Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Laura S FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/24/07 02:23 PM
Part 8! Yes! Thanks for posting this, DJ!

He knew that’s all it was – a pretense. She was holding it together until she could get her hero cleared. Then she’d probably never want to speak to him again.
Oh Clark, you lunkhead. We need a little emotion-smiley-lunkhead so we can post when Clark acts like this.

Oh wait. That was still part 7!

“Yes. He wasn’t the man I thought he was.” She gave a convincing choke at the end of her words and Lex stepped behind her, sliding one arm around her waist and taking hold of her left hand with his other hand.
Lois! What on earth are you up to?!

As the balcony approached, he slowed his speed and touched down, only enough to hit the floor at a brisk stride.
I love that image! But DON'T WALK INTO A TRAP CLARRRRK!

Lois’s eyes lit up. “Oh, yes. Yes, I do.” She came walking towards Clark as he began descending the stairs once more.

The pain hit Clark in a searing wave. His legs gave out beneath him and he stumbled down the last few stairs, sinking to his knees at the bottom.

Lois! Agh mind control is so tricky! Poor Clark.

Wait, this is the end of the chapter?! Nooooo! DJ, you know you're just plain evil now. But this was excellent. I can't wait to see how you end it all.

Posted By: woody Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/24/07 04:02 PM
DJ! How dare you torture Clark so. Though he might have deserved after flying off and leaving Lois ALONE! Haven't you learned, Clark? Lois seems to spend her life in an eternal gauntlet.

(Thinking about using mind control on those chainsaw guys DJ keeps around.)
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/24/07 05:26 PM
Delightful. Nice cliffhanger. I'm going to have go back later and read it all together to really follow all the twists.
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/24/07 06:52 PM
Such a twisted tale you write, DJ. I love how you reverse the roles, putting Lois down in the wine cellar. Amazing story! Wish you had more than an outline for part 9.

Posted By: doublel Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/24/07 08:30 PM
Hmm, I smell a green setup. hurry post the next one.

Posted By: symbolicangel Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/24/07 08:56 PM
Brilliant part!

That’s how Lex had been controlling Clark. He had used Constance and her mind control over Superman. The words ‘moon and stars’ sprung to her mind. But the last she had known, Constance was in prison, serving a life sentence.
Tying in the whole mind control storyline from IoG was simply brilliant. I would have never guessed it.

Don't keep us waiting too long, I can't wait to see Lane and Kent kick some slimy Luthor hiney!

<Whispering in Lois's ear> Fight the mind control, girl!
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/24/07 10:06 PM
Lex smiled congenially at Lois. “Now, why don’t you tell me where you were really going?”
My out-loud comment accompanied by a foot stamping:
Awww dammit!

You know, it's a good thing I live alone LOL. I'm sure there are other comments I had about the beginning of this part but those just went out the window with this! I was really hoping she'd get away with her crafty plot.

He had asked her not to go home. Had she gone there anyway?
Heh, you're thinking too small, Clark.

That’s how Lex had been controlling Clark. He had used Constance and her mind control over Superman.
Are you serious? I have to laugh solely because I've spent, what, the last couple of months going on red-K rants?


“Hi, Superman,” she said casually, almost distantly. “Care to join me for a drink? To celebrate my marriage to Lex?”

Clark had started walking down the stairs. Her announcement brought him to a halt. “Lois? What are you talking about?”

She smiled up at him. “My engagement. Lex and I were just about to toast to it.”

“Hello, my dear,” Luthor said, coming through the door behind Clark. “Do you have our gift for Superman?”

Lois’s eyes lit up. “Oh, yes. Yes, I do.” She came walking towards Clark as he began descending the stairs once more.

The pain hit Clark in a searing wave. His legs gave out beneath him and he stumbled down the last few stairs, sinking to his knees at the bottom.

And to round things out with my last round of verbal responses and feet stomping: Are you freaking serious?

Evil, thy name is!
But that was REALLY, really good.

And tonight's moral: Never date someone with a wine cellar. Someone always ends up kidnapped inside it.
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/25/07 04:03 AM
Interesting development, though not too unexpected knowing Lois like we do. It was a forgone conclusion that she was going to get caught by Lex as soon as the scheme was hatched to get the engagment ring.

Since there is only one part left, the only thing that can happen is that Lois and Lex will succeed in killing Superman, there's not time for any other conclusion. Lex will then release Lois from the mind control and she will feel bad. Poor Lois.

Tank (who wonders if Lois will give in and decide her only option is to live wealthy ever after with Lex)
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/25/07 08:47 AM
Ummm, let's see.

Once upon a time there were three little wolves and one big bad pig....

[Linked Image]

Ooops, sorry, wrong story!!

One upon a time there were three little pigs...

[Linked Image]

They were called Lois the Pig, Clark the Pig and When Super-Pigs Fly.

(Actually Clark the Pig and When Super-Pigs Fly were one and the same pig, but you wouldn't know that from looking at this picture.) And anyway, Clark the Pig liked to say that he wasn't really When Super-Pigs Fly, so Lois the Pig should love him, plain old Clark-Pig, instead of being enamoured of that irritating flying piece of pork!!

But Lois loved her Super-Pig (as she called him for short)!!

[Linked Image]

Ah, but one day she met someone else... Lex Lupus the Wolf!!!

[Linked Image]

"Teeh-heeeh!!" said Lois. "I love Lex Lupus, The Wolf!"

"He is the Big Bad Wolf, Lois!" said Clark. "You mustn't love him!"

[Linked Image]

"Oh, but I lo-oove him!" Lois exclaimed, and she was so carried away that she suddenly looked like Little Red Riding-Hood.

[Linked Image]

"But I love Super-Pig too," said Lois. " He is so dashing - he can make light with his snout!"

[Linked Image]

"Well, he doesn't love you!!" said Clark and left in a huff. He then sneaked off to be Super-Pig again....

But how weird! As he turned into Super-Pig, he suddenly couldn't remember anything! He was very confused!

In fact, he was all dizzy!

[Linked Image]

And while he was dizzy and didn't know anything, another pig turned up who looked just like him except that this other pig was all bad!! How rude!

[Linked Image]

And Bad Pig pig-foot-ed Lois...

[Linked Image]

But suddenly Clark realized that Bad Pig was himself!!! What had he done? Could his Mama ever forgive him?

And could Lois?

Noooo!!! His Mama couldn't forgive him. And Lois couldn't forgive him. His life was over. He had to exile himself to the Arctic so he could be alone!

[Linked Image]

Meanwhile Lois went to see Lex Lupus, to accept his proposal!

And then he ate her up!

[Linked Image]

No, not really... but he hypnotized her!

[Linked Image]

Lois is at Lex' mercy!!!

And he gave her some glowing green kryptonite!!!

[Linked Image]

Just then, brave Super-Pig came back from the Arctic. "I've got to save Lois!" he said to himself. "I have to snatch her from the jaws of the wolf!"

But suddenly Clark, or Super-Pig, was down for the count! Defeated by kryptonite! And Lois was still hypnotized!

Don't miss the thrilling conclusion! What will happen? Will Lex Lupus eat Lois up? Will Clark die of kryptonite poisoning? Will Mama Kent forgive her boy? And what has Little Red Riding-Hood got in her basket anyway?

Don't miss the last part!!!

[Linked Image]

Posted By: woody Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/25/07 11:08 AM
Ann, I love all those pictures, especially the light from the snout.
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/27/07 05:34 PM
Hello everyone! Sorry... RL got in the way... again...

So nice to see all of you again. And glad you're still enjoying the story.

Hi Laura! We TOTALLY need a 'lunkhead' icon. laugh That would be perfect. Hee hee.

Nooooo! DJ, you know you're just plain evil now.
Heh... Had I ever relinquished the evil title? If so, I don't remember doing it. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Woody! So glad to see you again. LOL - but torturing Clark is a favorite past-time of mine. <g> Eeeek! Don't you dare send those chainsaws after me. They are very obedient - I'm sure you won't turn them against me. <g> Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Patrick! Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the cliffhanger. Thanks for the fdk.

Hi Elisabeth. <bg> Thank you. I try. Glad you're enjoying it. Nope - still outline form. Too much RL. Thanks for the fdk.

Hi doublel! Heh... You think the HULK is on his way??? <wink> Hee hee, thanks for the fdk!

Hi Symbolic! Thank you! Oooooh, I'm so glad I had you fooled and glad you liked the tie-in. Thanks for the fdk!

Hi Jen! LOL - I totally giggled out loud at your comments. Yes, I'm so glad I could lead you down the Red-K path. Hee hee. Yes, evil is thy name... or did you forget? I'm the evil apprentice. <g> My queen taught me well, didn't she? Thanks so much for the fdk!

Hi Tank! LOL - that's the only thing that can happen huh? Hmmmm <checks notes> well, you just never know about me. <g> LOL - yes, just how shallow is Lois, hmmm? <snort> Thanks for the fdk, Tank!

OMG, Ann! LOL <falls out of chair laughing> Those pics were hilarious! Loved the recap! Woo-hoo! I scored a recap! <g> And now you've caught everyone up to speed and we're ready for the next part. LOL. Thanks. I hope that means you're still enjoying the part. Thanks for all the time it took to construct that. <bg>

Hah - Woody... I particularly liked the "censored" picture myself. Hee hee.

Thanks again everyone for all the comments, fdk, and support. The only reason I'm still writing here is just to try and entertain you all. <g>

-- DJ
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 10/28/07 09:21 PM
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Flawed (8/9) - 11/01/07 05:40 AM
If nothing else I have to write it for that fricken awesome scene a few chapters back I missed
Eeee hee hee. <g> I'm so glad you liked it Jojo. Thanks for the fdk. I hope to post the final part tomorrow (because Saturday I leave for Cancun on vacation - squeeee.) Both Sue and Lara have the beta. I've gotten it back from one of them (won't say which one <g>) and I'm just waiting for the other beta. Then I can wrap things up and get it posted.

Thanks so much everyone for all the support on this story! See you all back here soon!

-- DJ
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