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Posted By: Framework4 fdk:A Triangle with Three Sides (13/?) - 08/03/08 08:19 PM

Delighted to see you back.

I'm even more delighted to see Clark beginning to get question things.

I am also pleased that you are playing the visiting Superman as a hypocrite. And knowing he is being one.

Superman tried to ignore the fact that his visit to Lois yesterday did not exactly fit into the original timeline. He just assumed that if he went too far off track, Herb would show up.
It does not seem to occur to Visiting that the timeline is already different, it was different in the first place which is after all why he claims he is helping out.

I do feel sorry for Visiting, when it hits him that he was not there to help preserve a "TRUE" timeline he is going to feel very badly about those deaths.

“So, while you pretend to work that out again, people have to die here?” Clark asked, anger seeping into his voice.....he was getting increasingly frustrated with Superman for hiding out. Superman clearly did not have a problem being Superman, so what was he doing? Did he really have to repeat everything that he had done in his timeline? Things here were not exactly the same – if they were Clark Kent would be Superman.
Wonderful. At some point everything is going to blow up in Herb's and Visiting's faces and I am looking forward to it.

I'm split in which way I hope you take the relationship with Lois. In one way I'm hoping she ends up so attached to Visiting that she doesn't have anything left for Clark.

It would be great to have Herb return to complain that the biggest change to the timeline is that lack of a relationship between Lois and Clark.

On the other it would be nice to see Lois choose Clark over Visiting.

I am looking forward to the arrival of the Clone. I don't think this Clark and Lois will deal with it very well.

With the confusion caused by having both an older Visiting Superman, and a younger Superman adding a clone is sure to raise hackles with Lois if Clark does try to be active as Superman.
Posted By: anonpip Re: fdk:A Triangle with Three Sides (13/?) - 08/06/08 05:54 PM
Thanks, Framework4!

I suppose I should start by apologizing for taking so long to post the last part. I meant to mention this when I posted, but that would have just delayed posting longer. I don't really know what I've been doing since I got back from Asia, but I've been mostly semi-comatose. Add a few very sick friends into the mix and I haven't had the time or mental capacity to post. Thanks for being understanding!

I do want to point out yet again that I don't mean the visiting Clark to be a bad guy. He's flawed, but he means well. That said, he is going to screw up a lot and because he's basically a good guy, you'll see him realizing it a lot. (And feeling badly about it, only to go on and screw up some more.)

I think the clone is quite a bit ahead of where I am now, and so I haven't thought yet about how I'm going to deal with it, but you are right. It definitely poses some interesting possibilities.

I had hoped to increase my posting frequency when I got home, but I wrote almost nothing the whole time I was away and have been too tired to write much of anything since I got back. So basically, I don't have enough written to post more right now. But hopefully the writing bug will hit again and I'll get back on track.
Originally posted by anonpip:
I do want to point out yet again that I don't mean the visiting Clark to be a bad guy.
Understood. He has good intentions but as the famous quote goes "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

I feel the need to explain my calling Visiting a hypocrite.

Dictionary.com defines
hyp·o·crite [hip-uh-krit]–noun

1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
I was using in the sense of #2 Visiting publicly is supporting the "timeline" even as privately he is altering it by paying extra attention to Lois.

He is going far beyond what he did in his own timeline yet he knows how much trouble this caused him. He is in a state of denial.

In fairness you have made it clear that this is weakness not wickedness, he needs his "Lois Lane" fix and rationalizes it as no big deal.

Originally posted by anonpip:
But hopefully the writing bug will hit again and I'll get back on track.
Take your time. Most of us on the boards will cry out for frequent posts but really we'd rather quality even if it takes longer.

BTW I do like the way you've been using flashbacks to show up the differences in the two Clarks.
Posted By: anonpip Re: fdk:A Triangle with Three Sides (13/?) - 08/07/08 07:28 PM
Yes, I think his "Lois fix" is a good way to word it. I think you'll see that ebb and flow throughout the story - there will be parts where he clearly makes an effort to keep his distance and then others where that doesn't work for one reason or another.

Thanks for being understanding about posting frequency. I did manage to get another chapter off to my betas tonight, so I'm going to go back to the once a week posting for now (look for the next chapter sometime this weekend). We'll see how that goes.
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