Lois & Clark Forums
Here’s the Table of Contents: TOC

And here’s the link to the poster that James made for me: Poster
Awww.... Gee thanks, James. You made my day!

My cross-over is with Star Trek: Voyager, and there are some notes in part 1 about the characters. In addition to the notes I made in part 1 (see the TOC) about the characters from Voyager, I need to mention that B’Elanna Torres is the half-Klingon / half-Human engineer. Klingons are the folks that used to be bad guys and have the ridged forehead. Qapla’!

My ‘guest’ character from LnC is Rachel Harris.

Thanks you, Lara Moon for the beta. You helped me make the story so much better.

I’ve played around with my story so much that my two part story has turned into a three part story.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story are from the TV shows Star Trek: Voyager and Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. One of the ideas in the story came from Smallville. The characters are not real and should not be confused with any real person either living or dead. I’m not making any money from this story. Although the characters are not mine, the story is.


From Part 1

‘Transporter,’ thought Clark. *Transporter*!? That didn’t sound good. They are going to kill me! He arose quickly and stood fiercely before them. “You are *not* going to disassemble my molecules!” He quickly scanned the ship with his x-ray vision and ran towards a deck that was open to space.

They were all surprised, but Janeway quickly recovered. “Stop him!”

Clark moved more quickly than the sensors could read him and so he ran through - literally - the closed doors. He began moving faster - so fast that he hoped none of these people could see him. But he ran past one eerily familiar crew member that watched his movements with interest. He soon arrived on the hangar deck and flew towards Earth. But with his fear and anxiety and in his hurry to get home, he forgot to take a deep breath.

His last jumbled thought as he plummeted towards Earth was ‘home’.


For The Fall Of Night Unbidden Came And I Fell From The Sky: Part 2

Captain Janeway hurried past a Lieutenant that reminded her of someone else. Then she stopped, turned and looked at him closely. “You... You...” Then she shook her head in confusion and crossed her arms. “Did you see him?”

The man flashed a killer smile at Kathryn and pointed toward the hangar deck. “Yes, Captain.”

She cocked her head and turned that way. Then she stopped. “*How* did you see him when none of the rest of us could?”

The man, now realizing what he’d said, shrugged. “Uhh... I’m not sure Captain.”

Kathryn gave a quick nod and turned toward the hangar deck and sighed. She supposed the Kryptonian must have slowed for a moment. And as she hurried towards the hangar deck, she tried to figure out why the Lieutenant seemed familiar in some new way that she hadn’t noticed before.


When Clark entered the atmosphere, he looked like a brightly burning falling star in the night sky. Many people in the North American continent saw it but assumed it was a piece of the asteroid. When he hit the Earth, he created a smoking mass of debris.

He lay in the huge hole he’d created and slowly awakened, arose, and crawled out the hole. Where was he?

He started walking and stopped when he came to a road. Maybe he could get his bearings here. He looked around. Still the only thought in his head was ‘home’. But where *was* home? Was that where he was? He didn’t know. He just didn’t know. He bit his lip and clutched his hands in despair.


Sheriff Rachel Harris was speeding along to investigate whatever had caused a crash loud enough to be heard a mile away. She had a general idea of where she was going because she, too, had seen the meteor. She assumed that was what had caused the perturbation.

She slammed on her brakes as she saw a man standing with his back to her in the middle of the road. She quickly climbed out of her squad car and stood there for a moment before she yelled, “Are you *crazy*? You almost got yourself killed!” Then her eyes popped as she realized that he was stark naked. “Oh, my god.” She quickly called for backup and then slowly walked toward him. “Are you... Are you okay?” She paused. “What’s your name?”

Clark didn’t answer. Was someone speaking to him? He rubbed his temple and tried to think.

Rachel repeated, “Are you okay? What’s your name?” She cautiously approached him with flashlight in hand.

Clark shook his head. “I... I don’t know.”

Rachel responded, “I think we need to get you to a hospital.” She thought she recognized the man’s voice, but his speech was so stilted that it was hard to tell.

The woman sounded somehow familiar to Clark. “I am fine,” he said mechanically.

“You’re stark naked. And, uh... you don’t remember your own name. I think that’s a fairly loose definition of *fine*.”

Clark turned slowly towards the kindly sounding lady.

Rachel gasped and to herself mumbled, “Look at his face.” Despite her efforts, her eyes dropped slightly.

Clark stood completely unabashed seemingly unaware of Rachel’s discomfiture.

Rachel pursed her lips. “I have a blanket in the trunk. Stay right there. I’ll be right back.” As she turned toward the trunk, she thought that even with all her fantasies about seeing Clark naked, she surely never knew it would happen with him standing in the middle of a darkened road.

Clark reached his arm towards her. “Wait. Who are you?”

Rachel walked toward him and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. “Rachel. Sheriff Rachel Harris. And *you* are Clark Kent.”


Lois paced in the kitchen as she spoke to Martha on the phone. “Martha! Where *is* he?”

Martha was just as worried at Lois. She didn’t really know what to say to comfort Lois when she herself needed comforting. She very softly answered, “I don’t know, honey. But...”

Lois’ agitation increased. She wailed, “Oh, Martha. He’s got to be okay. He just has to be!” She stopped pacing and then she whispered. “Martha, he just has to be. I’m going to have his baby.”


Rachel quickly hustled Clark into the squad car and buckled him in. As she slid in behind the wheel, she repeated her earlier statement, “We’ve got to get you to the hospital.”

Clark didn’t know *why*, but he knew that he could *not* go to the hospital. “No!” he cried vehemently.

“Now, Clark. Don’t be ridiculous. You don’t remember who you are. You obviously have a head injury.” She leaned towards him slightly. “Is that your nose bleeding or your lip?”

Clark reached up and touched his lip. Had he bitten it *that* hard? He pulled his hand back and stared at the blood. “Bit it.”

She pulled onto the road and started her journey towards town. She picked up the radio to call into the office to tell them of her findings. She knew Martha and Jonathan would want to know that Clark was injured. And they could tell Lois. “Darn!” she spat. “The radio is down.”

Clark pointed to the road and rather emotionlessly said, “Tree.”

“What? What are you...” Rachel slammed on the brakes as they almost hit the downed tree. “Dammit!” The only other road to town from this location was closed because a bridge was being repaired. This had been the only way to get to *most* of the Smallville area - the actual town, the hospital, and most of the homes and farms. That left very few places where they could go. She couldn’t even call on the radio to get a crew out here to clear the road. Clark opened the door of the car and stood up. Rachel sighed. “The blanket, Clark. The blanket.”

Clark grabbed the blanket just as it was about to fall and pulled it around him. He cocked his head sideways and mundanely said, “I can move it.”

Rachel had also gotten out and was standing beside Clark. She looked up into his handsome face. “You *what*?!” Then she grinned. “Oh, Clark. You always were such a kidder.” She motioned to the car. “Come on. Get in.” He shrugged and did as she said.

As Rachel turned the car around and headed back the other way, Clark softly uttered, “So my name is Clark?” Rachel nodded. Clark ran a hand through his dark hair. “And you know me?”

“Yes, Clark,” Rachel answered softly as a tear came to her eye. She was full of heartache over her friend - her *good* friend. She took a deep breath to settle herself. “Since we can’t get to town to take you to the hospital, I’m going to take you home.”

Clark nodded. “Yes. I am... tired. And my head hurts.” His head hurt? But that didn’t seem right. He didn’t *get* headaches, did he?

They quickly arrived at Rachel’s rambling farmhouse that, like the Kent place, had been in her family at least a 100 years. Clark recognized it. He recognized it! He got out and ran to the door. He looked at Rachel expectantly.

“Okay, Clark. Okay. I’m coming.” She opened the door and smiled at him. “You want to take a shower? Do you feel like it?”

He looked down at himself and took in the mess that he was. “Yes. A shower. I need a shower.”

Rachel nodded slowly. “O... kay. I’ll get you some clothes. Do you remember...” But Clark was already in search of the bathroom. She was really worried about him. He was so confused and his speech held little emotion. She shook her head sadly. She was pretty sure that some of her brother’s clothes were still around, and she knew they’d fit Clark. She quickly found some and laid them outside the bathroom. Then she tried the phone. Like her radio, it, too, was dead. She could only hope that Lois and the Kents had not yet missed Clark. Then maybe they wouldn’t worry so much.

She went to the kitchen to fix something to eat. She was hungry and she imagined that Clark was, too. At that point, he strode into the kitchen and sat down at the table. She smiled. “You hungry?” He nodded. “That was an awfully fast shower, Clark.”

“Was it?” Clark’s speech was still flat.

Rachel nodded. “Clark. Do you remember what happened? How you came to be out on the road?”

“Hmm...” Clark bowed his head and thought for a moment. He raised his head and smiled ever so slightly. “I fell from the sky.”

“You...” Rachel quickly stifled an almost grin. “You fell from the sky, eh? Next thing you’re going to tell me is that you is that you were captured by aliens, taken to their spaceship, and had your memory wiped.”

“Uhh...” Clark twisted his mouth around. “I didn’t fall from the sky?”

“No. Of course, not, Clark.”

“Well... I... I...” he stuttered. Then with more conviction, he said, “I fell.”

Rachel nodded. “Maybe that’s how you lost your memory.” She put a chicken sandwich in front of him and poured him a glass of milk.

Clark shrugged. He picked up the sandwich and took a couple of bites before laying it back down. He subconsciously rubbed his left ring finger.

Rachel clucked, “What happened to your wedding ring, Clark?”

With open mouth, Clark looked at his finger. He thought for a moment then answered, “I don’t know.” But somehow he knew it was in a very special, safe place. Yet everything was so muddled. Wedding Ring? Quietly, he finished eating, then he looked up a Rachel. “Married?”

“Yes, Clark.” She stood up and said, “Now come on, let’s get you into bed so you can get some rest.”


The next morning was bright and beautiful. And Lois was trying to go through the paces of doing her job.

Perry approached her. “Darlin’. You okay? You look like you’ve cried a bucket of tears.”

Lois rubbed her lips together and shrugged. “I’m okay. Just up most of the night. Clark...” She swallowed hard. “Sick. He’s sick.”

Perry nodded. “Okay. Well, you’ll have to handle the press conference alone. I’d send you back home if I could, but it’s big news day.”

As he filled her in on the details, it was everything Lois could do to listen. All she cared about was her husband. Why had she even bothered to come to work?

She decided to take a cab to the press conference and on her way, she called the Kents. Jonathan answered. “Jonathan,” she said anxiously. “Have you heard anything from Clark?” She knew from his lack of answer that he hadn’t. She sighed and hung up.


Rachel Harris was fit to be tied. Her radio was still not working and neither was her phone. She didn’t want to leave Clark to get help. She’d just have to wait on Doc Sutton. The vet was supposed to come over some time this morning and check on her horses.

She sighed and went back up the stairs to check on Clark.


Lois listened in horror to the assessment from EPRAD about the previous day’s mission. “Are you telling me there’s still part of that asteroid coming this way?”

“Yes, Ms. Lane. The portion that remains is on an impact course with Earth. About fifty-five hours from now.”

Lois said hopefully, “Is that why we haven’t heard from Superman? He’s working on a return mission?”

The man pulled at his collar and looked like a deer caught in the headlights. “We have not yet heard from Superman. But we expect to soon.”

There was an audible gasp from the assembled journalists. They weren’t stupid. Superman was missing.

Lois hung her head. She didn’t hear another word that was said.


The next morning, Clark awakened to find Rachel bending over him, feeling his forehead. She sighed in relief as he opened his eyes.

She grinned. “Feeling better?” He nodded. “You know, Clark. You really should get contacts. I always did think you were more handsome without the glasses.”

Clark quirked a smile. He reached up and put his arms around her and pulled her into a kiss. It felt wrong. He knew it did. But he didn’t know why. And wasn’t this what she wanted? Wasn’t this what he was expected to do?

Rachel struggled briefly, but then she remembered how sweet Clark’s kisses were. She gave in for the merest moment then pulled away in embarrassment. “Clark! We can’t *do* this!”

Clark frowned. “But why? It’s not like we haven’t done that before. I mean, we have, haven’t we? And isn’t that what married people do?”

Rachel sucked in a deep breath. “No, no, no, Clark.” Oh, how she wished it might be true. “Yes, we’ve kissed before. We dated some in high school and during our first semester of college. But then mom got sick and I had to quit for awhile to take care of her. And... well... we just never dated again.” She paused. “*We* aren’t married. *You* are.”

Clark’s eyes widened briefly and he felt such relief. He’d somehow guessed that Rachel was a great friend, but she wasn’t the love of his life. He softly muttered, “Sorry.”

Rachel waved her hands in a motion meaning ‘forget it’. “You... you... get up whenever you’re ready. Umm... Ummm...” She swallowed hard and slowly backed out of the room.”


An hour later, Clark came down the stairs like a dog with its tail tucked between his legs. Rachel was sitting on the couch and was just hanging up the phone. Softly, he said, “I’m sorry, Rachel.” Some of his memory, or the memory of feelings, must be coming back or else he could just tell that Rachel had been affected by the kiss far more than him.

She smiled - falsely bright - as she stated, “You’ve lost your memory. You were confused.” Then her smile turned genuine. “The phone is finally working, and I just spoke with your parents. They are so relieved to know you are okay. They said they’ve been really worried. The road is still not completely cleared, but they said they’d get over as quickly as they could - even if they had to take the tractor.” She stood up. “I hear Doc Sutton. He’s here to do a vet check on the horses. You just relax and take it easy.”

Doc Sutton walked through Rachel’s front door as she was starting to back out of it. He grabbed her around the waist. “Walkin’ backwards, these days, Rachel?” Then he saw Clark. “Clark!”

But Clark just looked at him dumbly. Rachel rubbed her chin. “Clark here has lost his memory, Dean. I know you’re a vet, but could you have a look at him?”

Dean checked Clark out and said, “Looks fine to me. But then I’m a horse and dog doctor - not a people doctor.” He sighed, then said, “You just rest now, Clark.” He turned to Rachel and grinned. “You can come with me while I check on the horses.”

Clark watched them walk out. He had the feeling that he could tell when someone was in love. Because he knew that Dean Sutton was in love with Rachel Harris. He wondered if Rachel knew yet.


The first thing Martha Kent did was to call Lois. “Lois. Lois, honey. Clark’s okay! He’s okay! I don’t know how, but he’s ended up here in...”

Lois’ heart sang. Clark was okay! Puzzled, she said, “He’s in Smallville?”

“Yes, honey. But...”

Lois was so excited. “I’m coming to Smallville. Now, right now. I’m...”

“Lois, honey...”

“I’m not sure how I’ll get there. So many people are booking flights right now. They want to go...”


Lois quieted. “Something’s wrong, isn’t it?”

“Yes, sweetie. Clark has lost his memory.”


Chakotay was talking to Kathryn Janeway in the turbo-lift. “Captain.” He parted his lips and looked at her in longing. He shook his head slightly to clear his thoughts. “You know we have to do something. For some unknown reason, we haven’t been able to nudge what’s left of the asteroid off course.”

Kathryn nodded in acknowledgement. “Yes. And we haven’t been able to reactivate that guidance system. B’Elanna says that the guidance system is actually ingrained throughout the asteroid. She’s never seen anything like it.”

“Yes, I know. It really *is* an asteroid, and it originally came from the asteroid belt in the Sol system, but, as B’Elanna says, it’s been ‘messed with’ in some way that we can’t understand.”

“Well, it *did* come from the future - our future. So it must be some kind of technology that we don’t know.”

“*Evil* technology, apparently.” Kathryn nodded in agreement as Chakotay continued. “So what are we going to do? Superman is obviously the only way this asteroid is going to be destroyed. And he’s missing.”

Kathryn sighed heavily. “And that, at least in part, is our... my fault.”

“Not your fault, Kathryn. It wasn’t a good idea that he remember us. And how were you to know - how were any of us to know - that he would escape the ship?”

Kathryn looked up at Chakotay sadly. “I just hope he’s not dead.”


Clark was watching TV and listening to reports about the asteroid and how Superman had destroyed a huge part of it when he heard a commotion outside. A man on a tractor and a woman on a horse were stopping in front of the house. They both seemed kindly. The woman was off the horse and coming to the door faster than he would have thought possible. As he watched her come to the door, he thought to himself that he’d seen her *through* the wall. He shook his head. His head was really a mess. That was *not* possible.

She rushed in and hugged him. “Oh, Clark, honey. We’ve been so worried.” She brushed his hair back then she sat down across from him and gently took his hands. “I’m Martha Kent. Your mother.” Then she handed him a pair of glasses. “You need to put these on,” she said in an almost conspiratorial manner.

Clark held the glasses up in front of him, looking at them stupidly. “I don’t need glasses.”

She just smiled and patted his cheek. “Yes, you do, Clark.” When he looked at her skeptically, she cooed, “You do, Clark. Believe me, you do.”

Jonathan, after having tied the horse out front, came in and captured Clark in a bear hug. “Oh, my boy. Oh, my boy.”


In order to get to Smallville, Lois had to take a puddle jumper to Gotham City and then a flight to Miami. She had to drive to Atlanta, where she had hitched a ride on a small private plane headed to Cincinnati, Ohio. She then drove to Indianapolis where she caught a plane to a town in Missouri, close to the state line of Kansas, that she’d never heard of and didn’t care to hear of right now. All she cared about was Clark. So she rented another car and headed towards Smallville.

It was an exhausted, but happy, Lois who pulled up to the Kent farm. Clark was sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch. She got out of the car, hardly remembering to put it in park, and ran towards him.

Clark looked up at the crazed woman coming towards him. He didn’t know her name and he couldn’t remember her. But his pulse quickened and he stood up and ran into her arms. He picked her up and swung her around.

His brain didn’t know her. But his heart did. She was his wife. His love. His joy.

And she would make everything right again. He knew that she would.


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