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Posted By: Framework4 fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (16/?) - 08/23/08 10:42 PM
Nice part. I really enjoy your flashbacks.

I am looking forward to seeing Lois turn Clark down and ask him to send Superman.

I'd love to see him tell her "I doubt his wife would like that" and fly away dressed as Clark.
Posted By: anonpip Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (16/?) - 08/24/08 04:42 PM
Thanks, Patrick.

The flashbacks are quickly becoming my favorite part to write, too.
Posted By: robinson Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (16/?) - 08/25/08 01:45 PM
Great part! I am looking forward to seeing where you take this next. I noticed Clark's reaction to Lex. Is it just jealousy this time since he did not have direct dealings with Lex as Superman
Posted By: anonpip Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (16/?) - 08/26/08 05:03 PM
Thanks, robinson!

Yes, Clark is just jealous of Lex. Not being Superman, while he's distrustful, of Lex he doesn't really know all that much about what Lex might have done illegally.
Posted By: Lieta Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (16/?) - 08/26/08 08:05 PM
Loved the part... can't wait to see how GGGoH plays out with separate personas =) Not to mention the PML/Nightfall kisses angel-devil

And another thought... how is the "heat wave" going to affect Clark assuming "Superman" goes into reenactment mode again as he did for the tests.......? <3 So many interesting little quirks to the plotline ^.^
Originally posted by Lieta:
Not to mention the PML/
Wow, I'd totally forgotten about PML.

At this point I kind of hope Vising Superman prevents Lois's exposure to it.

I really don't think he, from his past actions, will be willing to place himself in a position where he has to withstand Lois.

Knowing how he himself gave in the second morning, I don't think he'll trust this Clark to stand firm.

Of course it might be fun to see this Clark torpedo his chances with Lois by giving in!

It would make for a very fiery next few episodes.
Posted By: Lieta Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (16/?) - 08/26/08 10:05 PM
Very interesting points, hehe, though an argument could also be made that the knowledge of Lois' actions "under the influence" could fall under the category of necessary inter-play like the pep talk in Neverending Battle... not that the very loss of Clark's interactions with Lois as Superman doesn't alter their dynamic anyway. I want to see how Clark feels about Superman being accused of causing the 'heat wave' and how they deal with the amnesia since Superman if much wiser in the art of asteroid smashing than Clark would have been. This also all depends on how long Clark drags his heals about putting on the Suit or how long Superman can stand being there without pushing Clark more.

Short version:
I really am loving extrapolating on all the possibilities this premise allows and I can't wait to see where you go with it!
Posted By: anonpip Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (16/?) - 08/27/08 04:40 PM
Lieta and Patrick-

Thanks! It's funny to hear you thinking about the heat wave episode. That's the next one to be written and at first, I was thinking of skipping it (I couldn't remember anything all that important that would be interesting to write about), but I decided to watch it before giving up on it and as I watched it last night, I realized it is rife with possibilities for interesting dynamics.

I haven't figured out what I'm doing with it yet, but have some ideas and I looking forward to seeing where it takes me. I hope to start it tonight.

The next chapter is not really related to any episode (but hopefully contains some interesting stuff), but the GGGoH stuff is coming (and was so much fun to write!).
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