Lois & Clark Forums
This is the first chapter of a short story that I decided to write to pass the time. I've been busy lately, but I'm going to start writing fanfic regularly again, including finishing the story I already started posting months ago. For now, enjoy this fanfic. It's an alternate ending to the episode Neverending Battle.

Clark had actually done it! He had the Superman story that everyone in the newsroom, especially Lois, had been after for several days. He had to admit that seeing his name next to the headline “Superman’s Back: Disaster Averted” made him feel proud. Of course, since he was Superman, you might assume that Clark would have any and all Superman stories in the bag, but beating Lois to the Superman story had been a challenge for him. She was absolutely obsessed with Superman, so much so that she’d managed to steal the last Superman story from Clark. She’d also stolen several leads on the story from other reporters, but Clark had set up a little prank that would hopefully remind Lois of her ethics.

The thought of Lois taking the bait that he’d left for her made Clark fairly happy for a few reasons. Obviously, a little payback would be nice. However, Clark was more interested in the more important issue. Lois Lane needed to be brought down a peg because she wasn’t following her normal morals. Her obsession with Superman could potentially hurt her career if she wasn’t stopped and taught a lesson.

Sure, he’d had his second thoughts about the whole situation. Lois was his friend, and she’d even helped to reassure him why Superman was needed in Metropolis. Without Lois, Superman would not exist. In fact, that’s why Clark almost stopped Lois to warn her about his prank. She hadn’t listened to him, which was for the best. Clark had to keep in mind that the woman was out of control and in need of a major wake up call.

One concern that Clark had was that Lois might not forgive him after the prank. It was possible that she would be so mad that she would never speak to him again. Losing Lois’ friendship could be a major drawback to his scheme.

“Good work, Kent,” Perry said, interrupting Clark’s daydreaming.

“Thank you, sir. I was just in the right place at the right time,” Clark said modestly.

“That's what being a good reporter's all about. Keep it up.” He turned to Jimmy. “Where the hell’s my fish?”

“I’m working on it, Chief,” Jimmy said slowly as Perry began to walk towards his office. He then began to read from Clark’s article. “'Let there be no mistake. Metropolis is my home now. I'm here to stay.' That should make life pretty interesting.”

Clark’s jaw dropped as he looked past Jimmy. It was Lois, but she didn’t look the way he had expected her to look. Was it possible that she hadn’t fallen for his prank at all? She was completely clean!

“Lois--“ Clark said, trying to think of what he should say. “Did you take a shower today?” His words didn’t come out right, and he knew he was about to get some flack for his stupid comment.

“Excuse me?” Lois said, rolling her eyes. “What kind of question is that?”

“I’m sorry, Lois. It’s just that you look really--“ Clark thought a second before finishing his sentence. “--clean.”

“Are you saying I’m not usually clean, that I don’t usually take a shower or something?” Lois said. Everyone present could tell that she was offended, and her anger was definitely rising with each passing second.

“No,” Clark said slowly. “You didn’t happen to get a map, did you?”

“Map?” Lois said, quizzically. “What do you mean? Why would I have a map?”

“No reason,” Clark lied. Had she figured out it was a fake? Had she fallen for the prank and cleaned up to make it look as though she hadn’t been tricked? Clark scanned her for even a speck of dirt, but he couldn’t find anything. She also had absolutely no mosquito bites. Clark wondered if there was any chance that she’d made it out of the sewage facility without getting bitten. He remembered that the place had been swarming with mosquitoes when he had hidden the Godzilla doll.

“You were late to work today,” Clark said. “Was there any particular reason?”

“Gosh, do you think you’re my father or something? My alarm didn’t go off, and I woke up late. Any other random questions?”

Clark thought about what had happened for a while. Either Lois didn’t get the map, Lois didn’t fall for his trick, or she’d fallen for it and was too embarrassed to admit it. He just couldn’t figure out which one of these possibilities had happened. He was also a little concerned about the fact that if Lois didn’t get the map, then somebody else had it. Were they off on Lois’ wild goose chase?

“You’d better get to work on that Superman story, Clark. I’m feeling lucky today, so I might just land an interview with him if you don’t hurry up,” Lois teased, breaking the silence.

“Actually, Lois, CK already landed the story. Didn’t you hear the news?” Jimmy asked.

“What?!” Lois screamed as she bolted towards the nearest newspaper, snatching it out of somebody’s hands. For a few seconds, she stared down at the story, processing the fact that she’d been beaten. She was about to say something when she heard several gasps coming from behind her. She flung her head around and immediately smiled at the sight that she saw before her.

It was Cat Grant, but she was a mess! Cat was covered in filth, still wearing the same clothes from the day before, which were now somewhat torn in addition to being muddy. Her hair was also very untidy, sticking up all over the place. She limped forward as she scratched at several mosquito bites, and she was carrying a garbage bag.

“Look what the “cat” dragged in,” Lois joked, suddenly forgetting about the Superman story.

To Be Continued...
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