Lois & Clark Forums
What a sweet little ficlet.

I like the effect that Bugs Bunny PJs and boa constrictor hugs have on Clark. I imagine kids have him eating out of their hands.

“Okay, honey, time for you to move,” he said softly as he sat precariously on the edge, not wanting to sit on her.

“I don’t want chicken fillet,”
I've had that kind of conversation before, although the normal response is more like "I dinnawa shhhhhh...."

“Wassrong, ‘oney?” Clark’s sleepy voice mumbled deeply
It's true. Men sleep more soundly than women. I think that's God's gift to their babies, but I could be wrong about that.

“Lois, honey, the entire bed is your side,” he grumbled petulantly.
I had a policy when I first got married. If I knew about it before we got married, I couldn't complain. He knew she didn't share well before they got married. He needs to ever so kindly shut his trap. laugh

I enjoyed this one very much. Sorry that you're sick, but you write very well when you're feverish.

This was so cute! But I'm feeling like a bit of a dunce because I can't figure out what the 'H' word is. Anyone want to clue me in?
Loved it! I saw it yesterday, but when I came back to read it.. it was gone frown Thanks so much for reposting it smile

I wish we could have seen such stuff on the series.


I can't figure out what the 'H' word is.
I think it stands for "husband"
LOL! I thought she wanted to swear. I couldn't figure out what the swear word was, though.

Yeah, okay. Husband makes sense. Thanks!
I love this fic, and I was so glad to see it back!

Lois grabbed the tube of toothpaste and sighed wearily. “Clark?” she called out towards the bedroom. There was no answer, and then she remembered that her husband was off in an Asian country with a name she could hardly pronounce trying to stop a mudslide. Or was it a typhoon?

In a moment of rebellion, trying not to swoon over the idea that she was now, finally, able to say the "H' word, she squished the end of the toothpaste tube until the mangled middle was properly full.
This may be, kinda, their wedding night? And Clark isn't home, because he's off doing a major rescue. And Lois gets to contemplate the fact that they are finally husband and wife now, and what that implies... if he was only here!

Would they mix weekend clothes with each other's? Did they do them separately? And what about the delicate stuff? Granted, they could not very well get their clothes mixed up. She highly doubted that her husband would accidentally slip on the frilly black scrap of lace that was peaking out of the basket – that thought caused her to snort toothpaste foam across the mirror – but just how were they supposed to go about laundry?

And she did not even want to think about washing the Suits. The outcome of washing those color-rich costumes with anything else was almost too horrible a thought to consider. Although, maybe she would run the capes through with Clark's white shirts. He did look quite nice in pink, after all.
Well,if this isn't their wedding night, they sure haven't been married long. I adored that little snippet about how Clark looked nice in pink, and how his shirts would get that color....

Dishes were to be done immediately, or so she believed. He had tried to dissuade her, using devious tactics which included a diabolical maneuver of running his nose lightly across her ear, but she had held firm. Okay, truth be told, she was just seconds away from caving in when he had suddenly gotten that look in his eyes that said he was needed elsewhere. And so, with a quick peck on the lips that ended up lasting about five minutes, her husband had dashed off.
This is adorably written. They are so in love and so full of the fact that they are married, not least Clark.

Clark entered the bedroom sometime after three in the morning, tired, exhausted, and thoroughly pooped.
Love that way of writing that Clark was tired, tired and tired...

It had been a busy night, which started with damage control in Asia and ended with a rescued cat from a tree in Minnesota. Granted, this last one had not been all that important in the grand scale of things, but when that little girl smiled brightly at him in her Bugs Bunny PJ's before hugging him about as tightly as a boa constrictor hugged its prey, he had decided that it had been quite an essential rescue, indeed.

Wanting nothing more than to snuggle up to his wife and sleep until the following Thursday, he went over to the bed. She was sleeping angelically, with a peaceful look of serenity on her face.
Love how he watches her and loves her, although he is far too tired to have any erotic thoughts at the sight of her - he only thinks of her as being angelic.

“Okay, honey, time for you to move,” he said softly as he sat precariously on the edge, not wanting to sit on her.

“I don't want chicken fillet,” she mumbled as she snuggled more deeply into the pillow.
Everyone gets this joke but me!

Gently, he dipped his hands under her warm sleepy length and scooped her carefully to the other side of the bed.
This is such a tender, sweet, adorable and poetic sentence. I love it. Her warm sleepy length, which he handled so gently and carefully. It's lovely.

At first, she didn't know why her brain refused to lull back into dreamland. Then she became aware enough to notice the large comfy road block to her continued bout of unconsciousness.
I just love these two sentences, too!

Clark seemed to enjoy this new position, she decided as his arm snaked around her waist to hold her in place. And she was too. Or at least, until his smooth skin began to act like a seal against her ear and she thought that her head would explode from the pressure that began to build up.
Aaah gaahh!! Yes, that can happen!

“Ack!” she exclaimed as her head shot up from his body. Taking a couple of yawns and shaking her head briefly, she managed to pop her ear.
This exclamation on Lois's part is important, because we will hear again at the end of this fic... laugh

“Wassrong, "oney?” Clark's sleepy voice mumbled deeply as he tried to pull her closer. Glancing down, she saw that he was still asleep. And comfortably so. She tried not to think how sweet it was that he obviously worried about her even in the deepest of sleeps and tried to instead concentrate on the unfair fact that her husband was comfortable, and she was not.
Aaawww, Lois loves Clark but tries to concentrate on being Mad Dog Lane instead!

“Clark, are you awake?” she asked, knowing full well that he wasn't.

“Mmm,” came his reply.

“Can you wake up?”

I love it!

Lois bit her lip, loathing what she was about to do, but she was desperate. She needed sleep, so much in fact that she was willing to shout wolf. “Help, Superman,” she whispered so quietly that she could barely hear her own voice.

He heard her though, bolting upright in bed with a frantic look in his eyes, nearly causing her to topple off the bed. “Lois? What? Where?”

She felt terrible. Really, she did. But he had such a cute bewildered look on his face that she couldn't help but snort out a brief giggle. “Oh, Clark,” she gushed as she kissed him gently. “I'm sorry.”

He settled down, looking like a pouting five-year-old boy. “That wasn't nice,” he groused.
I think he earned his right to look like a pouty

“Is that better?” he asked, only sounding mildly annoyed at that point.

Lois tried to find a comfortable position, but none came. “No,” she whined a few minutes later. “Can we try it the other way again?”

They fumbled around on the bed for several minutes, and Lois idly noted that this was the most exercise involving her husband and a bed she'd gotten that did not involve more of a workout.
This is their wedding night, or the morning after their wedding night! And they have not done that!

Finally, exhausted, she plopped down against his chest. “I give up,” she conceded finally. “I'm doomed to sleepless nights.”

He chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around her for a brief hug. “Why don't you just stay there, then? You can keep me from floating and risk crashing down on you and you seem comfortable.”

“Yeah, but I tried that, and it felt like your chest was trying to suction my brain out through my ear.” Lois sighed dramatically, feeling as though the world was out to get her. It didn't help her suffering mood any as she felt Clark jerk beneath her, trying not to laugh. “It's not funny!”
Oh, but it is!!!

“I know, I'm sorry,” he said, trying to appease her. “If it would make you comfortable, I could wear a shirt to bed.”

“You wouldn't!” she exclaimed as her head shot up, as though he had suggested that he should probably start kicking puppies. She started to mourn the loss of his loss of clothing.

“Okay okay, I won't not wear shirts,” he promised as he began to laugh harder.

Lois breathed a sigh of relief as she settled back down. She could make this work. She had to make this work. The future of Clark's state of undress depended on this working! Unfortunately, the seal returned and the pressure began to build.
Yes, she mustn't lose that magnificent naked chest keeping her company every night! But that seal is a bummer! Shouldn't we turn it into a drowning seal...you know... as in 'ork'? laugh

“Ack!” she proclaimed once more, scooting down a bit to where the blanket came to just beneath his rib cage.
Lois says 'Ack!' again - we're getting closer....

“Oh, hey!” she exclaimed triumphantly, snuggling against her husband. “This works!”

Clark cleared his throat. “Indeed it does.”
Now she can sleep? But what is it that works for him?

Oblivious to the effects she was having on him, she picked at the hem of the blanket. “You know, we should really talk about the toothpaste,” she began thoughtfully.

That was as far as she got, because when she craned her head back to check to see if he was paying attention, he swooped in for the kill.

“Ack!” was the last thing that she said for awhile.
Lois says 'Ack!' again! And this time we know why!!! sloppy sloppy sloppy

Aaawwwww!!!! That was an adorable "wedding night and morning" fic, Cat!

Really cute and nice ficlet. I particularly loved where you picked up about the pink shirts. It made me laugh remembering the episode where Jon and Martha trade chores while in Metropolis and Jon does the laundry and Clark winds up with pink shirts. That has happened to a number of people I know. I loved Lois remembering Clark's pink shirts.

As for the bed. Never having been married I sleep in the middle. I had a cat for 17 years that did the same thing. I once mentioned in front of my mother needing a larger bed because of him. She laughed and said it won't help because both of you want the middle. rotflol Lois has the same problem I do. She wants the whole bed. I agree its much more comfortable that way.
Oh, what a nice fic, Burcie. I'm glad I got to see it smile

rotflol I read it the first time. And I loved it. It was so funny how Lois coudn't get her place in bed.
So promise me you will not delete this again!! wink

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