Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ShayneT Comments: Strong 28 - 08/07/07 09:01 PM
Well, what do you think?
Posted By: TOC Re: Comments: Strong 28 - 08/08/07 01:03 AM
Gaaah, Shayne. I'm still reading, but if you fic had been a book I could hold in my hand, this is where I would frantically start turning the pages to get to a point where things looked more hopeful.

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: Comments: Strong 28 - 08/08/07 04:18 AM
Yee-yikes! Angelica is freakin' nuts! I expected her to use Clark in a power grab, but I never anticipated that she'd use him to establish her own dictatorship. Now that she's more powerful than the other vampires, doesn't that mean that she's more powerful than any single Slayer? Yee-yikes twice!

When Clark broke that big demon's neck, I thought he'd crossed the line, but it didn't kill him! You'd be surprised what a demon can live through. I know I am.

Lois is going to have to face her on-on-one and risk losing a fight so that Clark's bond will be dissolved and he can rescue her as she's rescuing him. And then he can help with the other demons and vampires. Of course, someone's going to have to take out Amy the witch first.

Any way you slice it, this isn't going to be easy. And somebody on the side of the - I was going to say 'good guys' but I'll go with 'less bad guys' - is going to die. Maybe several somebodies.

Yow, Shayne! This is getting better and better with each chapter! Keep it coming!

I wonder, did you pick Amy's and Angelica's names because they went along with the motif of Valley Girl names for these characters or just to make it even more horrible when these pretty, nice-sounding girls did such dastardly things? I'm no Buffy-verse expert, but I don't remember anything like the conflagration that's coming. Talk about jumping from the frying pan to the fire!
Posted By: betty Re: Comments: Strong 28 - 08/08/07 09:42 AM
Very exciting chapter, but I can't believe a fledgling would be so powerful and focussed. Aren't they all about mindless bloodlust at the beginning? Now, if she were Angelus, or someone as old as him, that would make more sense.

Despite the illogic, you do have me on the edge of my seat.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Comments: Strong 28 - 08/08/07 01:21 PM
I suspect that at some point Angelica is going to make the mistake of trying to harm Lois, or getting Clark to harm her. And after that I think all bets will be off...
Posted By: Angie Re: Comments: Strong 28 - 08/09/07 02:21 PM
This story had me on the edge of my seat. I can't wait to see how the slayers fight with the coming firestorm.
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