Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Snave FDK: Newton's Law - 04/23/08 10:22 AM
Wow, BJ!

This story is extremely expressive, especially reviewing all of the history, the discovery, the recognition of all the past clues, from both Lois's and Clark's POV.

But, gee -- did you have to use so much dialogue? wink (monologue, actually, since only two(!) words were spoken in the whole story, and both were Clark's -- does that qualify as a soliloquy, since he might as well have been just talking to himself?).

Who would have dreamed that so much could be conveyed with so little spoken aloud?

*VERY* well done. clap clap

Posted By: Melisa Re: FDK: Newton's Law - 04/23/08 11:21 AM
That was amazing!I love it.
Posted By: carolm Re: FDK: Newton's Law - 04/23/08 11:26 AM
This was great. I loved it. The POVs worked well!

Thanks for sharing it smile .

Posted By: Kermtzu Re: FDK: Newton's Law - 04/23/08 02:34 PM
I loved the beginning where Clark knew Lois was watching him, even though she pretended to be sleeping. We all have that creepy feeling once in a while of being watched, and I can imagine how it must feel to *know* you're being watched but forced to ignore it. Especially when the watcher is Lois Lane....
Posted By: Beth S. Re: FDK: Newton's Law - 04/23/08 03:01 PM
I really enjoyed the POV switches. Along the same lines as Snave was saying, it was like a conversation between the two of them.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Newton's Law - 04/24/08 08:46 PM
Wow that was very well written. I loved the silent communication from both sides of the coin. I think it is interesting how you captured so much with them never saying a word. Beautifully done. Laura
Posted By: TicAndToc Re: FDK: Newton's Law - 04/27/08 09:33 PM
Well done! I like the idea and how you laid it out. The POV switches work very well, and I like the insight into how differently they think about the same things as the story unfolds. I found myself thinking, "Now if only she said that to him..." (or vice versa), "the misconception could be corrected." And then by the end of the story, they've managed to correct quite a few of their misconceptions - without a word spoken.

Posted By: Henry Re: FDK: Newton's Law - 04/28/08 09:07 AM
This was a great peice BJ. I apologize for not leaving FDK sooner, but work and the boards being down delayed me.

Theres a million things I loved about this, but my favorite part has got to be the kiss laugh . I'm just a sucker for romance. Great job...maybe you could favor us with a sequel or an expansion wink
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