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Posted By: Sue S. FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/13/08 03:41 PM
Oh, how I love hurt/comfort stories! While the thought of being that sick is unappealing, the image you painted of Clark taking care of Lois was tender and sweet. <long satisfied sigh>
Lois looked at him in awe. "You must have a cast iron stomach."

"I've always been pretty resistant to stomach bugs," Clark said.
That part made me laugh out loud. Clark Kent - master of the understatement. smile

Thanks for a WAFFy Christmas gift on a blazingly hot August day, Nan. It was very much appreciated. smile1
Posted By: Zoar3 Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/13/08 03:49 PM
Even Superman wouldn't have been as welcome, she thought, as Clark.
Aw that was very sweet, Nan.

Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/13/08 04:00 PM
Very nice, Nan!

Posted By: IolantheAlias Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/13/08 08:57 PM
It's never inappropriate to discuss proper food safety techniques!
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/13/08 10:11 PM
LOL Nan, ah that brought back some nasty memories! LOL. Laura
Posted By: bobbart Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/13/08 10:45 PM
What to say... This is a wonderful sweet short. There's nothing better than being taken care of when you are ill.

This story very nicely gave me my WAFFy fix for the day. twins

Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/14/08 04:47 AM
Lovely story, in a gut wrenching kind of way... wink

Reading your stories is like watching a video. You do such an excellent job of describing things.

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/14/08 09:53 AM
Now that explains a lot in regards to that Christmas dinner. Sweet and funny little vignette.

Michael smile
Salmonella's no fun. When I was in college I sang with a chorale group for four years, and we traveled a lot. One Sunday afternoon, we went about seventy miles west of our home base, sang at a church, and drove back. But while we were setting up our equipment, the ladies in the group (except for one) ate at the spread the church put out for us. That one young lady (call her Cindy) and all the guys ate when we finished our setup.

About 36 hours later, every one of the guys except Cindy's husband - and including Cindy - became violently ill. We'd eaten something that gave us all mild cases of food poisoning and we all called "Ralph" on the porcelain telephone for several hours.

So Lois, I sympathize with you. I have felt your pain, sore stomach muscles and burning throat and dizziness and blurred vision and all the rest. I tell you, the story made me sick!

But it was very a sweet tale, Nan. And it totally fits in with Lois's lack of kitchen skills. I wonder if Lois will remember this episode when she finally figures out The Secret?
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/14/08 06:35 PM
Nice little story. One minor thought - wouldn't "It Happened One Christmas" or "...At Christmas" be a slightly better title? I don't know about the USA, but in Britain we'd say "At Christmas" or possibly "On Christmas Day" but not just "on Christmas"
I liked the simplicity of this story Nan.

It was sweet to see the hints Lois needs to put 2 and 2 together.. but being sick, she can't process the clues in front of her.

Your stories are always so well written.. the compassion from Clark... the not being able to see past the next toilet visit for Lois... I enjoyed it.

This story makes me weary of ever trying a turkey christmas dinner though... having never had one (it's always been summer at christmas for me.. so pool, bbq, seafood... no turkey), and now reading this... Undercooked turkey isn't that common is it??
Posted By: Jenni Debb Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/15/08 01:46 AM
Hi Nan,

Never thought I would enjoy a story about salmonella, but this was very sweet. smile

Poor Lois, and Clark as always so understanding and caring. You write so well, Nan.

Yours Jenn
Posted By: EditorJax Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/15/08 02:11 AM
This was really cute, Nan! I, too, addressed Lois' luck with cooking in my Thanksgiving story last year, but this is so much more true to form!

It's just so Lois to almost kill herself with undercooked turkey -- and I love that Clark was fine.

And I somehow was listening to some Christmas music on my Zune today, so this was a nice treat. I am all about Christmas in summer! wink
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/15/08 10:32 PM
Thanks everyone for the very nice feedback. That discussion on the boards last week just wouldn't go away until I wrote something about it.

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: It Happened On Christmas - 08/20/08 09:12 PM
Cute story, Nan. If worshiping at the porcelain throne can ever be called cute!
Marcus - I didn't notice the title at all until you said something about it. "Day" is understood. It's just one of those common language differences. Like every time I read "go to hospital" I keep wanting to say "go to the hospital" in stories written by our UK friends.
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