Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm On The Other Hand, 16/? - 10/05/08 10:33 AM
Thanks, as always, to my fabulous betas - Alisha, Beth, Nancy and CarolynK [so glad you're feeling better, Carolyn!].

I am posting a bit early b/c DS is sick this morning so I'm home with just him while everyone else is at church. See FDK thread for this week's posting schedule.

Last time:

I tried not to think about the breath that caught in my throat when we'd landed in the snowdrift and the nearly overwhelming desire I'd had to tug him down to me and kiss him like I'd never kissed Joe.

What in the world had come over me?

Or almost come over me?

Surely, it was just still a little bit of an unsettled feeling left from the nightmare the night before and the fact that I'd slept naked with Clark a couple days before and the overwhelming emotions that had come with nearly dying.

A knock on the door shook me out of my thoughts.



"Are you okay? You've been in there a long time."

I sighed and turned the water off. "I'll be out in a minute."

I heard footsteps that told me Clark had moved away from the door and out of my room. I dressed in one of my dad's big sweatshirts and my bike shorts again and headed out to the kitchen.

Suddenly, I was starving.


I knocked on the door and waited for it to open. Linda answered. "Clark!" She turned. "Lana..."

She didn't have time to finish her sentence before Lana launched herself into my arms. She held on like she hadn't seen me in a week, because... well, she hadn't.

"Hey, Baby," I whispered in her hair.

"I missed you. And I'm so glad you're okay," she said, holding me even tighter.

"I'm fine, too," Lois told her as she entered the common room. "Just in case you care." She headed into the bathroom.

Lana kissed me and I kissed her back, but was always conscious of where we were and who was around. I whispered to her, "We'll go somewhere more private in a bit okay?"

She nodded.

We were sitting on the couch, Lana curled up next to me, when Lois came out of the bathroom and made a beeline for our room. When she shut the door behind her, Lana turned to me.

"Are you really okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, Baby, I am."

"Was it really that bad?" she asked, settling back down next to me.

"I don't remember part of it. I know I was burning up when we got out of the car and I remember making it to the cabin steps, but I don't remember anything after that until Sam woke us up the next afternoon."

"What happened in that time?"

"Lois managed to get me inside and in front of the fire she started." I was dreading telling her this next part. "She, um..." I ran a hand through my hair. "We were in a really bad place, Baby. I was unconscious and Lois wasn't far behind. We were soaking wet and there was no power. We were both hypothermic..."

She didn't say anything and neither did I. Finally, she spoke, but she didn't look at me. "Did she take your clothes off?"

I ran my hand up and down her arm as I pulled her towards me. "Yeah."

"All of them?"

I nodded against her head. "Everything was soaked. She said she put a blanket over me before..." I didn't finish. "Then she covered me with more blankets."

Lana didn't say anything again for a minute. "What about her?"

"What about her?"

"Did she take her clothes off and get under the blankets with you?"

I sighed. "Yeah, she did. She probably saved my life, Baby."

"So when you said you slept in front of the fire with her..." She took a deep breath. "You were naked?"

"I was *unconscious*. I don't remember anything until Sam woke us up."

"And she was still next to you? Naked?"

"Yeah," I said quietly. "She moved pretty quick though and we both kept blankets and..."

"You don't remember anything about what it was like to have her skin on yours?"

She was fighting tears. I knew she was. Lois had slept next to me, both of us without any clothes on, and Lana felt she should have been the only one to ever do that.

And she was right.

Once we got married, I was sure we'd sleep like that on a pretty regular basis, but Lana wouldn't ever be the first one.

I shook my head. "No. Not really."

"Not really?"

I sighed. "I remember waking up and thinking it was you and wondering when we got married and why your hair was dark all the sudden. And that my arm was around her and her back was bare and then that Sam was there telling me to wake up. I remembered what happened – sort of and I asked about her, she woke up enough to ask about me and then she moved."

"Promise that's all you remember?"

"Promise," I told her, kissing her hair. I didn't mention the dream. Part of me thought I should tell her I'd dreamed about making love to her in front of the fire, but I also knew that my dream woman had been Lois part of the time and I didn't want her to know that.


There was a knock on the door that came in from the hall.

I didn't feel like moving from my bed. "Come in," I called.

The door opened and Joe was standing there. "Hey," he said quietly. "How are you?"

I shrugged. I wasn't feeling well at all, but didn't know why.

"Can I come up?"

"Sure." I scooted over towards the wall so he'd have more room to sit.

But he didn't sit. He stretched out next to me, his head propped up on his elbow. "You scared me, Lois."

"Scared you?"

"You didn't get back last Saturday. No one knew where you two went, but Lana had heard from Clark's folks. His cousin said Clark was sick and told them what time you guys left Bremerton. We all realized there was no way you'd have made it back here, but your cell kept going straight to voice mail and..."

He choked up a bit.

I reached a hand out to brush the hair off his forehead. "I'm okay. You know there's no cell reception out there."

"I know, but still... When I finally called your house, Vicki said that your dad had heard from you but that it wasn't good. You were both sick and hypothermic and he was trying everything to get someone to you but couldn't find anyone to go. He was waiting at the on-ramp when they reopened the highway." He kissed my forehead. "I was so worried about you."

"I'm sorry I didn't call," I whispered. "It was a very weird week."

"It's okay. Lana called me after she talked to Clark the first time. I figured I was probably the last thing on your mind."

I shook my head. "No. Not the last thing. I thought about you. Quite a bit. I don't know why I didn't call, but..." I sighed. "I felt better, but now I feel worse again. And the whole week was just weird."

"Come here." He settled himself on his back and I snuggled in next to him. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"You're not the only one."

"Hey, did you talk to your Dad about the Europe trip?"

I nodded. "Yeah. He said I can go."

"That's great. Will you be my seatmate?" he asked seriously.

I laughed. "Talk about déjà vu."

"It's been a long time since we rode that bus to camp together."

"Ten years? Something like that."

"Do you know who else is going?"

I groaned. "Clana."


"Clark and Lana. Clana."

"Does that make us... Jois?"

I groaned again. "Okay, fine. No Clana. The Clampetts are going."

"Ah. Well, we'll steer clear."

"Sure you won't find another girl between now and then?" I asked, not looking at him.

"Even if I do, you're the one I'll be with on that trip. We'll have a frienaissance."

"You borrowed my 'Friends' DVDs, didn't you?"

"Maybe." He stroked the hair at my temple with the arm around me as I yawned. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. Tired, but that's it."

"Is that normal after being hypothermic?"

I shrugged. "I think so. Daddy said we might be."

"Mind if I stay here with you for a bit? You get some sleep and I'll just stay for a while?"

I nodded. "Thanks."


Joe was lying on Lois' bunk with her when I made it back to our room. I knew Lois had been tired and she must have fallen asleep with him there and he didn't want to wake her up.

How reminiscent of what happened the other day.

I started to say something to him, when the phone rang. I snagged it quickly, hoping that Lois wouldn't wake up. "Hello?" I said quietly.

"Is Lois there?"

"She's sleeping, can I take a message?"

"This is her dad. Who's this?"

I sighed. He still didn't know we were roommates. I think he thought Lois and Lana were. "Hi, Sam. It's Clark."

"Hey, there. How're you feeling?"

"Much better, sir. Thank you."

"What did I tell you about calling me 'sir'?"

I laughed slightly. "Sorry. My parents ingrained that deep."

"Listen, I was looking for my daughter, but you'll work. What are you and Lana doing for Thanksgiving?"

"Um, staying here, I guess. We're not going home. We're saving to go to Europe over break instead."

"Ah. Lois mentioned that trip. She and Joe are both going."

"Joe's here, if you want to talk to him." I winced. Should I have said that?

"He's coming with Lois to the cabin for Thanksgiving. You and Lana are invited as well."

Wow. "Thanks, Sam. I'll talk to Lana and let Lois know."

"Okay. Now, you both need to rest up a bit still. Take it easy a bit longer, would you?"

"Yes, sir. Sorry. Yes, Sam."

He laughed. "That's better. Tell Lois to give me a call, would you?"

"Of course."

We hung up and I looked up at Joe who was looking at me as best he could without bothering Lois. "She's supposed to call her dad?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah. He asked me and Lana if we wanted to join you guys for Thanksgiving."

"Ah. Cabin's nice, isn't it?"

I nodded. "That's the understatement of the year."

"Well, it's nothing compared to their house, but it's great."

"I haven't been over to her house yet."

"You'll be impressed."

"I'm sure I will." I started back towards the common room, before turning back to him. "Listen, I know Lois and I have a 'no other half spending the night' rule, but if you don't want to bother her, it's fine with me."

I didn't look at him as I said it, but left to find Lana.

She was still sitting on the couch, staring into space.


She looked up. "I thought you were going to bed."

"I'm getting ready to. I just talked to Sam. He asked if we wanted to go to the cabin with him and Lois and Joe for Thanksgiving."

She shrugged. "Do you want to?"

"The dorms are closed. We have to go somewhere."

"That's fine then. I guess. I know Linda's going to New York with her family so that's not an option."

"And since we're going to Europe..."


"He also said Lois and Joe are going on that trip, too."


I held out a hand and she grasped it. I tugged her to me and wrapped my arms around her. "I love you."

"I love you, too."


Something didn't feel quite right when I woke up.

Not *bad*, but not *right*.

I tried to roll over, but couldn't.

I opened one eye and saw Joe lying there, sleeping next to me.

I leaned up to see the clock and groaned. At least it was Sunday and there was no class. If it had been a school day, I would have missed a couple classes already. I looked towards the window and noticed a dark sheet draped over the curtains to keep the light out.

Joe yawned and opened his eyes to look at me.

"You've been trying to get me to sleep with you for years," I whispered with a smile.

He put an arm around me. "I succeeded. You even asked me to stay."

"Not all night," I reminded him.

"Clark said it wouldn't bother him if I did last night." He shrugged with one arm. "I fell asleep and didn't worry about it."

"Did you put that sheet up?"

"No, Clark did that when he went to bed."


"Your dad called to check on you. He also invited them to Thanksgiving with us."

I groaned. "Great."

"It'll be okay."

"I know. Just promise you'll come even if your parents get back early."

"Not a problem." He leaned over and kissed me gently. "You're going to have a hard time getting rid of me." He kissed me again.

He wanted more. I could tell. I could always tell when his kisses changed.

I rested my hand on his chest and pressed lightly. "No, Joe," I whispered.

"Can't blame a guy for trying?"

"Joe," I said, a warning in my voice.

"I know." He pulled me closer until I rested on his chest again. "You sure you don't want to give us a real shot again?"

I shook my head. "That's not us. You're my best friend. Always have been. Always will be."

"I know." He kissed my forehead. "I love you, you know."

"I know. I love you, too." And I did. Just not like that.

"So, what do you want to do the most while we're in Europe?"

I shrugged. "Find a big story and write it? Get a Pulitzer for it."

He laughed. "Only you would think that."

"Not like I'll have any leads or anything."

"Well, I've never been to Europe and I know you've been to Paris, Rome and London all before, so you'll have to make sure we do the good stuff and not just the tour-y stuff."

"Yeah. Daddy and I have gone several times to all three places. Bet we fly in a lot more comfort though."

"We'll make sure we get seats together and not in the middle." He shuddered lightly. "We need a side seat."

"Yep. I'll even let you sit by the window."


"So what's gonna be our biggest thing in Paris?"

"Well, the night we can eat wherever we want, I'll take you to my favorite restaurant."

"Is it one of those sidewalk cafés or what?"

"It was Mom and Daddy's favorite place to eat. It's where he proposed when they were there on a school trip."

"Ah, so nice and romantic?"

"Yep. Just promise me you won't propose to me there."

"I promise. At least not this trip."

I laughed. "Deal."

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