Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: TOC FDK: Sudden Paternity 1/1 - 08/19/07 09:51 AM
Ha-hah!!! Barbara, I love your fics about everybody's favorite half-mad scientist, Dr. Klein! It was so adorable that the poor guy was so totally frustrated and furious here because Lois and Superman hadn't needed his research on Superman's sperm to make a baby together... they had fixed it on their own, the old-fashioned way!!! (And to think they burdened him with Superman's powers, too, and made him destroy his own lab... how inconsiderate of them!!!) smile1 Oh Barbara, can't you please turn this vignette into a longer fic about how Lois and Clark expect their first child together? Pleeeeeeease?

(This owl says pleeeeease:) [Linked Image]

(And this cat, too:) [Linked Image]

Oh, and I have to tell you I was reassured to be told this:

Author's note: Needless to say, that Dr. Klein will wake up in time and save Superman. No heroes were killed to create this fic wink
Hah-hah!!!! Lovely, Barbara!!! smile1

Posted By: Vanda Detroit Re: FDK: Sudden Paternity 1/1 - 08/19/07 10:53 AM
thank you so much for writing another one wink

loved it.

smile1 Lois is pregnant and is having Clark's child smile

Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: Sudden Paternity 1/1 - 08/19/07 02:11 PM
This is wonderfully brilliant. Poor Bernie! I just hope that Clark will get back to super eventually. And that his child will turn out to be super, too. Loved it.
Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: Sudden Paternity 1/1 - 08/19/07 02:20 PM
Aww! That was so cute and funny. laugh I too love that Lois is pregnant with Clark's child. It just sounds so... homey and wonderful. It makes me want to go sit in front of a fire and snuggle in the waff. And Bernie, of course, is absolutely hilarious. I love his character and you write it so well! Thank you so much for this.

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Sudden Paternity 1/1 - 08/20/07 08:22 AM
Well, thanks for all the feedback. I'm glad you liked it.

Ann, this owl and the cat a very cute and it's rather hard to say no, but this fic is not about Lois and Clark expecting a child. It's about Dr. Klein getting a nervous breakdown wink

I didn't even realize someone might consider this piece waffy. It kind of surprises me. dizzy
Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: Sudden Paternity 1/1 - 08/20/07 08:29 AM
I didn't even realize someone might consider this piece waffy. It kind of surprises me.
That IS funny isn't it? That we randomly picked out the ONE line of waff and ran with it? My excuse is that I'm waff deprived while writing my own story, but in reality I'm probably just a sad soul who loves it too much. But I did love the story. Especially Bernie's breakdown. It was just too funny and in character.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Sudden Paternity 1/1 - 08/20/07 08:36 AM
And I'm deprived of WAFFy stories where Lois is having Clark's child! <sigh>

But I loved poor Bernard Klein's breakdown, but Lois's pregnancy with Clark's child was a fantastic bonus! smile1 clap

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