Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Framework4 fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (15/?) - 08/17/08 01:43 AM
Nice part. I enjoyed the way it blew up in their faces.

The PTSD bit should be interesting.

I hope Lois doesn't get Sam killed but if she is as angry as it appears I can't see her accepting Clark or Visiting's POV.
Posted By: anonpip Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (15/?) - 08/18/08 05:59 PM
Thanks, Patrick!
Posted By: carolm Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (15/?) - 08/18/08 06:20 PM
I totally meant to comment here when I read this the other day.

I *love* the changes you made the basketball stuff!!!

And I still love that whole part!

Carol [who was born in Excelsior Springs]
Posted By: anonpip Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (15/?) - 08/18/08 08:25 PM
Really, Carol. You were born in Excelsior Springs. I had no idea! wink
Posted By: Lieta Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (15/?) - 08/18/08 09:08 PM
I'm a recent addition as a lurker, but I wanted to say that I love the premise of this story and how its going. Thanks for getting me to break my silence ~.^
Posted By: anonpip Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (15/?) - 08/19/08 04:41 PM
Welcome, Lieta!

As a horrible lurker myself, I'm immensely flattered that my story broke your silence. Thanks!
Posted By: robinson Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (15/?) - 08/22/08 10:09 AM
Great part! I absolutely loved them playing basketball together and Martha's reaction. What fun.

It is interesting how this story is truly a triangle with 3 sides instead of the typical 2. It is so different when it is truly 3 people and not just 2 with Clark playing 2 people. It is a very interesting perspective that I had never given much thought to. It seems Lois has figured out a lot quicker that Superman is not a perfect man. Will she see the real Clark a lot sooner?

And why is Clark so scared about doing this for real? I guess we will learn more about his early attempt in a later chapter
Posted By: anonpip Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (15/?) - 08/23/08 05:10 PM
Thanks, robinson!

It's so great to know you are reading. I tend to forget that there are people reading who don't leave feedback (even though I'm guilty of doing the same all the time), so it's a real boost to my ego to hear from someone new.

I'm glad this is interesting. I really liked the concept of making this three people, but often struggle with how original it is. I try to stick to the scripts sometimes as I want to see how much needs to change, but then worry that I'm not writing anything all that interesting.

That's part of why I liked the basketball scene. Without a separate Clark and Superman, that just couldn't happen.

Thanks again for the encouragement!
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