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Posted By: cp33 FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/06/08 07:50 PM
Carol I love this story. I hope more is coming soon.
Posted By: anonpip Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/06/08 08:21 PM
This was very cute. I particularly loved Lois speculating about how things would go if they didn't run off to get married.
Posted By: Beth S. Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/06/08 10:23 PM
This was great, Carol. I loved to see this story continue, especially with the "let's get married" thing. And it was great to see that news article worked in as well.
Posted By: BJ Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/07/08 08:58 AM
I enjoyed both vignettes (sorry I didn't post fdk on 'The Assignment'). Cute dialogue - I love to see teasing Clark.

Oh, and Lois's recitation of the bizarre things that would happen to them if they waited was hilarious.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/07/08 10:17 AM
He'd dropped her off, she'd packed and when he hadn't returned, she'd turned the news on and saw that he was rescuing 26 cheerleaders stuck in an elevator at Met U. She'd rolled her eyes. He was probably going to be taking pictures with the distraught victims for hours. Save the cheerleaders, save the world.
Yeah, I saw that in the paper - but they missed Superman's appearance somehow! rotflol

She stood and started pacing. "Here's how the next few months would work out. I'd get over being mad about the clothes thing. You'd ask me on a date. We'd go out and have a fabulous time. I'd slam the door in your face because I was scared. We'd get interrupted by some dumb blond who wanted you but hated Superman and I'd be jealous and you'd think that I didn't really want to be with you and then we'd manage to have one absolutely perfect, fabulous kiss that would be interrupted by some emergency or other - maybe even said blond blowing up or something. You'd be distraught because you couldn't save whoever it was because you were too busy kissing me and brush me off while guilt-ridden."

She took a deep breath. "I'd go out with another guy to make you jealous, which might actually work well enough that you'd decide that you couldn't take it any longer and move. But you wouldn't. You'd propose. I'd say no because I needed more time to get to know you for the real you. You'd get mad. We'd dance around the issue for a while. Something would happen and we'd end up engaged. Every homicidal, Kryptomaniacal maniac would try to stop the wedding. Heck, Lex might even reemerge with a clone of me to substitute at our – overly extravagant, thanks to my mother – wedding and we'd have several more months of insanity before everything's back to normal."

She turned to look at him. "And then just as we're starting to plan another wedding, some other maniac will show up and with our luck, your Kryptonian birth wife will suddenly claim you and you'll disappear into the cosmos. And maybe, if the other Kryptonians don't take over the earth, we'll finally manage to get married, but not until Clark Kent has gotten shot – in full view of everyone – by resurrected gangsters."
rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol

That was a riot of a fic, Carol!

Posted By: In4Adventure Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/07/08 10:37 AM
Great stuff! dance
I did not see that coming! laugh Reminds me a bit of Kathy Brown's Now Hold On A Minute story. That's one of my all time favorites. And this one is a close second when it comes to hilarity!

Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/07/08 12:21 PM
clap laugh rotflol
I did so not see that actually getting married thing coming. And Lois being mad about the clothes and not Superman.

So, part 3 will be soon? grovel


PS: And just what is that honeymooner-bad-guy-A-plot?
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/07/08 02:00 PM
Loved this, it was quick and to the point. Very good. Laura clap
Posted By: Keri Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/07/08 03:49 PM
Fun! I liked it. thumbsup
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/08/08 07:45 AM
Save the cheerleaders, save the world.
loved it!
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/08/08 01:17 PM
I have contemplated a part 3.

I have absolutely no clue what the honeymooner bad guy A plot is. Seriously. Not a freaking clue or why the same group would be operating in Hawaii and wherever it was they were in the last one.

Thanks so much for the fdk smile . If I wasn't brain dead right now, I might go for it, but you know how it is sleeping in a hospital. And with a 1yo... Every time he finally dozed off someone wanted to poke him for something. Seriously. Why do they do bloodwork at 5am? Okay - I know so the docs can get the results at an early hour but really...

Anyway... thanks so much and it's possible that another assignment may come along, but don't hold your breath...


Posted By: oneredneckgoddess Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/08/08 03:02 PM
That was freaking awesome! I loved it! Especially her rant on every disaster those two faced in the way to the alter.

So... what are they investigating exactly?
Posted By: Alisha Knight Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 08/10/08 11:13 AM
That was great, I loved it. Please write a third one! I *will* nag... or I'll with-hold fic... devil
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 10/12/08 07:47 PM
Oh My Goodness!!!

The section where Lois 'predicts' the course of the next year is HILARIOUS!!!

James, who hopes you did a third part.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Imcomplete Assignment - 10/12/08 07:55 PM

There's also:
Assignment: Hawaii
Mandatory Assignment
Optional Assignment
Graded Assignment

Those have all been sent to Labby but I haven't heard from my GE yet - need to ask her about that...

I have about 8-9 other titles and it's on my to do list for this week smile .

I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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