Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ShayneT Comments: Strong 26 - 07/31/07 04:00 PM
Thanks for the feedback for the last chapter! Maybe I've answered some of your questions with this one. evil
Posted By: Lisamaree, the Evil Kiwi Re: Comments: Strong 26 - 07/31/07 04:53 PM
Um... what happened to part 26???

I spent a few minutes hunting for it before realising you mis-numbered this one. wink

Great stuff... intensity, the romantic scene and then shock you pull them apart.. looks bad for Clark (and Lois) now!! All these cliffhangers are wallbash but I so love this story...

Mind you with all the 'noise' Angelica is making I am surprised W&H hasn't come into the picture too, since it is on their turf... but then.. I feel like this story is still just beginning... so many ways it could go!

Waiting patiently to see 'where we go from here' wink
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: Comments: Strong 26 - 08/01/07 12:07 AM
Great chapter, Shayne! It's got loads of action, romance, more surprises than a stage magician, and some very interesting realizations.

She’d resented these women for thrusting all this on her, but the truth was that if they hadn’t, she’d be dead somewhere in Africa, a forgotten footnote in the history of journalism. Only a few of her coworkers would have mourned her, and the few family members she had left.

She’d have never gotten the chance to meet Clark or to explore this frightening under corner of the universe.
Ooh. Lois has begun exploring her new "self" and the company she's now moving in. It no longer repulses her. She's no longer worried about losing her humanity. This is a level of self-acceptance she hasn't shown before. For the first time since becoming a Slayer in the Congo, she's using her abilities freely and not worrying about what she might be. Remember when she told Clark she didn't think she was still human? I think she's past that now.

And she's finally found a man she can respect and love and who can keep up with her and she's going to fight to keep him. Angelica doesn't know who she's dealing with just yet. Admiral Yamamoto's words after the Pearl Harbor attack come to mind.

I fear that we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve.
And that's what these vampires have done with Lois. There's going to be heck to pay on this one.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: Comments: Strong 26 - 08/01/07 12:11 AM
The 78% Evil Kiwi wrote:

Mind you with all the 'noise' Angelica is making I am surprised W&H hasn't come into the picture too, since it is on their turf... but then.. I feel like this story is still just beginning... so many ways it could go!
And I have to confess that I have no idea what's she's talking about. Who are W&H and why should they take an interest in what Angelica does?

I could look it up, but then I'm terminally lazy (lazy when in front of the terminal).
Posted By: TOC Re: Comments: Strong 26 - 08/01/07 12:15 AM
Wow! I was so relieved to see that Clark hadn't been called by Angelica, but that he had just flown off to the hospital to help. And it was exhilarating, though also horrifying, to see Lois and the slayers go after him to the hospital and take up the fight against the vampires themselves among the carnage there.

I absolutely loved how you wrote the scene between Lois and Clark:

There was pain in Clark's eyes, pain that hadn't been there before.

“Why would they do this?” he asked. “If it was just about food, I could understand, but…”

He didn't really understand evil. For all that he'd traveled the world, there was part of him that had kept its innocence.

It was one of the things she loved about him.
Like Lois, I totally and completely love Clark when I read this.

“Lois…” Clark said. “I…”

There was a look in his eye that Lois hadn't seen before, something she hadn't expected.

“I was afraid I was going to lose you.” He sighed. “I don't know how it happened, but you've…”

Lois kissed him.

Kissing, in Lois's experience had always been a pleasant prelude to other things. It was something that she considered herself reasonably good at, but it wasn't something she thought much about.

This kiss was something different. It was as though something clicked inside her, and suddenly the world slipped into focus.

This was the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with.

He was the sort of man she'd always dreamed about, the good man who wasn't afraid to be strong. He was the first person she'd ever known who was not only willing to put up with her, but who could more than keep up.

He was handsome and brave and wasn't afraid to sacrifice himself for the common good. In a way, he'd sacrificed himself already for her.
Sorry about the long quote, but this is altogether wonderful.

And then Clark's eyes become glassy, and he is unaware of her. He has been called by Angelica, hasn't he?

Shayne, you must make him choose between Angelica and Lois. And no matter what he has promised Angelica, he must choose Lois. He has given Angelica his word? So he must protect the demon and give her the means to kill thousands and thousands of people, if she so desires? Clark, there is such a thing as taking the honor of keeping your word too far. Remember that.

Posted By: TOC Re: Comments: Strong 26 - 08/01/07 12:23 AM
Ooh. Lois has begun exploring her new "self" and the company she's now moving in. It no longer repulses her. She's no longer worried about losing her humanity. This is a level of self-acceptance she hasn't shown before. For the first time since becoming a Slayer in the Congo, she's using her abilities freely and not worrying about what she might be. Remember when she told Clark she didn't think she was still human? I think she's past that now.
Wow. That's a great observation, Terry. You are right.

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Comments: Strong 26 - 08/01/07 03:54 AM
Originally posted by Terry Leatherwood:
The 78% Evil Kiwi wrote:

Mind you with all the 'noise' Angelica is making I am surprised W&H hasn't come into the picture too, since it is on their turf... but then.. I feel like this story is still just beginning... so many ways it could go!
And I have to confess that I have no idea what's she's talking about. Who are W&H and why should they take an interest in what Angelica does?

I could look it up, but then I'm terminally lazy (lazy when in front of the terminal).
W&H are Wolfram and Hart, an evil and very large LA law firm who were the chief villains in Angel, the Buffy spin-off show.

At this point in Buffyverse continuity, as a result of a truly bizarre story arc lasting most of the last three years, Angel and his friends have just become the CEO and other department heads of W&H, and are trying to change it to less evil ways. The problem is that they have to keep the company in business and profitable or they will lose their control of it.

As a result of all this Wolfram and Hart may be busy with other problems and just miss this particular bit of evil, which by their standards isn't sufficiently major to be a blip on the radar.

Hope this helps.
Posted By: Angie Re: Comments: Strong 26 - 08/01/07 01:24 PM
Oh no! I think Angelica has gotten his attention now!
Posted By: princessanna Re: Comments: Strong 26 - 08/01/07 02:16 PM
Ooh, this was a great part, Shayne - as per usual. laugh

I'm hoping that not too many people died in the massacre at the hospital, largely thanks to Clark. They didn't, did they? Not too many? *sniff*

I really hope that Willow can figure out a way to remove the compulsion that Angelica put on Clark. frown Please fix this soon...

All in all, I'm loving this story. I like how you're writing Lois and Clark's relationship. I loved the bit with Lois kissing Clark. But then he got 'called'. Noooo!! Fix it? /me holds out Shayne's story to get the 'booboo' fixed.

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