Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Framework4 fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (10/?) - 06/26/08 11:58 PM
Interesting. It seems you are having Clark begin to overcome his feeling towards the other Clark.

And Lois is being sucked in, and about the steal Clark's story. Nice background on the Claude affair.

I really hope Clark gives in and begins helping in secret again. And yes I'd like to see him set up his own separate superhero costume and persona.

But at the rate he is going he is missing out on valuable experience.

Are you planning on having Clark deal with Nightfall while the other is still standing on the ground getting ready?

Perhaps the "other" is going to prevent the release of the pheromone?

Just wondering? Hopefully the "other" will keep his distance and thus this Lois won't be getting encouragement from this Superman?

Maybe Linda King could arrive and the "other" could spend a great deal of time muddying the waters by give her special treatment?
Posted By: anonpip Re: fdk: A Triangle with Three Sides (10/?) - 07/10/08 12:49 AM
Thanks for the comments, Framework4.

Sorry it took so long to respond, but I was offline for vacation until Monday and since then internet access has been very poor.

Yes, Clark and Superman are starting to forge a relationship, although given the issues with Superman and Lois, I think it will take awhile for them to really get along. Living together should help, though.

Thanks for the comment on the Claude affair. I'm not sure why, but that scene has been one of my favorites to write. It was fun trying to imagine Lois' thoughts before he steals her story. I think I embellished the way I picture it actually happening on LnC (I have to admit, I always sort of imagine Lois falling directly into bed with Claude as she's so smitten), but the Lois in this story is a bit harder than that Lois and I think part of that is that she's experienced similar things, but been burned even more.

I haven't gotten far enough yet to write about Nightfall, although I have toyed with the idea of having this Clark go deal with that. I'm not sure where it will end up, but I have actually written part of it (it's a long way ahead, just a bit of it came to me and demanded to be written), and right now, Superman is going to cover it. But I have also written part of another episode where Clark does take over without quite meaning to. And there's some stuff already finished that has Clark doing some super-stuff, although nothing big enough for them to have based an episode on in the show. So, this Clark won't be sitting idle watching Superman do all the work.

Lastly, although I still haven't worked out the details enough to write it yet, I have a flashback planned that will better explain why this Clark isn't more eager to take over. I'm hoping to write it soon, although whether I'll insert into a chapter already written or the next one to write (which is Chapter 16), will depend partly on how it ends up. I still haven't worked out the details, and right now am thinking it may need to be more than one flashback, to fully understand it. If that's the case, I'll insert some of the early flashbacks into an earlier chapter and you'll soon get a better sense of Clark.

Hopefully, it will make him seem less wimpy.

I'll be posting the next part as soon as I can. I haven't had a chance to work on this at all, and so the next chapter needs a final read-through before I post and I've been swamped at work (as always happens post-vacation). I hope to post soon, but I'm off to China tonight and last time I was in China I could not get onto the boards. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for success this time, though.
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