Lois & Clark Forums
YAY! You posted!! hyper hyper hyper

Yeah, Lois, nothing's going to happen between you and Clark because he's an [spooky voice]alien[/spooky voice] and it bugs him. Yeah, that's it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Or maybe because it violates your rules. Sure.

And sure, you can cook too! Shouldn't it involve chocolate?

Seriously, Lois. Stop deluding yourself wink .

Alisha - you know I love this!! And I'm watching my inbox for the next part!!
I like it too, even though I thought Martha was meddlesome. Give Lois a little time! She only met Clark a few days ago! Besides, as Lois said, she isn't bothered by the fact that Clark is an alien, but Clark is.

But I was horrified to learn that Lex knows where Clark and Lois are hiding out, and Lex has got kryptonite, too. How will Lois and Calrk get away from Lex????

I think Lois does bring up some valid points in this chapter. You can't have a relationship with someone unless they respect themselves. Clark still feels separate from everyone else and it's understandable how this would get in the way of any relationship that he and Lois would potentially have.

And Lois' insecurity completely makes sense. She doesn't believe that Clark will love her once he sees all the other great women that are out there.

As always, I'm looking forward to the next part, so keep on writing!
I thought Martha's comments about cooking were very cute. I'm enjoying this story so much. Yes, Martha was meddlesome, but it wasn't entirely out of character. Lois' points were valid, but then again all of that logic seems to melt away when she's with Clark.

I totally don't know what'll happen when Mrs. Cox shows up.

When you make a quote like this over there
Now I can work on something worthy of getting me nominated for BNA next year!
That means I expect a new part over here. laugh

Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. Sorry I've taken my time getting round to replying to it.

Carol, I'm sorry I didn't put in the chocolate line for you! I tried, but by the time I mangled it enough to fit into the conversation it was so far away from the original it seem pointless. wallbash For everyone else, Carol suggested adding in this line from The Man of Steel Bars into Lois and Martha's conversation about cooking
I know how to make four things. This is the only one without chocolate.
Ann, I hope Martha didn't come across as too meddlesome. Lois needed someone to try and make her see some sense, Martha just seemed to be the perfect candidate.

Beth, thanks for the feedback, as always, and keep on writing yourself. How's the sequel to Honesty coming?

Elisabeth, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but may I point out that I used the word 'work' the implication being that it isn't ready, although I'm pleased if you consider this story as being at that standard smile
keep on writing yourself. How's the sequel to Honesty coming?
Well, I guess you can see for yourself... wink
Playing catch up...

I agree with Beth about not being with someone unless they respect themselves. Very valid point.

But you know what struck me about this chapter? The connection between Clark and Martha/Jonathan. How they have this easy going relationship despite the time they've spent apart. Maybe that's why Martha came on so strong. I imagine the separation has been harder than they show overtly.

*scuffles to next part*
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