative newcomer to the big Kent family, now a Police Captain, and married to John's cousin, Oliver Brent. Oliver's grand parents, Lara and Bill Klein, were also present, since Lara had been officially caring for Mary while her parents had been on the Moon. Velma and Oliver were currently expecting their first child, a girl who carried her father's telepathic trait. Velma stretched and rubbed her back muscles with one fist. "I've worked with Clark for years without knowing it, of course, but in some ways I wish Lori had decided to be a cop instead of a journalist. We could use her on the force, even if her methods are a bit unique."

Lara laughed out loud. She and Bill were sitting across from John on the sofa. "Lori is a reporter through and through," Lara said. "She'd drive you crazy if she were one of your people."

"I suppose," Velma acknowledged. She grinned. "I talked to Detective Brown, the poor sap in Luna City who got stuck with the case. He's going to spend the next year with the Metro Police. He said he needs to learn more about big city crime. He's going to find out about Kent and Lyons first hand."

Lara chuckled. "Poor guy. I'm glad everything turned out all right for Marilyn," she added, "but I'm a little shocked, although I shouldn't be, I guess. I never liked Tal. I always suspected he was behind that attack on you, years ago, John."

"So did I," John said. "He was apparently scheming to get even with Marilyn and me all this time. He must have planned the theft, and a way to implicate Marilyn, and, according to Clark and Lori, he somehow he got Johnson and Decker to go along with him. But Decker figured out that he killed Johnson and was ready for him. It just shows you that revenge is a pretty stupid idea in the long run."

"I feel a little sorry for him," Marilyn said. She finished clipping the new diaper on Mary and readjusted the baby's clothing. "If it hadn't been for me, this wouldn't have happened."

Oliver shook his head. "Don't be silly," he said. "None of this had to happen. No man who cares about a woman tries to hurt her like he tried to hurt you. It sounds to me like what was really hurt was his own ego. It's too bad he was killed, but he brought it on himself. The last person who should feel guilty is you."

"I suppose you're right," Marilyn said. "I'm just glad it's over."

"So am I," John said. He turned his head at the sound of the door buzzer and got to his feet. "It looks like our heroes are here. Back in a minute."


John Olsen opened the door for Lori and Clark. Their editor's face broke into a smile when he saw them. "Come on in," he said, stepping aside. "Lara's here with Mary, and everyone wants to see you."

Clark let Lori enter ahead of him and followed. "I hope we aren't interrupting anything."

John shook his head. "Nope. Oliver and Velma dropped by, and we've been talking about what happened in Luna City. How are you two?"

"All right," Lori said. The sound of Mary's giggles in the living room made her hurry toward the sound. She had missed her baby daughter more than she could have imagined before Mary's birth. Marilyn appeared in the entrance to the living room with Mary in her arms. The little girl's face broke into a wide smile, showing a pair of budding lower teeth and one upper one. She held out her arms, and Lori came forward to take her from Marilyn. "Hi, sweetheart!"

"Ma-ma!" Mary babbled, and when Clark arrived beside Lori and bent to kiss her, Mary announced "Da-da!"

Clark took her from Lori's arms and hefted her above his head, sparking giggles and squeals of laughter. "How's Daddy's girl?"

"Come on in, Dad," Lara called.

Lori preceded Clark and Mary into the living room and John followed them.

"Grab a seat," he said. "Your story hit the headlines this morning. We want to hear about all the details you didn't publish."

"You know most of them," Clark said.

"Not really," Velma Chow broke in. "I've been talking to Detective Brown. He gave me some of it. What's this about Lori getting kidnapped? And who is this Stephanie Brooke, and why did she try to stab you, Clark?"

"It's a long story," Clark said.

"We know that," Lara said.

Marilyn appeared at the door leading from the kitchen, a tray in her hands. Clark got to his feet at once.

She gestured to him to sit down. "Would you like some coffee or tea, guys?"

"Tea," Lori said. Clark nodded.

Marilyn set the tray on the table in front of them and poured tea from her china teapot into the waiting cups. Then she set it down on the tray. "I know you don't want to hear it, but I want you to let me say thank you both, just once. You saved my career and my reputation. I don't know how you did it, but I want you to know that --"

Clark had blushed to his hairline. "You don't need to thank us, Mari. We wanted to help."

"I know you did," Marilyn said. "That's what makes you two so special." She looked at Lori. "I heard that you nearly got killed. You *know* I wouldn't have wanted you to risk yourself for me."

"It wasn't like that," Lori said. "After I surprised Decker in our hotel room, it was sort of inevitable."

"That does it," John said. "We didn't hear hardly any of this. I want the whole story. Now!"

Clark put an arm around Lori's shoulders, settling Mary between them on both their laps. "This is going to take a while," he warned. "Lori figured out most of it."

"Why am I not surprised?" Velma murmured. "Detective Brown said Luna City was never going to be the same after your visit."

"I felt kind of sorry for him," Lori said. "He said they hadn't had a murder in something like ten years, and then when we showed up they had two within a day of each other."

"That wasn't your fault," Marilyn protested.

"No," Clark agreed, "but I think they were glad when we went home, just the same."

"Don't worry," Velma said, dryly. "Detective Brown's going to have a chance to get to know you better. He's joining the department here in Metropolis for a year, just so he can learn more about big city investigation techniques. You'll probably run across him occasionally."

Lori and Clark looked at each other, and Lori gave a small giggle. "Poor Detective Brown," she said. "He's in for some serious culture shock."

"Probably," Velma said. "It's good to shake up old habits occasionally."

"Anyway, that's for later," John said. "Tell us how it happened."

Clark smiled at Lori. "Do you want to tell them, honey? You figured out the hard parts."

"You go ahead," Lori said. She batted her eyes at him. "I'll jump in and fill in any of the parts you leave out."

"Okay," Clark said. He began to talk.

Lori leaned against his shoulder, holding her daughter in her lap, listening to Clark recount the harrowing events of the past week. It certainly had been a very strange trip to the Moon. Hopefully, when they went back for vacation next summer things would be quieter, she thought. But in spite of everything, they had solved the problem, uncovered the real criminals and saved Marilyn's career. That was worth all that they had gone through.

Mary leaned back against her and started to suck on her fist. The little girl's eyelids began to droop as Clark's voice went on, and before long she was sound asleep in Lori's lap.

Everything was right with their world.

For now.

The End
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