Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: MLT FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 34 - 07/22/08 10:06 PM
Why do we call them 'Parts' when we post? Why aren't they called Chapter 37 in the story title line? Do we have something inherent against chapters? Or does tradition somehow dictate that if it's in a book, it's called a 'chapter' but if it's online, it's called a part? And why is it that no one ever lets me in on the rules?

Oh, the questions. The questions. <sigh>

Maybe I'll be a rebel and next time, instead of posting 'Part 35', I'll post 'Chapter 35.' Would that confuse everyone? laugh

ML wave
First. A lot of us will put 45/52? [as in my latest post] indicating that this is part/chapter/whatever 45 of 52 [or so the author thinks at the moment]. Personally, I think it depends on the fic etc. Learning to Love is in Chapters [and it says so in the post and will on the archive] but it's by far the longest thing I've ever written [currently coming in at #3 ever as is I think]. So just the number is fine like "There's No Place Like Home, 34/X" where X is the total number of chapters. I think part of it depends on how long the thing is and how it will be on the archive.

Second. Michael is no longer allowed to declare me the queen of evil cliffhangers. Ever. [Though I will admit that it's quite nice to be in such exalted company as ML wink ].

Third. Just send the whole thing to my inbox and I'll help you decide whether it should say chapters or not.

Fourth. You are beyond truly evil. You let us hope they'll get together even if it's in secret. Well, first you let us think Lois' new digs might be because of her powers but then they disappear. *Then* you let us think they'll get together and then she gets shot at by a missile. And of course he saves her. I don't think he's going to be able to persuade her of the truth. Maybe if he tells her the whole story as he knows it - baby in a spaceship an all - giving her the power to destroy him or something.

So. Every day. Repeat after me. *Every* day.

Or, you could just avoid the whole confusion of chapters or parts and post the whole thing as one big chunk. I wouldn't mind.
Yeah - what Beth said.

Or my inbox.


I stayed up past bedtime just to read this. Addicted, much? Absolutely.

I second (or third, or whatever) the notion that you should just post the whole remainder of this in one big lump. laugh
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 34 - 07/22/08 11:08 PM
What are you people still doing up? You should all be in bed by now. laugh

ML wave
ML, I so enjoyed this part/chapter/way too short piece of fic.

Of course, I could strangle Clark for keeping shut before kissing her. He should have told her after the love thingy, the mutton-headed dolt.

And now that the bad stuff is over, all is goodie B-plot. Unless, ...

/me runs screaming. Lois will still get amnesia and then Deter Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

Then there is New Krypton for a little while.

And I´m sure ML reads the FDK to plant cues and misdirections into her story on the last minute, when ever they fit laugh

Carol, ML can´t be the Queen of Evil (cliffhangers) as long as she leaves me grinning like the Cheshire Cat at the end of a part. So that makes ML the Queen of Good (cliffhangers). But you, Carol may be now known as Empress of Evil (cliffhangers) smile Better?

Oh, ML, if you do the ARGH you might get to be QoE again, too smile

Oh way to mess that one up Clark!

I am absolutely loving this story!!!! Now they're admitting their love for each other but those damn super powers got in the way...grrr...

As for the part/chapter stuff...WHO CARES!! just keep posting!!!!
Wow! Absolutely loving this!

Loved the passing of the notes and...ummm...yeh basically loved the whole chapter/part from start to finish.

I also agree with what Beth said!

Little T
Originally posted by Beth S.:
Or, you could just avoid the whole confusion of chapters or parts and post the whole thing as one big chunk. I wouldn't mind.
No, please don't listen to the other addicts, ML. Every other day is fine. Or daily. I could do daily. But no more than that or I might (read: will) end up reading this every free minute I have and some I don't. help

Posted By: sjp Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 34 - 07/23/08 11:17 AM
Take no notice!! Post the entire thing in full, then we can all get over our addictions and get into rehab!
If not, then I vote for a part/chapter/"fix" every day! dizzy
Wow! Ending two consecutive parts on the same cliffhanger or rather the same words "you can fly"... smile1 smile

By the way, have you decided yet to finish posting the Chapters smile before you go on vacation or...?

Posted By: cp33 Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 34 - 07/23/08 11:14 PM
Bye bye Dan! They love each other and know she knows he can fly so all this progress is for naught!

You are evil!
Chapters, parts, stone tablets, hey I'm not picky. Just as long as there's more. :p

who would totally love to break a story into Charmin Square 1/? if she ever wrote a multi-parter
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 34 - 07/24/08 06:00 AM
So. Every day. Repeat after me. *Every* day.
Every OTHER day. Oh, darn. That wasn't what I was supposed to say, was it? Let me try again. Every OTHER day. Darn! Just don't seem to be able to get that right. thumbsup

Oh way to mess that one up Clark!
You sound a lot like Lois at the beginning of the next chapter - only she's a bit more... demonstrative in her comments laugh

No, please don't listen to the other addicts, ML. Every other day is fine. Or daily. I could do daily.
Not you, too! I've been justifying not posting every day because you told me it was okay! You can't turn on me now! laugh

Have pity on me, I'm in a completely different time zone and end up reading each new part via the internet on my mobile when I'm at work. My phone bill will be HUGE
Oh, dear. Now I'm feeling bad. Maybe I shouldn't post at midnight tonight. In fact, maybe I shouldn't post again until we sort out when it would be a good time for me to post. I don't want you to have a huge phone bill laugh

Wow! Ending two consecutive parts on the same cliffhanger or rather the same words "you can fly"...
Hey, I hadn't noticed that. But you're right. That is kinda cool, isn't it? thumbsup

By the way, have you decided yet to finish posting the Chapters before you go on vacation or...?
I guess we'll just have to play it by ear. wave
Posted By: sjp Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 34 - 07/24/08 10:10 AM
Originally posted by MLT:
Oh, dear. Now I'm feeling bad. Maybe I shouldn't post at midnight tonight. In fact, maybe I shouldn't post again until we sort out when it would be a good time for me to post. I don't want you to have a huge phone bill laugh
Wait wait wait! Lets not be too hasty here, after all, I do live in Britain so I'm used to paying over the odds for things. It's only money after all! Plus I do have half an hour to kill every morning, don't go delayng posting on my behalf. Still...one new part every day would certainly help smile1
Originally posted by MLT:
No, please don't listen to the other addicts, ML. Every other day is fine. Or daily. I could do daily.
Not you, too! I've been justifying not posting every day because you told me it was okay! You can't turn on me now! laugh
Did I ever mention every other day was perfect. Hm... I guess so blush So how about you do dailies once Carol has finished her fic and we don't get a new big-fic every day?


PS: Don't take the things a fic-junky says seriously. Mostly it's just the wacked-out mind talking and not common sense. Because common sense would say once a week is great. But since this is LnC and we have to sometimes suspend common sense laugh
Posted By: MLT Re: FDK - There's No Place Like Home - Part 34 - 07/24/08 09:18 PM
Will post 'Chapter 35' in 44 minutes.

ML wave
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