Lois & Clark Forums
Loving this fic!

You two really have a great feel for the Friends characters, too!

Some of my favorite bits:

She sighed waffily

As soon as the door shut behind him, Rachel felt her knees go weak and she grabbed on to the counter to support herself. IT WAS HOT SHORTS GUY! She reached for the phone, muttering to herself, "Answer! Answer!"

And the whole measuring scene was great. wink I'll never look at a tape-measure quite the same...

Almost forgot the best part! Don't hafta wait a week! yay! smile1 jump
Although I don't watch Friends very often, I've seen it on and off through the years enough to feel comfortable enough with the characters. Joey seems particularly recognizable to me...

I loved the thoughts that ran through Rachel's head while she was working with Clark in the store.

That smile wasn't done justice across the street and through two windows.
That would be true.

And not that I would want Clark to pine away for Lois forever, but...

Maybe he'd take the chance. If he saw her again, maybe he'd ask her out.
NO!!!! Clark, please don't do it! Lois is coming to New York - she's not with Scardino! Turn on your super-hearing, Clark, and listen to me...

oooooh! More Clark and Friends! <g>

That scene with Rachel and Clark is great. Are you sure that isn't Lois? You're not really gonna tell me he's *attracked* to Rachel?

And then that scene with Ross! smile1 I love that!

So when are we gonna see some more of New York? /me loves New York! laugh

Is it Friday yet? Oh wait, I'm not home for the weekend! drat!

No no no no no no noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, don't have time for long comments, will be back later, but you cannot have Clark ask Rachel out! eek (Especially as I'm suspecting that Lois's old sorority sister is one of the Friends...)

(Especially as I'm suspecting that Lois's old sorority sister is one of the Friends...)
Now would that be a hoot and a holler if it was Rachel? <g> Would be mighty interesting, and would make a jealous Lois, though ... will make things mighty fun! wink

Looking good guys!! I can just picture the gang with the dialogue <g>

Keep up the great work!

I loved this!! If I'd ever imagined CK with one of the Friends (which I hadn't), it would have definitely been Rach! Her introspection was great, and I loved how she rushed to the phone to tell Mon and Pheebs about her encounter with the HOT SHORTS GUY! So like her!

Ok, ok, before anyone starts the tomato throwing, I do want him to get together with Lois, but the road to her might be fun!

By the way, loved the Joey line:
"ROSS! No pants! I like it!"
(It reminds me of a great Friends ep: "Maybe if I wasn't going commando...")

More soon, pleaaaase!!!

No no no no no no noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
I’m with Bethy on this one! Clark can’t ask out Rachel! As much as I love her character I want him pinning after Lois forever! laugh (Plus Rachel belongs with Ross, but that is a whole other story, and fandom! laugh )
Please, please get Lois to New York quick!

This segment is still really great though, and as a huge Friends fan, I think that you have written their individual characters really well. Rachel would definitely react this way to a really cute guy and the whole Ross and the trouser thing is typically of him and his mad, geeky ways! :rolleyes:

I’m also really glad about the new posting schedule, I’m waiting impatiently for Friday…

Sarah-Jayne smile
LOL. Great part.. tho it reminded me of another Rachel-dressing-a-man-scene. wink Hilarious. I'm wondering, tho, if Clark turned his couch towards the window *because* he heard them ogling? :p Can't wait to see the next part.. and see if my suspicions are true about Lois' sorority sister. wink
Carol and Missy, this is really great! I hadn't seen most of this part in IRC and I'm really loving it. laugh

And I'd just like to taunt :p all of those who are reading this story, because I know what's gonna happen and yooooooooooooou don't. cool

Anyway, this is a great part. I especially love the part with Rachel measuring Clark. Oh! And I love all of the stuff with Chandler. Can we just have all Chandler, all the time? No? Well, as long as there's more Chandler than Ross, I'm okay with it. wink

To sum up: LOVING IT!!!!!!


Great part! thumbsup

Lois better find him first. :rolleyes:

Love Rachel and Clark in Bloomingdale's measure section. rotflol

More soon, please.

MAF smile
Clark and Rachel??????? wildguy wildguy


Rachel is horrible! She reminds me of my little sister (all bratty and thinks she is the center of the universe). wildguy wildguy

- Alicia
A good instalment. Well written, and in character for the Friends gang.

Clark and Rachel, I don't think so. Even if it is the most natural pairing from the standpoint that people think she is so good looking and has hooked up with Brad Pitt who people think is good looking, it doesn't work for me. From Rachel's point of view I can see it. She always was the flirt of the group, but Clark has been in love with Lois. There is just NO WAY that Rachel could compare to that.

Regarding the sorority sister thingie. While Lois could have been in the same sorority (though I've never pictured Lois as the sorority type) as one of the friends gals, there is too much of an age difference for them to have been there at the same time. I'm not even sure if it was ever mentioned that any of the gals ever went to college.

Tank the Resting (who finds it interesting that Clark has been in New York for five months and is only now getting around to figuring out he needs some new clothes)
It's still well-written, still entertaining... But I think this is where I bail. frown

I still know nothing about the Friends show, but the dialogue here clearly shows it's more risque than my personal tastes. And since the Friends characters are playing a central role, I'm afraid that it's just not for me.

Too many fics on the boards are like this. mecry I've avoided Yvonne's Kidnapped and Laura's Little Girl Lost because of the subject matter too. This is no insult to the stories, mind you! They're all apparently well-received. They're just not for me.

So I'll sit back, enjoy the other fics on the board, and look forward to your next stories on different topics. smile

Carol and Missy

Yikes!! eek
I have no idea what Rachel is like. But that doesn't matter. There's only one person for Clark. That's Lois! goofy

Huury up and fix this!

Tricia cool
Okay, I'm back.

I stand by my earlier post. NOOOOOOOOOOO! laugh It's just too torturous for our poor Lois, especially since we know she wants Clark! Now, if she were still being stupid with Lex or Scary Dino or Idiot Deter, I'd say serves her right...but she's being smart for once!

The measuring scene was hilarious. At first I wondered why Clark even let her, since it seemed like he knew his measurements pretty well (based on how matter-of-factly he answered when she asked the last few), but you explained that nicely in the last scene. (Still shouldn't ask her out, though.) And how sweet of Rachel to give him her discount! So is she now going to get fired instead of having the chance to quit? wink

Okay. Where's the next part? /me checks and it's not there. Please? smile1 smile1

Yep, you have the right attitude and sounds of all the Friends characters. It is very nicely written and the dialog is right on.

But just like Bethy and some of the others I do not see Rachel and Clark together. The characters in Friends are immature and superficial most of the time -- that's what they are supposed to be. Clark is too mature, intelligent, and humanistice to be brought to their level of play. Bring Lois to NYC quickly!!!!

Noooooo! shock Clark can't date Rachel, not when Lois has finally decided to come to NY to find him! She dumped Scardino and if Clark dates Rachel and Lois finds out it'll break her heart, and mine! [Linked Image]

Really enjoyed this part tho. I can just picture the Friends acting like this!

Tank said:

Regarding the sorority sister thingie. While Lois could have been in the same sorority (though I've never pictured Lois as the sorority type) as one of the friends gals, there is too much of an age difference for them to have been there at the same time. I'm not even sure if it was ever mentioned that any of the gals ever went to college.
If I'm getting this right, we're in Friends' fifth season. Monica and Rachel were about 28 at the time (they both turned 20 during the show's seventh season) so the age gap wouldn't really be that big the way this story is set.

About either of the girls going to college, I seem to recall that Rachel did. During season 7, Wynona Rider (I know.. laugh ) guest starred as, I believe, and old college friend of Rachel's. But I could be mistaken and sometimes there are contradictions in Friends, because other than that I don't remember the subject being brought up (about the girls going to college... well Phoebs sure didn't)

I’m pretty sure that both Monica and Rachel went to college together.
In ‘The One With All The Thanksgivings’ they talk about how Rachel has changed her major again “cause there is never any parking next to the psychology building”! dance )

Sarah-Jayne smile
Carol and Missy
good segment
I'm with the others here - You can't have Clark ask Rachel out
more soon please
I forgot you were borrowing Well's time machine to displace the Friends cast from their 2002 selves back to the mid 1990's so they could interact with Lois and Clark.

My mistake wink

Tank the Resting (who always gets confused with cross overs since the characters rarely match up temporaly)
Ok- I'm just getting caught up, but this is really funny! I agree that you have the Friends group characterized really well.

I think I can sacrifice Clark dating Rachel for a quick second (I did say quick, right?) just to see Lois come to claim her man.

'Hot Shorts Guy' - that totally sounds like the Friends naming shceme (and I kind of like that for Clark- it just may stick).

As far as the whole time period thing, I get the impression that Lois and Clark sort of reach a certain age in ficdom and don't get older, so they always can be the age we want them to be in each story universe. laugh

I love this story! I'll be looking for tomorrow's post. Thanks for sharing.

If I'm getting this right, we're in Friends' fifth season. Monica and Rachel were about 28 at the time (they both turned 20 during the show's seventh season)
Cris! How did they that!? I want to do that, only one or two years, or maybe three. :p

"What?" Chandler sipped at his cup. "Not much market for depressed paleontologists?"
Hey all! Missy and I thank all of you for your comments!!

I'm not feeling very well, and so am not up for individual responses this time around.

Yes, this is the Friends season before they all turn 30 *g* so Rachel would be 28-29. And this would be mid-S3 in L/C so that would make Clark 29 or so.

Thank you all again and part 3 will be up later this afternoon - going over it one more time!

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