Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Beth S. FDK: Tuesday 1/3 - 05/05/08 03:31 PM
I'm so glad to see this! Am I remembering correctly in thinking that Jenna is Scardino's dead partner in the show? If so, I'm very glad. You know, I never really hated Scardino like some people do and I would be happy to see him in a good relationship with someone other than Lois.

Very interesting story so far.
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Tuesday 1/3 - 05/05/08 07:28 PM
I hadn't put together who Jenna and Daniel were.

All I know is that in just a few words you explained a load of questions in the most sensible manner. Still you left enough room for doubt that the reader is left haranguing for more.

Well done.

Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Tuesday 1/3 - 05/05/08 07:35 PM
Oooo I didn't get the Jenna Daniel thing either [though I did try to think of who Daniel was supposed to be - but I think of him as Dan].

I'm enjoying it! I can't wait to see where you go from here! I'm intrigued to see what could keep Lois Lane in hiding so long!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Tuesday 1/3 - 05/05/08 10:47 PM
That's a lovely little ficlet. So Lois!

Now we just need more!

Posted By: Rona V. Re: FDK: Tuesday 1/3 - 05/06/08 07:06 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments!

Beth - Sharp eye for catching the Jenna/Scardino connection! You're absolutely correct. And since we didn't get a whole lot of detail about the alt-world, I've made Jenna alive over here. I never really exactly hated Scardino either, altough he did have some annoying moments. The fun thing about fanfic to me is to take characters most people normally hate and make the readers not hate them.

Elisabeth - Thanks! I'm hoping I'll be able to answer a lot of questions throughout the next couple of sections to this.

Carol - Hmmm, what could keep Lois in hiding? We'll just have to see smile Just keep in mind though, this isn't *our* Lois...

Ann - I'm glad you like this Lois. She's different than the show's Lois, but there are a lot of similarities. There will be more to this story, I just write painfully slowly.

Thanks again everyone for the FDK!
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