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Posted By: Lieta FDK: A Triangle with Three Sides (24/55ish) - 10/02/08 08:55 PM
Poor Lois =( such heartstring-tugging flashbacks.....

On the other hand, the visit to Smallville was adorable. I was wondering when some more differences from the fact that Supes lives with Clark might pop up ^.^

Also gotta love Supes in civies (I was wondering if he ever got relief from wearing the tights...) and noticing more differences in the timelines =D
What a flashback. Isn't Ellen a great and supportive mother to her kids? Was this Chad, or will we see him again?

And I'm still wondering why Superman tried to be Clark here. huh

Looking forward to part 25, Michael
Thanks, Lieta and Michael!

Yes, Ellen is a great mom, isn't she? I have to say, I struggled a lot with how to write her. I kind of wanted her to be awful, but believably awful if that makes sense.

Superman does get relief from the tights, Lieta. I guess I haven't said so here, but in my head, when he's at home, he's not wearing the suit. There is a reference in a later chapter to this, although it's vague - Lois comes over and Superman spins into his suit before he answers the door. (Incidentally, as time goes on and Lois' feelings for him grow, you'll see more and more visits. Plus, since her feelings for Clark are also growing, so she'll stop over for that as well.)

Hmm... Michael, sorry this wasn't clear. Superman has the impression from his wife that the kiss he shared with her (as Clark) during the heatwave was important in the development of their relationship. (He has this impression as Lois' told him so and in his case, it was true.) He worries that in this universe since he can leave Metropolis without Clark, there will be a part of the progression of their relationship that's missing. So, he was planning to pretend to be Clark and go and kiss Lois goodbye so she would realize how important Clark is to her (as his wife did). Of course, that plan is now dead since Martha made it clear that someone close to them (like Lois) would be able to tell the difference between them.
Thanks for the clarifications =) I also liked that you reminded us that Superman and Clark LOOK different besides just being two people because of the age gap. We're so used to the only difference being glasses and a hairstyle from the series. Forgot to put that in the first post ~.^
First it was a delightful part. The visit to Smallville was great.

The Lois flashback was wonderful.

OK now comes the rant, feel free to stop reading.

“Thanks, Clark,” Superman said quietly. It felt nice to go through this with someone who really got what this felt like this time around.
What? I find this line jarring. The first time around Visiting was Clark & Superman, he was full of doubts, deep terrible self doubt.

But we didn't see your Clark going thought these doubts.
Clark shook his head, trying to clear it of all the confusing thoughts.
Your Clark is confused. Later you wrote "feeling discouraged". But he is not ripped by self doubt because he is not Superman and anyways he knows the problem was over come or Visiting would not still be functioning as Superman.

As for your Visiting Superman, he is clearly upset BUT this time he has no reason for doubt or soul searching because he already knows he is not causing the heatwave!!!!!!

This puts him in a completely different place emotionally!!

The very first time I had a patient in my care die I was in deep emotional pain. Even after the ME and my medical director and the department head and my DNS all assured me that I had done everything I could and I had sat through the M&M review I still felt bad about it, for no valid reason, for months.

If I was transported by time to 1979 and had to relive those same events today I would still feel bad about the death but I wouldn't be eaten alive by self doubt.

So I can not see how Visiting could be feeling anything like he was the first time.

So neither Clark nor Visiting are feeling what Visiting was feeling the first time.

If anything your Clark is denied a growth experience. However your Clark already has so much self doubt that he doesn't really need any more.

So back to the point I find it jarring because they are NOT IN THE SAME EMOTIONAL SPACE.
Lieta - Yes, the differences are not meant to be obvious, but it is more than a pair of glasses and slicked back hair.

Patrick - Maybe this wasn't clear, but I wasn't thinking that Superman or Clark were feeling exactly the way Superman did the first time around. They were both feeling pretty awful though.

Clark is trying to work out what's going on - is Superman responsible and if so, what does he do to compensate for this (and what will he need to do when he's finally ready to take over)?

Superman knows he's not at fault, so like you said, he doesn't feel at all guilty. But, this is still not an easy thing to live through. Metropolis turns on him on a dime when they find out he may be causing the heatwave. After spending months devoting himself to making things better there, that's hard to deal with even if he knows it's coming.

Hope that clarifies things a bit, even if it doesn't "fix" things.
I always wanted some reaction from Clark in "Lethal Weapon"... after over 3 years in Metropolis, his powers started going wacko from Red K and they call in a sniper? And all he and Lois say on the matter is a least it stopped the Red K reaction? @o That had to be a blow... and the same reasoning applies here, Superman has done nothing but help... yet at the first hint of trouble the city turns on him, even though he knows what's really wrong it still has to hurt to see this example of human nature attacking the different and unknown.
Originally posted by anonpip:
So, he was planning to pretend to be Clark and go and kiss Lois goodbye so she would realize how important Clark is to her (as his wife did). Of course, that plan is now dead since Martha made it clear that someone close to them (like Lois) would be able to tell the difference between them.
Really. clap

Yes, yet another example of Superman not being the sharpest knife in the drawer...
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