Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: daisymay390 I'll be There 4/? - 08/13/07 07:05 PM
Ok, sorry it took so long to get the next part up. I've already started school so I was busy with that. Let me know what you think. laugh

Part 4

The next day went by slowly, as Lois was anxious about Perry and Jimmy would say when they were told about the baby. Lois was in still in shock over the pregnancy and it hadn’t quite sunk in that she had been assaulted. Once again Clark had spent the night and Lois was getting used to having him there in the mornings. She actually found herself looking forward to Clark and her living in a house together and couldn’t wait. Even though she was skittish about being intimate with Clark, she liked sleeping next to him and didn’t want to find out what would happen if he went back home. Finally five o’clock arrived and Lois immediately went in search of her fiancé so they could go get dinner and head towards Lois’ apartment. When she reached his desk, however, she found a note from Clark telling her to go home and he would meet her since he had a sudden ‘errand’ to run.

Clark was already in her apartment when she arrived and was unpacking takeout boxes. Lois stood for a minute to admire the view before saying, “I thought you said you had to go out?”

“I did, there was a bus with it’s brakes out, I stopped it,” Clark replied before going over to kiss her hello.

“Mmmm,” Lois said after the need for air became necessary, “What are we having for dinner?”

“Thai,” Clark replied with a grin.

“Ooh, yum,” Lois said. Then after a pause she said, “Clark, I was thinking…”

“Yeah, what about?” Clark asked.

“Well, I was wondering if we could move in together right away and start looking for a house right away, too, instead of waiting.” Lois continued before Clark could answer, “It’s just, I’ve gotten used to you sleeping beside me and I feel safer with you next to me and I would really like it….” Whatever Lois was going to say was cut off when Clark gently pressed his lips to hers.

“I think I’ve found a great way to stop your babbling.” Clark said with a grin and then continued, “Lois, I would love for you to move in with me, I’ve gotten used to sleeping next to sleeping next to you, too. I just thought you wanted some time before we took the next step.”

“I still want to wait to have sex, if that’s okay? But I would like to for us to live together, so that you can experience the little things that are going to happen in this pregnancy. I thought you would want to be fully involved as a real father would.” Lois said threatening to break down in tears.

“Lois, I promised you I would wait for you as long as you feel you need to wait and I will wait. I would love to be around to hold your hair back while you throw up, massage your swollen ankles and be there the first time the baby kicks. If you want to move in right away, I would be thrilled.” Clark said as he took her into his arms and wiped her tears away with the pad of his thumb.

“Really? Can we start moving my stuff into your apartment this weekend? We could hire a moving truck and get all moved in on Saturday and look at houses on Sunday.” Lois said excitedly.

“Lois, you know we don’t have to hire a moving truck and I could move all your stuff inside in about twenty minutes,” Clark said with a smirk.
“Oh yeah,” Lois said grinning, “You will be careful right?”

“Of course, as soon as I get some boxes, I will start and anything that doesn’t fit we can put up in the loft until we get a house. In fact if we haven’t found a house by the time the baby is born we can make that the nursery.”

“Clark, that’s a great idea. I can't wait to move in with you.”

“Me either, can you get the plates, Perry and Jimmy will be here soon.”

“Sure,” Lois said. As soon as she had walked into the kitchen there was a knock at the door. Clark walked over to the door and let Perry and Jimmy in.

“Hi, guys, come on in.” Clark said as Jimmy and Perry walked past.

“Hi, Clark, what’s this all about?” Perry said as soon as Jimmy and he were in the living room.

“Hey C.K., what’s all the fuss about? You and Lois sounded pretty serious yesterday.”

“Why don’t you guys sit down and as soon as Lois comes back we’ll tell you.” Clark requested.

“Here I am,” Lois said as she came back in and sat down next to Clark on one of the loveseats. “You ready?” Lois asked taking his hand.

“Are you?” Clark asked, at Lois’ nod he continued, “We are going to tell everyone else a different story, but we thought you two deserved the truth.”

At Perry and Jimmy’s confused looks, Lois took over, “I’m pregnant and Clark isn’t the father but we’re going to tell everyone else besides you guys and Clark’s parents that he is.”

“Excuse me…”


“I was sexually assaulted,” Lois said, cutting them off before they could ask what was going on. “And Clark and I are going to raise the baby as our own.”

“Oh my gosh, honey, I am so sorry but are you sure this is what you want to do?” Perry asked.

“What happened?” Jimmy asked at the same time.

“Yes, I’m sure, Perry. I could never get an abortion and it's not the baby’s fault that this happened. As for what happened, I went out to a bar a couple months ago and someone slipped something into my drink. I didn’t even know anything had happened until I discovered I was pregnant.”

“So that’s why you’re getting married?” Jimmy asked.

“No, not really,” Clark answered. “I was already planning on proposing that night. The only thing that’s changed is the fact that we are going to get married sooner than we might have and that we are going to have a baby. I love Lois and even though the baby isn’t mine, I already love the baby.”

“Well, congratulations, you two,” Perry said dumbfounded. “So when are you planning on getting married?”

“We don’t know yet.” Lois answered, “We want it to be before the baby comes but we haven’t set a date yet. We’ve been busy telling everyone. We still haven’t told my parents. After we tell them, we will start planning.”

“We are going to start looking for a house this weekend and Lois is moving in with me,” Clark said.

“There was one more thing we wanted to talk to you about, Perry,” Lois said.

“Sure, what is it?” Perry asked.

“I want to write a story about this. There are some other women out there in the same situations as me and I want people to know about it.” Lois said

“Well, of course you can write a story about it, but how would you do it without revealing your situation?”

“Well, Clark has agreed to help me catch this guy. I want to go undercover to get him.”

“Lois! You can't be serious. This is too dangerous. Clark can't you get her to change her mind?”

“I tried, chief,” Clark responded, “She won’t budge and if she insists on doing this, I'm going to make sure Superman and I are right there watching out for her. Don’t worry chief, I won’t let anyone hurt her.”

“Alright, Lois, I can see I’m not going to be able to talk you out of this. You can have anything you need, but as long as Jimmy is there to help too. When did you want to do this?”

“Perry, we real…”

“Lois, I won’t take no for an answer. I want you to be safe and Clark can't keep his eyes on you all the time. He’s not Superman.”
“Okay,” Lois relented.

“Now when did you want set this up?” Perry asked

“I thought we could do it on Friday and/or Saturday depending on if we catch him Friday.” Lois said.

“How are you planning on catching this guy?” Jimmy asked, he was glad Perry had made Lois agree to let him help as he wanted a hand in catching the guy who assaulted his friend Lois.

“I’m going to act as bait and Clark and you will watch for anyone who looks interested in me. Once we see someone, I will go to the bathroom and you two will watch for someone to follow. Hopefully the guy will not recognize me and will take the bait.” Lois explained.

“That sounds like a good plan, you can use the conference room tomorrow to iron out any details. Was there anything else you needed to tell us?”

“No, that was all,” Clark said as he glanced at Lois for confirmation.

“Well, thank you for telling us the real story. We appreciate it, Jimmy I’m sure Lois and Clark would like to be alone now, so how about we go ahead and leave.” Perry said as he stood up.

“Perry, you don’t have to leave, at least eat dinner. Clark is always finding these great out of the way take-out places. This food is too good to waste.” Lois begged.

“Okay, if you insist,” Perry relented.

The rest of dinner was spent chatting about Planet business and Jimmy’s newest girlfriend. It was only interrupted once by a phone call from Lois’ doctor.

“Hello,” Lois answered.

“Hi, Lois, it's me Kate. I was just calling with your lab results,” Kate said in a cheerful voice.

“Hi Kate,” Lois said nervously, while catching Clark’s eye, “Is everything okay?”

“Yes, everything is fine. I was calling to let you know that all the STD tests came back negative and the blood work confirms that you are 7 weeks pregnant.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” Lois sighed as she collapsed back against Clark. “Thank you for calling, Kate.”

“You’re welcome, I’ll see you at your next appointment. Have a nice night.”

“Thank you for calling, Kate, bye.”

“Bye, Lois,” Kate said before hanging up.

“Is everything okay,” Clark asked when Lois had hung up the phone.

“Yes, everything is fine. Kate was just calling to let us know that all the tests came back negative and that the blood work confirmed that I am seven weeks along.”

“That’s great news,” Clark said before he hugged her.

Lois turned to Jimmy and Perry, “How about some ice cream to celebrate?”

“Sure, that sounds great,” Jimmy said as Perry nodded in agreement.

“Great,” Lois said as she walked over to the fridge to get the ice cream out. She heard Clark come up behind her and start to get the bowls out. However, as soon as Lois took the lid off of the ice cream and got a whiff of the rocky road ice cream, she took off running for the bathroom. Clark looked after her confused before turning to excuse himself from Jimmy and Perry.

“Go ahead, son,” Perry said before he could ask. “We’ll clean up here and see ourselves out.”

“Perry, you don’t have cleanup.”

“Nonsense, you had us over to eat, the least we can do is cleanup. Besides, I know how it is; Alice had her morning sickness at night, too. Go ahead and take care of her, we’ll see you tomorrow.” Perry said as he shooed Clark out of the kitchen.

“Okay, Perry, thanks.” Clark said as he walked to the bathroom, knocked and went in to find Lois sitting on the floor next to the toilet. Clark immediately wet a washcloth and pulled her hair back so he could wipe her forehead.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Remind me not to eat rocky road ever again.” Lois responded.

“I’m sorry,” Clark said sympathetically as he rubbed her back soothingly. Lois leaned bask against his strong chest and closed her eyes. “Do you think you can make it to the bedroom,” Clark asked.

“Unngh, I don’t think so.”

“Here, close your eyes,” Clark said. When her eyes were closed, Clark slowly floated her off the floor and moved into the bedroom. When they were settled on the bed he told Lois to open her eyes.

Lois smiled when she saw what Clark had done and said, “I could get used to you spoiling me.”

“Get used to it, honey, because I plan on doing it for the rest of our lives.” Clark said before reaching down for a sweet kiss.
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