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Posted By: mervoparkite FDK: Love Survives- Part 10/11 - 08/30/07 03:37 PM
Oh, this was wonderful!! Although I have to admit I seemed to have missed a few things. . . That Just means I'm going to have a GOOD excuse to go back and read it all.

I love the wedding and house hunting!!

Looking forward to part 11.

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Love Survives- Part 10/11 - 08/30/07 06:02 PM
I don't know if anyone is still reading this, but I'm still enjoying writing it, so I keep posting it!
I'm still reading it! In fact, I was just about to remind you that you needed to post a new part soon!

I loved the wedding. Lois and Clark's vows were perfect.

“Lois, you're my anchor, my best friend, my soul mate. Falling in love with you was so easy, I don't know why I fought it for so long. I love your humor; your passion. The way you dive right in. . . even when you shouldn't. Because you refuse to just watch the world. You demand that it be a better place, and because of you, it is. You'll never understand how much I need you, how my world fell apart when you weren't here. Without your kiss, your touch, my life is not really living. It's just an existence. You're my world, my everything. And today, I want to give you as much of the world as I can. So I give you my heart, my soul. . . and our future.”
“You stole my speech, Kent,” she began. Their guests laughed. She continued, “Just like you stole my story, my billing as the Planet's best reporter, my Kerth award. . . and my heart. You also have shared so much with me including your home, your parents, your trust, and your love. You have such gentle grace; such quiet strength; but mostly, such incredible kindness. I've never known anyone with as selfless and pure a heart and I admire you more than anyone I've ever known. So today, I give you my love, my honor... and our life together.” She turned and accepted his ring from Lucy. She met his tear-glazed eyes as she pushed the ring onto his finger. “Clark, this ring I give you, my personal gift and my personal promise, of love and trust, and pride that you are my husband. We will wear these rings, and the world will know that I am yours and you are mine. For always.”
*sniffle* So beautiful. Lois and Clark described each other's strengths and the love they feel for one another so perfectly. Where is the "sobbing into handkerchief" emoticon?

She wasn't sorry that they hadn't waited to get married; she loved how there was no question of his right to be by her side. But a part of her did wish they could have had the bridal showers, the reception, the big wedding, and the honeymoon. Especially the honeymoon.
But like Lois, I sure missed the honeymoon! Ah, but I loved how incredibly caring and tender Clark was. I'm glad the implants are out, and I'm glad that Lois and Clark are going to buy their dream house!

This was the next-to-last part, eh? Don't make us wait too long for the final part. You do owe us a honeymoon, you know! laugh

I'm still reading too, even though I didn't comment on the previous part. Naughty! blush

This is really sweet. It's great to have a happy ending (I hope) after all that pain and misery.

I'm looking forward to the grand finale. Honeymoon on the ceiling maybe? wink
Posted By: symbolicangel Re: FDK: Love Survives- Part 10/11 - 08/31/07 09:54 AM
Honeymoon on the ceiling...I could go for that! wink

I loved their wedding--it was perfect. And I'm so happy that her surgery went well. I'm just wondering when Nigel and Mrs. Cox will be caught.

Looking forward to reading more!
Posted By: LoveIsForever Re: FDK: Love Survives- Part 10/11 - 09/02/07 08:13 AM
I just found this fic (at least I think I did.) And think it so sweet poor Lois what ever happened to her? I'm going to try and find the other parts of this to find out.
Posted By: rkn Re: FDK: Love Survives- Part 10/11 - 09/02/07 01:01 PM
You'll want to start with the first story, Smallville Style, to really understand it. I'm glad you liked this part so much you want to read the rest!
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