Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Darth Michael FDK: Imbroglio (4/?) - Bat-El it is - 03/24/08 02:46 AM
Lois still has her instincts. How very smile

I think it was a bit careless of Martha to talk so openly on the phone. And why did Perry just publish "Lois is back" before Clark knows?

And Clark having apparently a split personality disorder, although some of the splitting of persons might happen to criminals, too. Wonder, how they will deal with it.

Which leads us to the final question. Just how will Clark react to the bruises on Lois arms. And how much worse will his reaction be when he figures out the truth.

Oh, how sadly beautiful this is put together.

Posted By: MetroChumpy Re: FDK: Imbroglio (4/?) - Bat-El it is - 03/24/08 03:08 AM
Sadly beautiful is a great description of this story! Especially the last part of this chapter, which had me in tears for about the hundredth time since you sent me the first snippet of the story!

“I just want to come home.” The plaintive tone nearly broke her heart, and startled her.
whinging Our poor guy has been through so much, and this is obviously just the tip of the iceberg.

I'd better start seeing bits of chapter 5 soon, girly!
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: Imbroglio (4/?) - Bat-El it is - 03/24/08 03:34 AM
Well done.
“I can tell you that there’s been an influx of murders lately, ever since the disappearance of Superman. At first we thought that it was the criminals having a field day, but then we noticed that the victims were the criminals.

I really really hate it when Kent falls into a black pit without Lane. I hate it even more when Kent becomes a murderer.

I really hope this is all a Tempus RedK plot, maybe with an Evil visitor from New Krypton in the mix.

Interesting title. imbroglio
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Imbroglio (4/?) - Bat-El it is - 03/24/08 04:44 AM
Absolutely fascinating.

I have to wonder why Clark keeps taking off his wedding band when he is himself, so to speak, and apparently putting it on again as soon as he becomes this other dark character? (I'm going to assume that this dark vigilante is Clark.)

It is interesting to ponder the possibility that Vigilante-Clark (or Bat-El; I like that name) is really out to punish whoever it was that killed Lois. Is Lois dead, by the way? It wouldn't surprise me if she was, in much the same way as Lucy Lane (and for that matter, Lois Lane) is both dead and alive in Shayne's ongoing fic, Veritas.

It is almost like Schrödinger's Cat, the poor kitty that was dead and alive at the same time:

[Linked Image]

This could mean that this Lois and this Clark have never actually been married. Of course, another possibility is that they were, and the dead Lois was actually a Lois clone.

Your description of how Lois and Clark were reunited(?) was very, very moving.

Lois rolled her eyes. She was not equipped to handle this lost puppy of a husband, but she knew how to treat her Mr. Green-jeans partner.
The question is, has she ever been married to him? If so, why can't she remember? And how did Clark misplace his wife, and what part did he himself play in the whole thing?

Clark was the key, she knew, to what it was that she had lost. Through him, she would undoubtedly remember who it was that she wasn't, and maybe just by being near him she would remember. Without realizing it, she moved into his arms, wrapping hers around his waist and resting her cheek on his shoulder. He was tense for a moment, and then she was enveloped in a hug that brought an instinctual feeling of security, of well-being, but no flashes of memories.

Maybe you'll never get them back. Maybe you're doomed to stay in this limbo, never knowing what it was that brought you here, to this house, to this man. How does that make you feel? The small voice in her head whispered venomously into her subconscious, and she felt herself shiver as she burrowed further into the security and safety of her partner. “I'm afraid.”

She didn't realize that she had spoken until she felt his arms tighten around her slightly, followed by a soft whisper. “So am I.”
Beautiful. Heartbreaking.

Posted By: Beth S. Re: FDK: Imbroglio (4/?) - Bat-El it is - 03/24/08 10:55 AM
There's always been this little tiny story germ in the back of my head that's wondered what would happen if you threw a 1st season Lois into a season 4+ world, but I haven't really managed to get it beyond that.

I'm so glad to be reading that now! Plus all the other stuff thrown in. In think I may be in fanfic heaven. laugh
*borrows thread*

Beth, there is a story in nfic about Lois (End S1) switching place with Lois (post S4), paired with a second story where the same happens to Clark. Extremely funny how they deal with stuff.

*hands thread back*

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Imbroglio (4/?) - Bat-El it is - 03/24/08 04:03 PM
This story touches me every time it unfurls.

This is dangerous territory, y'all. I can't imagine how Clark would deal with the knowledge that he - even in a fugue state - killed criminals caught in the act. How could he justify his actions to himself, even if he was completely unaware of them at the time? Believe me, I know how FOLCs respond to a Superman who takes one life, let alone several.

That's why I still think that Clark wasn't the one in the alley. Of course, there could be two unknown characters stopping crime out there: Clark, who only incapacitates the crooks, and some unknown vigilante, who kills them for reasons yet unclear. So if that was Clark in the alley, he isn't the only one flitting around fighting crime at night.

And wasn't it romantic that Lois ended this chapter in Clark's arms after losing all memory of being married to him? It makes me think that the clone (or imposter) in the coffin was substituted for Lois just before the death, and that Lois was abducted and drained of information. Remember that she had conflicting memories in part 2, that she insisted to herself that she didn't have anything more to tell her tormentors, that she'd revealed all that she knew, yet she also had a gap in her memories starting with the day she tried to stow away on the shuttle. That's either a plot hole or a plot point, and I tend to look at it as the latter.

Next post, please?
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Imbroglio (4/?) - Bat-El it is - 03/24/08 04:46 PM
Love, love, love it. Keep it coming, Brucie!
For Ann: To be totally accurate, Schrödinger's cat, instead of being both dead and alive at the same time, was neither dead nor alive until the independent observer opened the box and saw either a dead cat or a live cat. This thought experiment, of course, postulates that we can create our own realities, which then leads to the question: If you're creating your own reality, why am I here?

Anyway, Ann, I always enjoy reading your feedback. You come up with some of the most interesting illustrations I've ever seen anywhere, and you always have something trenchant to contribute to the discussion.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Imbroglio (4/?) - Bat-El it is - 03/24/08 07:00 PM
Awesome! Very moving. I can't wait for more. Laura
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Imbroglio (4/?) - Bat-El it is - 03/24/08 11:45 PM
[borrows thread] Thanks for your praise, Terry! And thanks for enjoying my Off Topic post about the gamma ray burst from half a universe away!

As for Schrödinger's Cat, I guess we could argue a little bit more over that... but... let's not, okay? laugh cat Let's look at a wormhole cat instead!

[Linked Image] [/borrows thread]

I agree with Terry that if Clark has indeed killed a lot of criminals, then that is something that ought to have very serious consequences. What will the legal system say about a vigilante who takes the law into his own hands and acts as judge, jury and executioner, and not only once, but several times? And what will Clark's own conscience tell him?

Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: Imbroglio (4/?) - Bat-El it is - 03/25/08 11:20 PM
Hmm, dark and terrific, especially loved the reunion... Clark on a killing spree while having multiple personalities disorder or...???

Maybe the criminals aren't really dead just like Lois.. just saying thumbsup thumbsup
Posted By: Carolyn Re: FDK: Imbroglio (4/?) - Bat-El it is - 03/27/08 08:30 PM
After reading both the third and fourth chapter at once all I can think of is...WHERE IS CHAPTER FIVE?? wildguy I need to know what's going to happen next!

I think the guy in the alley was Clark and I'm interested in how will Clark deal with the murderes.

The last scene was beautiful!

I want more Imbroglio!! laugh

Carolyn smile
Thanks for the comments, guys! Hopefully some of your questions are answered in the next piece, but not all of them will be wink

Just remember; not everything is as it seems. Muahaha.

And omg Ann, that wormhole cat is the best thing EVAR!!

Oh, and Darth Michael? Now I've taken to calling Clark's alter ego 'Bat-El' in my story notes. laugh
Originally posted by Catherine Bruce:
Oh, and Darth Michael? Now I've taken to calling Clark's alter ego 'Bat-El' in my story notes. laugh
blush smile
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