Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mariadferdez. FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 04/30/03 06:51 PM

Great parts. clap

I was just asking for this stories. wink

~You're almost there... You're drifting... I want you to find yourself in a calm, quiet place. Hearing only the sound of my voice. That's good. Now listen very carefully. The idea that you're married to Clark is ludicrous to you. Forget all of the things you used to love – Clark, the Planet – it's time to move on.~

What was he doing?! Deter was brainwashing Lois!!
confused Why Lois don't remember she is being brainwash.

Clark flew down to a nearby deserted area, changing clothes as he rushed to the hospital, all the time keeping his hearing attuned to what went on in that office.
confused Why did Superman went directly and interrupt the session?

Deter sighed. "It says that Clark is legally your next of kin and that he has the power to make decisions regarding your care until the hearing next week." He patted her hand gently. "You have to go with him now, Lois. I have a meeting with a patient that I can't get out of. But we'll find a way to fight this if that's what you want. Only *you* should be allowed to make decisions about your care, but I can't break the law, any more than Superman can."
eek Clark only have one week to start helping Lois and have another Dr. for Lois.

More soon, please.

MAF blush
Posted By: meclone2 Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 04/30/03 07:14 PM
It's potentially turning very ugly, but I'm assuming this story isn't going to have a Tank ending.

Lois is not going to listen to Clark at all. She's stubborn. smile When she decided she wnated Clark, she fought back his breaking up with her "for her own good" with every weapon at her disposal. Now that she has decided she wants Deter...... :p

I predict fireworks in the week, with nothing good accomplished. frown

Enter that machine made by Bad-brain Johnson's brother quickly!

Posted By: Melisma Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 04/30/03 07:14 PM
wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy

Melisma (impatient under her Rock)

Posted By: KathyM Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 04/30/03 07:25 PM
Umm, Carol, I am a little confused here. I remember that when you originally posted the first part on the boards before they crashed, you said that you were trying to "fix the argh a bit".

Is this fixing it? eek Even Deter fans (assuming there are any) can't be happy right now with a restraining order against him; Lois is still in love with Deter (just as she was on the show) and now she actively loathes Clark for his interference. How is this better? confused

But I am sure that things are going to improve, so I'll wait...patiently...well, not so very patiently grumble

Posted By: Trenna Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 04/30/03 07:34 PM
evil Carol...

The only thing fixed is Clark's behavior. At least he's DOING something, but at the same time he's pushed Lois more into Deter's arms, so to speak.

Come on, Clark...Take her home...make her kiss you! That'll do it laugh
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 04/30/03 08:00 PM
Well I for one am glad that Clark grew a spine!You go Clark! More soon smile1
Posted By: kipp Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 04/30/03 08:21 PM
wow! that scum-bag of a doctor has gotten my blood pressure to sky rocket!

You can do it, Clark...bring her back to you.

I literally pumped my fist in the air at the end when Deter got his restraining order. Oh, I hope Lois comes to her senses soon!

Keep it coming...it's a great story!
Posted By: HatMan Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 04/30/03 09:50 PM
very interesting, carol. glad to see clark showing some spine. i just wish it'd stop backfiring on him. hopefully things will smooth out. right?

love the bit about missy's. nice touch. smile

nice touch with the restraining order, but i do find it a bit surprising.. he was just thinking he'd give deter one last chance. he'd just found out that the guy had been brainwashing her. how and why did he get a restraining order that fast? would have made more sense to me if it had been delivered the next day. just a thought.

anyway, looking forward to part 3. post again soon. smile

Posted By: Hazel Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 04/30/03 11:06 PM
Great twist on the argh arc, with Clark taking command. goofy

Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 05/01/03 03:52 AM

WOW! An excellent part! thumbsup

I'm glad that Clark is showing a little more backbone and being more assertive. clap
But poor Lois being blinded by that creep Deter. dizzy

I can't wait to see what happens next.
Please post more soon.

Tricia cool
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 05/01/03 04:28 AM
Yeah, what they said smile I love that Clark's actually able to take action, even if it does all seem to backfire wink And I have to wonder what Clark told the judge, in order to get that restraining order <eg> but I'm delighted he's got it. Sure, it'll upset Lois, but she's a smart woman, and once away from Deter she'll do better. I hope she decides to investigate this whole marriage thing. Perry has pictures! <g>

And you'd better finish this quickly, Carol, I'm having fic twinges and ideas for a rewrite of my own... but I'll go lie down and I'm sure they'll go away smile

Posted By: Melisma Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 05/01/03 07:10 AM

wildguy wildguy wildguy


Very good. I almost didn't read this because I don't like the argh. Stupid Alicia, note to self - always read everything. Anyway, I loved to see Clark telling Deter off, but it was so painful to watch Lois turn to Deter instead of Clark! The restraining order was a great idea! Go Clark!

- Alicia smile1
Posted By: Bethy Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 05/01/03 09:34 AM
Woo hoo!!!!!!!! Clark is gonna fight for her! Go Clark!!!! I love this premise, Carol.

The clone letter was so sweet -- "She had been annoying, that was certain, but in an odd sort of way, he missed her." Awww. And the end of that letter. <sniff> I think that in our frustration over the Clone Argh, we tend to forget that Clois really did mature and love Clark in her own way. Good job reminding us of that.

I love the confrontation with Deter and how Lois goes on her rant and won't let Clark finish anything he says (heck, she hardly lets him start! smile ) and then yells that he has an excuse for everthing. <giggle> Good Lois.

...he also knew that the best thing for her was to get her away from that slime.

Now all he had to do was convince her of that.

The chutzpah of Deter, brainwashing her, still galls me. Bad Deter! Bad Deter! And good Clark!

Posted By: merry Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 05/01/03 03:25 PM
glad you are back posting this
just read 1 & 2
and Clark is going to fight for Lois
keep it coming quickly please
Posted By: Melisma Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 05/01/03 06:25 PM

Carol, I'm beginning to get impatient here. Please post part 3 before I have to send out the wildguys!

Melisma (under her Rock, wondering if she should start saving up for a plane ticket...)

Posted By: LabRat Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 05/02/03 07:40 AM
Carol, you're breaking my heart here. <g> I'm loving this so far though; nice spin on the arc with enough original touches to make it seriously intriguing. I'm keen to find out where we go from here.

About the brainwashing - I'd assumed that this was only one in a series of brainwashing sessions, rather than the first. So perhaps Lois's submissiveness and 'love' for Deter comes from previous sessions? Or am I wildly on the wrong track here? goofy

No matter, more soon, please! I'm thoroughly enjoying this.

LabRat smile
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 05/02/03 10:57 AM
About the brainwashing - I'd assumed that this was only one in a series of brainwashing sessions, rather than the first. So perhaps Lois's submissiveness and 'love' for Deter comes from previous sessions? Or am I wildly on the wrong track here?
Well, that's my theory... although you shouldn't count on my memory here, since it's been years since I've seen FMN... I think the last time I saw it was also the first time I saw it... what a strange coincidence wink Um, anyway, I always assumed that Deter had been brainwashing Lois all through FMN, which is the only reason she regained some of her memory but nothing about Clark.

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 05/02/03 11:24 AM
Hi guys! Thank you all so much for all of the feedback - I hope all of you will be happy with the way things turn out in the end.

I'm not feeling well [don't think Mexican for lunch was the best plan] and just not up to responding to everyone individually, but I do thank you all.

The next part should be up here in a few minutes.

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK:In Sickness and In Health-Part 1-2 - 05/02/03 12:22 PM
No, Mexican is *always* best for lunch!!! (lol, I'm originally from San Antonio).

Yay! Talk about *D*R*A*M*A* witha capital D. I'm loving this fic! And it's so cool how you can spin the original story around by bringing up when Lois signed the paperwork.
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