Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: carolm FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/29/08 03:15 PM
FDK goes here smile .

Posting schedule for 12-17 [ET]:

Wednesday: Chapters 12 and 13, Either before 6pm or after 1030pm [since I won't be home in between, probably earlier rather than later.

Friday: Chapters 14 and 15, 5-6pm

Sunday: Chapters 16 and 17, 5-6pm

Posted By: Lieta Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/29/08 03:37 PM
I LOVE the last line of Chapter 10....

As for the rest.... shock so we have the drugging at the party vs the "shared dream" at the cabin... oiy The plot certainly has many direction to twist out... Waiting for Wednesday!
clap Something to wake up to.

Michael, who just realized why going to bed earlier than this would be a good idea (i.e. staying unaware about freshly posted Carol-fic)
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/29/08 04:35 PM
Super wow! Loved the last lines of both the parts. This was way way better than any TLC I was thinking of wink

Although there could be some complications... I too think this shared dream wasn't a dream at all... uhoh.

I like this Sam Lane... at least so far cool

So, what's next.. back to Metropolis. Oh my, Lana's going to go ballistic <evil grin>

thumbsup thumbsup
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/29/08 04:51 PM
Ditto, to the others, the last lines of each part have just killed!

You know, a Cosmo article jokingly made a headline that said, "Making out naked is the new talking." If this dream is a bit more than a dream, I wonder how much talking went on. wink

And hmm...Dr. Lane. I wonder what he's all about, and will Lois spill the beans that Clark is her roommate? And heh, will they even tell Lana what happened.

Great parts,
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/29/08 06:07 PM
I love them!
Posted By: AmyPrime Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/29/08 06:28 PM
Wow! What a fantastic pair of parts. I don't know where I expected the story to go when you started, but I somehow suspect that it wasn't here. smile
Posted By: sunrei Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/29/08 07:21 PM
Awww those were great chapters. It was excellent to finally have Lois and Clark interaction without Lana. But let me rewind...

A couple of parts ago, Lana expressed feeling threatened by Lois. I just wanted to say "Damn straight!" She should feel threatened, even if neither Clark nor Lois are aware. And then, Clark started feeling funny after they tush pushed, and bootin' scooted- I was thinking that it could have been Cupid... but it was actually K-nite. Oh well. Now, back to the present...

I love that Sam played 'Daddy to the rescue' here. His emotion was touching. Hopefully, whatever the issues are that exist between he and Lois will be worked out over the course of the story. I must admit, though, I'm afraid of "that woman."

What I'm not afraid of- but am incredibly curious about- is what *all* happened during their delusional makeout session. Did they do more than kiss? Please circle one below:
Yes No Maybe

Can't wait for Wednesday!
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/29/08 07:23 PM
Gotta love your cliffhangers!

Asleep again with Dr.Lane in the house. Oh such fun!

At this point I think Lois and Dr. Lane are going to ponder the circumstances and consult with Martha and Jonathan. Where Clark was sick at age 5 will turn out to be where his cousin found the green rock.

Sam Lane will explain to Clark that Clark is somehow reacting to the green rock!
hmmm... loving this...

Intriguing... cute... mysterious...

I wonder if their dream was more than just a dream and that's going to have consequences.

Having said that.... there is now the obvious line of confusion for if/when we find out Lois is 'expecting'. Did something happen at the party.. or did Clark *cough*... do something more while they were "sleeping"... love how you're making us have options to battle our minds with. wink

Clark is entirely too comfortable around Lois, and I think this change in their relationship is going to cause 'issues' with Lana.
Comfortable enough that he would tell her about his powers if he had to..... I think that's one up on Lana...

So I can't wait to see the next part... keep it coming *please!*
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/29/08 11:54 PM
Carol, I have two things to say. First, the chapters following the part where Lois was drugged (and raped?) have been absolutely delightful. Beautifully told, wonderfully paced, and fantastically portraying the slowly awakening young love between Lois and Clark.

That said.... ouch. Carol, I have to confess... I pretty much hate it when Lois has a child by another man. It's worse than that. I resent the poor kid. I want him or her to go away, to evaporate. Please accept that I feel that way because Lois and Clark are my favorite make-believe couple, and few things ruin them for me as the presence of Lois's kid by another man. (I don't know if this is going to sound even more offending than anything I've said before, but I particularly hope that Lois's kid by another man isn't going to be a girl, as if her girly cuteness is going to 'make up' for the fact that she isn't Clark's child.)

That said... Carol, you have set up this story perfectly. I can see the logic of it all. Of course Lois is going to be pregnant. Of course everybody is going to think that her child is Clark's child. And of course it isn't going to be Clark's child.

Or is it? Going to be Clark's child, I mean. It is possible. Lois and Clark did not knowingly have sex, but does that mean that they did not have sex? Think of the strange and vivid dreams of kissing each other that both of them remembered having in the morning. And when Lois was in the shower, she said that she hurt in places that she didn't even know existed - now that is suggestive to me.

Well! Whatever happens, this is a brilliantly told tale!

Posted By: melray1228 Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/30/08 04:45 AM
Ooh! Another intriguing update from Carol!

You've gotten me quickly hooked on another one of your stories. I can't wait for the next update. Is it Wednesday yet?

Seriously, I am very interested to see Lana's reaction to the whole trapped in the cabin episode. Hmmm, maybe she'll get so mad that she and Clark will have a HUGE fight and break up.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/30/08 06:33 AM
Hey guys smile .

Lieta - I loved the last line of both of these chapters too.

Michael - just don't check the boards right before you go to bed? wink

AnKS - hehe! You're supposed to like this Sam Lane. He really is a good guy. You really don't think it was a dream? /innocent eyes Would I do that?

JD - somehow, no matter what happened or didn't happen, I don't think they didn't do much talking! How much will Lana find out? RAFO! wink

Lisa - so glad!

Amy - I hadn't expected this either! Or any of a lot of other things that happened [especially what Clark did in what I [FINALLY!!!] managed to write last night].

Sonia - Ah - Cupid may have been there as well. /tries to figure out how to circle an answer and can't so just shrugs

Framework - interesting. Will they make the green rock connection? Enquiring minds want to know [why is it that I can't spell enquiring?]

Lisamaree - What on earth could Clark have done while they were 'sleeping'? /wide innocent eyes There *will* be issues with Lana but what those issues are... wink

Ann - I do understand what you're saying. Is that what's going to happen? Well, you'll have to RAFO [I love that wink ]. Is Lois going to be pregnant? If so, it's possible that you're right and they will think it's Clark's child and it's really not, but it's also possible that they don't think it's Clark's child [for whatever reason] and it is. As for the sore thing... someone caught that wink .

Mel - yay! Gotcha hooked!! Clark and Lana - huge fight? Dunno about that...

Nope, not Wed. yet. Did finally make some progress yesterday, thank goodness! I'd written about 400 words in a week, but I finally had a breakthrough [thanks Bethy or Queenie, whichever one it was that helped me over that hurdle - think it was a combination of the two actually, or maybe it was Alisha. Yes, it was Alisha. But the other two helped too wink ] and I got two chapters done, but am a bit unsure about the... catalyst in them. Will have to see what the betas say...

Thanks everyone!
Posted By: sunrei Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/30/08 12:06 PM
As for the sore thing... someone caught that.
Ack! I did see that, but I was trying not to read too much into it- seeing as it is my nature to read too much into... anyway, ack! But putting that side by side with
but it's also possible that they don't think it's Clark's child [for whatever reason] and it is...
And then adding the whole Toga Party Incident into the mix then we do indeed have some interesting speculation thrown in the pot. Yikes, I hope you don't keep us guessing for long (I don't mind if the characters are guessing, though wink ).

(who wonders if setting the clock ahead would actually work...)
*rubs hands*

*Hums let it snow, let it snow, let it snow*

So, Lois and Clark take a leisurely stroll through a white winter wonder world, happily holding hands and enjoying the closeness as the cold air reddens their cheeks. Finally, they reach their destination, a romantic getaway, where they soon build a nice fire and snuggle up to enjoy their peace and quiet before retiring to bed. There they engage in gaining carnal knowledge of each other and in the process create a Christmas miracle.

*tape buzzes*

Sorry, Carol, wrong tape. But what happened really? The hypothermia got to me and I can't really remember anything after Clark got hit by the little green rock and until Sam found them the next morning wink

As for the sore thing... someone caught that
Huh? I guess Lois isn't yet into martial arts, is she? Wait, you are talking about a sore back, shoulders, arms, and legs, right? That's at least what I'm telling myself. After all, Clark would never cause Lois soreness in other parts while lying there naked with Lois, where they were previously wrapped in blankets.

You're a good bad girl, Carol.

Michael smile

PS: Not checking the boards is hard when the last thing you do is writing your own replies to your FDK. No, I think, just going to bed earlier would work better.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/30/08 03:27 PM
Sonia - it's possible that there's nothing there or that there's something more going on wink . Will have to wait and see, but the implication is there. /looks at clock Nope. laugh

Michael - What happened? Ah, you'll have to wait and see. Or not. Whichever smile .

More tomorrow!
I figured that Clark and Lois would be viewed by others as having slept together, but I didn't anticipate that they actually would. Of course, maybe that's all they really did, just sleep. As Sam told Clark, severe hypothermia really drains your energy reserves.

At the end of the second chapter, though, I think Lois is wearing a sweatshirt and nothing else. Now that is an interpersonal disaster in the making. Remember, Clark has long arms, and if she scoots up and wraps her arms around his neck, then -

Wait, this is the PG folder, isn't it? Whew! Good. Then all we have to look forward to is, as Andy Griffith used to say in his old standup routines, "The curtain falls and time passes!"

Now, if the curtain does fall and that time passes as some FOLCs would have it pass, does that mean that Clark would feel honor-bound to tell Lana what happened? Yeesh! Let's have him make Lois feel fourteen times as bad about what did or didn't happen, okay? You've hinted that she's going to have a "situation" down the road anyway, so let's just bring in Joe and Lana and take sledgehammers to everybody's heart!

Cruel, you are. The next two chapters, you must post. (waves hand in circular motion near head) These aren't the WHAMs you're looking for. Move along; move along -
Carol loving this story! Can't wait for the next parts!
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 09/30/08 09:58 PM
Terry - why do I have this Yoda like sensation washing over me? /shakes it off /ponders... Lois isn't quite wearing just her dad's sweatshirt, what else she's wearing will come up in 12, though Clark may not realize it... /ponders more... I will tell you that they're not completely clothed the next morning. As for what Clark will tell anyone... that remains to be seen. I do promise that Clark will tell Lana that he slept with Lois [more than once] when not completely clothed. At some point anyway...

Tornado - so glad you're enjoying it!

12 and 13 tomorrow afternoon...

Posted By: In4Adventure Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 10/01/08 10:38 AM
Why does everybody always think that something happened? Come on, that was the other story, Learning to Love. I doubt that Carol would use the same plot in two following stories. At least I hope that is the case.

I don't want this Lois to a) have been raped, nor do I want her to have b) no recollection of sleeping with Clark (if they ever do end up doing more than just sleep <g>), nor do I want her to become pregnant if either a) or b) occured. College is tough enough without the added complications by an unwanted pregnancy.

Looking forward to the next part, hoping that I am somewhat right!

Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 10/01/08 11:55 AM
Sorry I haven't posted yet on this chapter, Carol.

Personally, I really hope they didn't do anything besides sleep.

I want Lois and Clark to get together, yes, but I want the time to be right. And the time isn't right here.

Even if you could make the arguement that their barriers were lower because of the cold, so they didn't know what they were doing, if Clark had done anything with Lois right now, he would be betraying Lana in the deepest way. Particularly since he intends to marry her.

Lana is going to be very upset that they sleep alone without clothes on together. But they have a legitimate excuse for that. They needed to keep warm so they wouldn't freeze. The rest, no matter how you look at it, is cheating. That's not the way I want Clark to break up with Lana.
Posted By: Sara K M Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 10/01/08 11:57 AM
Sorry I haven't posted yet on this chapter, Carol.

Personally, I really hope they didn't do anything besides sleep.

I want Lois and Clark to get together, yes, but I want the time to be right. And the time isn't right here.

Even if you could make the arguement that their barriers were lower because of the cold, so they didn't know what they were doing, if Clark had done anything with Lois right now, he would be betraying Lana in the deepest way. Particularly since he intends to marry her.

Lana is going to be very upset that they sleep alone without clothes on together. But they have a legitimate excuse for that. They needed to keep warm so they wouldn't freeze. The rest, no matter how you look at it, is cheating. That's not the way I want Clark to break up with Lana.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: On The Other Hand, 10 and 11/? - 10/01/08 02:44 PM
Thanks you two wink .

12 and 13 coming right up...

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