Lois & Clark Forums
oh holy cow. This story is great. I have read all 5 parts in a row and now I am waiting for the next part. I hope you won't keep us waiting too long.

This is getting really interesting. How will Superman tell Lois everything and then leave. I hope Lois comes to her senses and sees what Clark really means to her.

So what about the diamond? We still didn't get any answers. Evil DJ. :p
Oooh! Part five! I think I have enough time to squeeze in some quick feedback.

“Please, Lex,” she implored, hating resorting to pleading and unhappy with the thought that she was going to feel like she ‘owed’ Lex, if he helped her out with this. She didn’t like to be indebted to anyone.
*shudder* Owing Lex anything is bad news.

Fine, Clark thought to himself. It’s Superman she wants? Then it’s Superman she’s gonna get. He refused to lose her to Luthor and he was absolutely sick of being ignored by her as Clark.

She would listen to Superman. He would tell her what she needed to hear, and then he would leave.

It was over.
Ahh! I was so entranced by this story I forgot to quote as I went along. But this is really a fantastic set up. An unaffected Clark after Lois rejected him was one thing, what on earth will occur when one who keeps reenacting sins goes to see her?! I'm with Tahu. Don't leave us in suspense!

I'm thinking that this afternoon would be a good time to post part 6...

This is wonderful!

I've got tons to do and a baby crying upstairs so no time for more than that - but as soon as you want to post part 6 it would be fine with me!!
I'm thinking that this afternoon would be a good time to post part 6...
If you knew what I knew about part 6, you'd be beating down her virtual door and *demanding* that she post it yesterday.

I'm supposed to be working right now, so I'll have to come back and leave real FDK later. I just wanted to get the crowd riled up for the next part.

To sum it up with an emoticon... jawdrop And that was my real, honest-to-gosh reaction when I read it.
I guess falling behind in reading has its advantages! I just read part 4 yesterday, and now today I get to read part 5!

Commenting as I read...

Maybe this is the real Superman? Maybe he just couldn’t keep up that perfect façade any more.
mad I hate Lex! When is HIS perfect facade going to slip?

Maybe even work up the courage to tell her *everything*, but he’d take one step at a time.
No! Don't take steps! Take leaps--large ones!

What had she done? She had trampled them, no matter how lightly, and had then had the audacity to ask him to send his competition over for a chat.
I loved this last line! Never mind that the competition is himself.

Fine, Clark thought to himself. It’s Superman she wants? Then it’s Superman she’s gonna get. He refused to lose her to Luthor and he was absolutely sick of being ignored by her as Clark.

She would listen to Superman. He would tell her what she needed to hear, and then he would leave.
smile1 hyper dance wildguy grovel Just don't have him change his mind!

Great job! I can't wait for the next part!
Originally posted by Sue S.:
If you knew what I knew about part 6, you'd be beating down her virtual door and *demanding* that she post it yesterday.
Do we have a door beating down smilie?

Never seen one but...
wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy wildguy
Maybe those guys will work...
Yay!!! I’m all caught up now. ^_^ (at least with this story)

“Who was with me earlier? Yes. She is my assistant and a very good one at that.”
Yes, I’m sure she has “assisted” you in all sorts of things.

Lois felt like she suddenly didn’t know which way was up. She had always believed that she was a good judge of people, of their character, but now she felt like she didn’t truly know anyone.
Well at least you have stopped looking at everyone with rosy tinted glasses. Maybe you will start using that Lane logic and start digging behind the façade of both the men in your life right now and find out which one is truly right for you and which one is a terrible person.

It was only after the words were out of her mouth and the sharp pang of rejection could so clearly be seen on Clark’s face, that she realized how insensitive the question had been.
frown Lois you are a dolt as well.

Lois nodded sadly at him and then headed off to find a taxi, hoping that Bobby hadn’t gotten tired of waiting for her and had left.
So I wonder if Bobby is going to give her some information about Superman that makes her realize what she just did.

She would listen to Superman. He would tell her what she needed to hear, and then he would leave.
Poor Clark. He is going to finally tell her what kind of person Luthor is and then he is going to leave her because she doesn’t love Clark. frown I hope they work this out soon. (and I’m sure they will if you are writing it.) ^_^

Sue: She has made references to this part 6... I'm waiting eagerly for it. ^_^
Great part! Be back in another undetermined number of days to leave real FDK LOL.

Lex was her one chance to publish something that might help Superman's foundering reputation right now.
Poor galactically stupid Lois! She actually believes that Lex might want to help Superman!!!

“A clone?” he said, his voice brimming with surprise.

“Yes. Someone cloned Superman,” she confirmed and then, before he could interrupt, she quickly continued, “I know what you're thinking...”

“I really doubt that,” he interrupted.
He is right to doubt it, since he was the one who commissioned the clone. razz razz

Fine, Clark thought to himself. It's Superman she wants? Then it's Superman she's gonna get. He refused to lose her to Luthor and he was absolutely sick of being ignored by her as Clark.

She would listen to Superman. He would tell her what she needed to hear, and then he would leave.

It was over.
Hmmmm. That sounds interesting. What will happen when Clark - Superman - goes to see Lois? Remember what I said in my FDK on part four of this fic, DJ? I associate part six with sex, you know! goofy

That whole conversation with Lex was just creepy. And I hope she realizes soon that she shouldn't marry a man if she feels the need to beg off for taking up his time!

I don't think I mentioned it before, but I really enjoyed how you introduced Bobby into the story. That was great.

She couldn’t bring herself to say ‘as a friend.’ It was just too cliché and even she had to admit that somehow it ran deeper than friendship alone.
Well, that's one small piece of grace. But she still asked for Superman! *headdesk*

It’s Superman she wants? Then it’s Superman she’s gonna get. He refused to lose her to Luthor and he was absolutely sick of being ignored by her as Clark.

She would listen to Superman. He would tell her what she needed to hear, and then he would leave.

It was over.

Very good, DJ!
/me pops into the folder shielding her eyes in case of spoilers... laugh

DJ, no feedback as of yet - but just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten you! I've been suffering from a bad cold this week - Stuart came back from hillwalking with one and promptly shared it. He's just so generous that way - so I've been doing a lot of sleeping and not much else and been struggling to keep up.

But planning a major catchup tomorrow! Looking forward to it!

LabRat smile

Hello everyone! Thanks for all the delicious fdk. <g>

Hi Pam! LOL - you overdosed, huh? 5 parts all at once - squeeee! So glad you liked it.

I hope Lois comes to her senses and sees what Clark really means to her.
Don't we all...

Evil DJ? Why, yes, that's me... <g> Glad you didn't forget <snort> Hee hee. Thanks for the fdk, Pam!

Hi Laura! Remember the Dark Clark wallpaper you made for us? Hmmm? Well...

<Babbles pokes DJ in the chest with her finger and wags it at her...>

Oh, sorry, Babbles says no sneak peeks. You'll just have to wait. devil

Hee hee, so glad you enjoyed the part and thanks for fdking!

Hi carolm! LOL - sorry... not that afternoon and probably not *this* afternoon... but soon! <g> Thank you! And thanks for the fdk!

Hi SUE!!! LOL - beating down my virtual door. <snort> Thanks. I can't believe you're still this excited about part 6 - I've made you read it like 4 or 5 times while I tweaked it <poor thing> <pat, pat> I should buy you a cake you sweet little beta. LOL - love the "jaw drop" emoticon. <g> Thanks!

Hi Symbolic! LOL - Lois is known for leaping before looking isn't she? Hee hee. Glad you enjoyed that line. So glad you enjoyed the part and are waiting, um, patiently for the next. <g> It will be out soon. Thanks Symbolic!

Hello again carolm! Eeeek! Pointy stick men! My Kryptonite. LOLS! I said the next part would be out soon... what do you mean "soon" is vague??? <snort>

Hi Jojo! Yay! Glad you're caught up. <g> I totally snorted at your first comment - probably very true. Yes, Lois and Clark are both dolts. LOL. Have I made references to part 6? Well, I suppose I have...


It will be soon. <g> Thanks for the fdk, Jojo!

Jen! LOL - then I guess I'll have to wait to post part 6 to give you your undetermined amount of days to come back and leave fdk. <snort> I'm going to lay the blame all on you. LOL angel-devil

Hi Ann!

Is she going to believe Lex if Superman does something bad again (which he will, of course)?
You have no idea... *ahem*

Why is she embarrassed about having asked him that question? Is she somehow in awe of Lex, so that she feels that it's absolutely inappropriate to question him?
Yes, she is. I know you haven't watched the show much... but in season 1, for some reason, Lois was very enamored with Luthor and hesitant to accuse him or think wrong of him. I'm trying to correct that... a little bit at a time, in this story.

And Martha and Jonathan think that Lois is going to be happy to hear Clark just declare his love for her, just like that, out of the blue, without explaining his disappearances and without telling her about Superman?

Yeah. That's brilliant advice, Martha and Jonathan. [Razz] [Grumble]
Yep - and that little scene was taken in parts from the actual script for that episode. That is really the advice they gave him.

I'm so glad you enjoyed how I explained that whole "park scene" from Lois's POV. I just had to try and get inside Lois's head and figure out what she was really thinking during that whole scene... Oh, and get rid of that horrid "like you as *a friend*" line - ugh.

Hmmm... and how did I know you'd cut Lois a mile wide berth but not Clark, hmmm? LOL!!! That's okay, Ann... that's you. <g> And yes, I know you associate part six with sex... let's see what you think afterwards. <g> Thanks for the fdk, Ann!

Hi Lisa! Thanks! Glad you enjoyed the Bobby explanation. LOL at the *headdesk*. Thanks so much for the fdk, Lisa! I'm so glad you're enjoying the story!

Labby?! Is that you? I was afraid I'd lost you to RL. <hug> So glad to know you're still reading and trying to catch up. I'm so sorry you've been sick. Yes, isn't it nice of our loving husbands to be so sharing? :p LOL. I hope you're feeling better, and I hope you find time today to catch up. I'll be posting the next part soon. Thanks for the fdk, Labby! Feel better!!!

Thanks so much everyone! I loved all the comments! I will be posting a bit of a note with the next part - probably at the end of the part. But there will be a *warning* note at the beginning of the part... for those of you who want a warning (don't worry, no deathfic warnings... you'll see...)

C-ya soon!
But there will be a *warning* note at the beginning of the part... for those of you who want a warning (don't worry, no deathfic warnings... you'll see...)
Will it say "WARNING - this part may cause your brain to melt"?


Sue (who knows what the warning will be - and would read it regardless - even though it would make her brain melt)

ETA - this is post 1066 for me! All you fellow history geeks know why that matters. wink
I recognize this well *sigh*. Oh the park scene.

I did like being in her head for it (it made it better) and did like how you got rid of that horrid 'as a friend' line and wrote how Lois feels that she said something insensitive.

And so now I'm thinking that all that anger gets let out (in the form of lust?) somehow when Supes visits Lois? Hmmm. They're not going to...no, that wouldn't happen, right? Not when he's out of his mind and a criminal...

I will be posting a bit of a note with the next part - probably at the end of the part

*calms herself down* No, Lois has made too much of an issue of the Supes being good thing. She wouldn't...would she? Oh the cruelty of not knowing. I don't want to hope!

I'm still _very_ intrigued though. Cannot wait for part six--tomorrow perhaps? laugh
ETA - this is post 1066 for me! All you fellow history geeks know why that matters.
Battle of Hastings, eh? Arrrgghh! The Danish Vikings lost England! To William the Conqueror from Normandy! (Although they say he was a descendant of Vikings, too, but the blasted guy spoke French!) If William hadn't happened to Hastings and England, all you guys in America might have spoken some kind of Danish now!

[Linked Image]

This is part of the Tapestry of Bayeux commemorating the Battle of Hastings. Note Halley's Comet at top! laugh

Heh - thanks for the additional fdk guys. laugh

LOL Sue at the brain melting. <g> I hope that's how everyone feels, we'll see <gulp>

Alcyone - wait no longer girl. <bg> It's here (in just a few minutes)

-- DJ
“A clone?” he said, his voice brimming with surprise.
Oooooooooh! Can I slap him? Huh? Please? Lemme slap him!

“I really doubt that,” he interrupted.

She had some serious thinking to do.
I'll bet. Finally! She begins to see the light.

Clark shook his head. “I can’t do that. As worried as I was about that Kryptonite, I’m more worried about Lois, right now.”
Awwww. He's such a sweetie.

When her phone rang, she answered it with all the enthusiasm of a sloth on a hot day.

Fine, Clark thought to himself. It’s Superman she wants? Then it’s Superman she’s gonna get. He refused to lose her to Luthor and he was absolutely sick of being ignored by her as Clark.
Ooooooh! Angry!Clark.

It was over.
frown /me gives Clark a hug.

Just getting better and better, DJ! I love how you've woven all of this into a really great episode rewrite, apart from anything else.

LabRat smile
LabRat, I just don't even know what to say. You've left me speechless with all that wonderful fdk!!! All those nice things you said about the story and my writing style... I'm amazed and honored and speechless!!!

I'm so glad you're enjoying the story and are being entertained. It's so fulfilling and rewarding because I know you had gotten away from reading fanfic very much and to know that you're following this story is just... WOW. Thanks!

I didn't want to bump all my threads up that you had commented in, so I thought I'd just respond in this one. Thank you so much.

I hope you enjoy part 6. No sheep... but hopefully something else you'll enjoy anyway.

-- DJ

P.S. - You have my permission to slap Lex - slap him all you want. <eg>
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