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Posted By: Sheila FDK: Teaching Indecency (Part 14/15 or 16) - 09/05/07 07:08 PM
Oh yes! Laura posted! Loved it...loved it...loved it!
Clark paused in his narrative, squinting at her a little. “Not to sound paranoid, and I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but doesn’t this, well, to quote some of the kids at school, freak you out?”
So, Clark knows that Lois loves him, regardless and encourages him to be 'himself'.
“Of course not,” he whispered. He could barely think clearly enough to get out the words. Her fingers seemed to be smoothing the thoughts and worries straight out of his head. “I don’t want you to go, but I know what it would be like to be… involved with me. I’m different, and therefore you needed to know the truth before you got in too deep.”

“Sorry Clark,” she said, not sounding apologetic in the slightest. “I’m already there.”

They looked at each other for a long moment, mutual affection clear between them.

“Why aren’t you afraid of me?” he finally said softly, a cheerless expression filling his eyes.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of. Being different isn’t something to fear,” Lois’ heart ached a little at the look on his face. “ Who put these silly thoughts in your mind? Surely not your parents?”

Clark was silent and sharp understanding flooded Lois a second later.


Clark sucked in a breath. “She didn’t fear me. She just wished I could be normal. I wanted to do it for her, Lois. You have to believe me, I tried. I stopped flying at night, I did the dishes by hand, I…” Clark drifted off. “I tried to change for her.”
So, now Clark can see that Lana didn't really love Clark Kent and he wasn't as in love with her as he misinterpreted. Now Clark ca see what it really feels like to be loved and will be able to differentiate between being in love and just caring for someone for security/comfort reasons. I'll bet that he will discover that he only really "cared" but was not in love with her.
“You shouldn’t have had to change for anyone, Clark,” Lois stifled a wave of fury at the woman for instilling these fears and doubts. “You’re perfect the way you are. The flying thing is just a part of you. It’s what you can do, but Clark is who you are inside.”
“I can’t believe you can x-ray through clothing!”

Clark kept his head lolled against the bed as he looked down at her indignant eyes. “I tell you I can fly and yet this is what angers you?”


“You worried about your honor?” he asked with a spreading grin on his face. His hair was tousled and his dark eyes finally lacked the sad cast that had been apparent all morning. “Don’t be. I haven’t looked.”

Contrarily, though his admission should have had her limp with relief, she leaned huffily back against him.

“Well, you know, if I had x-ray vision, I wouldn’t look at you either!”

With a raised eyebrow, Clark looked down at her face, rigidly staring at the wall. “You wouldn’t be tempted?”

“Not in the slightest.” Lois shook her head to emphasize the point and Clark nodded gravely.

“I see. Well that’s quite a problem then, because it appears our attraction for each other is entirely one sided.”

Lois glanced up at him warily. “Why’s that?”

His expression was teasing, but his eyes looked quite serious.

“Because I’ve been tempted many more times than I can count, Lois. But though I may not be much, I am a man of honor.”
Why do I get the feeling that this was all Lois's way of testing to see just how much Clark loves her...is attracted to her.
It still galled Jimmy that Claude had slept with one of the young interns and then spread water cooler gossip. He had tried not to pay attention to the gossip, but he couldn’t help noticing the quiet girl’s pain.
So, Claude victimized someone else. That scum! But at least Perry is on to him.
There was also the question of who had phoned the police about Clark in the first place. And why Claude was poking around in water towers. Lois groaned a little. Had he called the police on Clark? She would bet her half finished romance novel manuscript that he had.
Yes Lois. It was Claude, that bottom dweller. He did it. And now it's time for you and Clark to bring him down for what he really is. Maybe Clark can become Lois's partner at the Daily Planet, hence the beginning of the "Hottest Team in Town", and bring Claude down in the process.

Oh, Perry will see to it.

Laura, very nicely done! Just don't be so long on the next part.

Glad to see more of this, Laura smile1

Wasn’t that how it happened? Exhibit A: influx of surprising information, Exhibit B: helpless female in dead faint, Exhibit C: Female is nursed back to health by the indecently good looking EMT. End of story; case closed.
rotflol You make me wish *I* felt like fainting.

“Well, you know, if I had x-ray vision, I wouldn’t look at you either!”
Hee! So Lois.

He chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest and vibrating against her cheek. They relaxed back into the back of the couch and each other’s arms. As the sun rose and burned off the clouds, Lois leaned her head against Clark’s shoulder and slipped into a sweet sleep.
Yay! Some WAFF!!

So glad to see them work some things out finally. I loved Clark's explanation of his powers and his childhood - the setting-fire-to-the-barn was particularly touching and made me think of how much Clark must have had to overcome psychologically to reach the point of being Superman. Because knowing intellectually that you can step in front of bullets or walk through fire and not get hurt is one thing, but actually doing it after a lifetime of being told it can kill you is quite another. I really liked seeing this explored smile

Will be looking forward to the concluding chapter(s)!

Posted By: Tahu Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (Part 14/15 or 16) - 09/05/07 10:45 PM
another chapter which made me late for work but I loved it. Can't wait for the next part and I hope Claude is in trouble now.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (Part 14/15 or 16) - 09/06/07 08:55 AM
Sorry about leaving such short feedback, Sheila, but I was very glad to see how Lois reacted to Clark's absolutely mindboggling revelation. This was one of my favorite parts of it:

“You,” Lois fought fiercely for control of her breath. “You were… in the air.”

Clark nodded once.

“You,” She looked at him askance. “You… you don't just jump really, really high?”
LOL!!! rotflol Lois, the trick is not jumping really, really high (although that's not totally easy, either)... the trick is staying suspended in the air!!!

So funny! But at this stage, you still had me a little worried that maybe, maybe Lois would freak out just a little. It would have been out of character for her, but still it did feel like a possibility.

As Clark paused, Lois took a hard look at him. He looked, well, he looked genuinely frightened. Of her? The thought was ridiculous, but she couldn't help but notice the way he flinched whenever she moved. His story was incredible and she desperately wished for him to continue. She squeezed his hand to get him speaking again and he seemed to take great comfort from the small contact.
But she didn't! Hooray! This was so sweet. Clark is so scared of what her reaction will be, and Lois, who notices this (but doesn't understand it) takes his hand. I loved the unaffected sweetness of it! (And look: she is giving strength to him. They don't strike me as unequal any more.)

Clark's story of how he accidentally set fire to the barn as a teenager, and how he automatically thought that he would be killed in the fire, was horrible. No wonder his own powers freak him out. They certainly haven't given him much joy so far.

It was interesting that Lois considered the possibility of making herself a Pulitzer winner by giving away Clark's secret. Considering that this is a very early stage of their relationship (and she is only twenty-three and maybe still willing to play fast and loose with the well-being of others in order to get her own stories), I think it is absolutely right that she should consider trading Clark's privacy for her own fame. But I'm so very glad that she definitely wouldn't do it after all!

I love how Lois completely accepted Clark just the way he is. I had fun at their x-ray banter:

“You worried about your honor?” he asked with a spreading grin on his face. His hair was tousled and his dark eyes finally lacked the sad cast that had been apparent all morning. “Don't be. I haven't looked.”

Contrarily, though his admission should have had her limp with relief, she leaned huffily back against him.

“Well, you know, if I had x-ray vision, I wouldn't look at you either!”

With a raised eyebrow, Clark looked down at her face, rigidly staring at the wall. “You wouldn't be tempted?”

“Not in the slightest.” Lois shook her head to emphasize the point and Clark nodded gravely.

“I see. Well that's quite a problem then, because it appears our attraction for each other is entirely one sided.”
LOL!!!! So funny! (And clearly Lois was anything but honest here!)

Then there was the Claude thing. You know, Laura, that guy is slime, but I actually can't get really angry at him after he saved Lois's life. So what if he stole her story. Yes, it was a despicable thing to do, but maybe he wrote up Lois's notes better than she herself would have done. And as long as the publicity puts a stop to the awful activities of Lexy and the Rosettes, I can't get all that worked up over Claude's theft. Hey, he didn't seduce Lois and break her heart this time, he saved her life instead!

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the last part(s) of this, Laura!


Great part! drool Beautiful!

grumble Claude use his time at the paper to write an article for another paper. thumbsup This article belongs to the Planet and they can sue him. Send the lawyer after him.

I still think the water tower's available for Claude's body. razz

Great part!
I've always despised the Claude Charicter--but you've made him someone I love to hate!!

So, how many terrible things can we think of to do to him???
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]
OK, maybe some of these aren't terribly practical, but still. . . .

And this could be Lois when she sees the paper (if this Lois is anything like "our" Lois) [Linked Image]

Great chapter--looking forward to the next.
Awesome part!

I can't wait to see what happens with Claude, and I'm so glad that Perry sees Claude for who he really is. The slimeball!

It'll be interesting to see what's coming next for Lois and Clark.

smile It's all coming along very nicely.
Posted By: Tahu Re: FDK: Teaching Indecency (Part 14/15 or 16) - 09/11/07 10:21 PM
where is the next part? I can't wait.
I know, I know, I'm sorry! I really thought I would have had it up and this whole thing finished last weekend. But real life has been coming at me pretty fast and unexpectedly. I'm hoping I can finish this story up in a few days. Thank you all for being so patient!
Laura, I'm still with you on this story. RL has overcome me lately grumble and I keep putting my fdk off because I think I don't have time to give you decent fdk.

Then I remembered...


At least in my opinion, from the author's side of it. It doesn't matter if it's even just a "great part - I really enjoyed it" -- that's better than nothing.


Great job -- I really enjoyed this part. <g> I'm still with you... still reading and enjoying and I just wanted you to know that (even if I didn't have time to hunt for quotes and such)

Keep it up.

-- DJ
Ummm....Laura...<clearing throat>

My excuse is finals. What's yours? peep Exactly. I didn't think you had a valid reason for leaving us hanging on such a wonderful story. Now get it done!

~Sheila (who really should be studying...and beta-ing)
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