Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 09:07 AM
Have only read a bit so far, but had an overwhelming desire to say WHOOPEE!!! party

Thanks for posting Sue! Back with something intelligent later. I hope.
Posted By: Angie Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 09:16 AM
Such a great part! I love Lois' voicemails (especially the third!) and the way they "renewed their vows". Totally worth the wait!!
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 10:31 AM
Altogether now, 123 Aaaaw. dizzy Never mind.

Now, someone mentioned something about an nfic epilogue...
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 10:47 AM
Aw just beautiful Sue. Maybe some day you'll give us an nfic epilogue. One can only hope. Laura
Posted By: Vanda Detroit Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 10:51 AM
omg sue, it's a wonderful end... I loved it, was very sweet. awww clap

peep And I do hope too for an nfic part laugh

Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 11:12 AM
Sue, that was just wonderful. Thank you for sharing another great story with us. And the last line was perfect!

Posted By: symbolicangel Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 11:18 AM
That was such an amazingly beautiful end. I adore this story--the end was well worth the wait!
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 11:22 AM
A lovely end to a wonderful story, Sue.

Posted By: MissyG Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 11:38 AM
[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Wonderful ending!!! [Linked Image]

Just loved it!!!!

Thanks, Sue, for writing this!!!!
Posted By: rkn Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 11:45 AM
Mmmm. I feel all warm and fuzzy. What a sweet story. Thank you Sue. clap
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 12:07 PM
Warning!!! I got diarrhea of the keyboard with this post!
Wow Sue...I'm speechless! This ending was well worth the wait. And it must have been just horrible for them to have to wait another few days before they could explore just what they meant to each other.

"Please come back to me." His leaned closer to her and added, "You still owe me a date. And a kiss."
Poor Clark was just grasping for anything to keep her hanging on. He wanted her to know that if she really had to leave him as he had told her before, he would be okay with it but "please if you can...stay with me."
Clark shook his head silently, uncertain that he could tell his parents the truth. The sickening boasts that Randy had made about what he wanted to do to Lois had replayed in Clark's mind. He had been desperate to save her from that fate. For a few horrifying seconds he had wished he'd had the strength to--. He shuddered, unable to even admit to himself what he had wished for.
What was it that Clark wished he'd had the strength to do?

"At gunpoint?" Jonathan cleared his throat. "You were forced to get married?"
This puts a new angle on "shotgun wedding".
"Clark," she whispered, turning her head away so that no one could read her lips.


She smiled. "Nothing. I just wanted to call you that when you were in the Suit. I mean, I know it's you, but it's still kind of hard to..." She waved her hand, searching for the words. "I just wanted to make it official, I guess. Call you Clark and see if you answered."

"You can call me whatever you like and I promise I'll answer."
Clark started to go to the door, hesitated and then turned to look at her again. "Honey?" he asked softly.

"Yes?" she answered automatically.

He grinned. "Nothing. I just wanted to call you that and see if you answered."
That was just so sweet. <sigh>
She opened her hand and traced a finger over the hospital ID bracelet that she had taken off but had been unable to throw away. "Kent, Lois," she read silently for the umpteenth time. She closed her eyes and remembered his teasing words after he had kissed her at the altar.
So, Lois wants to be Mrs. Kent. So nice that she's not on her woman's lib kick.
Clark followed her in, waiting until the door was shut before he softly asked, "Do you still have that red dress that Mickey bought for you?"

She flushed and took the bag back from him. "Yes."

"Darn," he said and she saw his eyes darken a little. "I'm not sure I could handle seeing you in that dress again."

Her cheeks grew even hotter. "It's a good thing I wasn't planning to wear it then, isn't it?" She stared at his chest. In her mind's eye she could still see the wounds he had suffered. It was wonderful to think that beneath the Suit the damage was gone.

"Definitely," he said and gave her a mischievous grin. "Because I would have some serious expectations if you showed up on my doorstep in that dress."
Expectations ...that word has a totally different meaning for them.
"You said," he started and then had to swallow. "You said you wanted to hug me?"
So, Clark did get all of her messages.
"No." She shook her head. "I just woke up and came out to check on you." He looked so young without his glasses - and without the bruises that had covered his face after the attack. She almost reached out to touch him, but then stopped herself. "Why are you sleeping on the floor?"

"Your couch is too small."

"So you chose the floor?"

He shrugged. "I've slept in worse places. Your floor really isn't that bad."
Yeah, the bed would have been better. They are such cute things when they play cat and mouse with each other.
Lois sighed when she felt him waver. "Do I have to ask you to kiss me every time?" she teased.

"A real kiss?" he answered in the same light tone.

"God, yes." This time when she pressed her lips to his, he combed his hands into her hair, holding her to the kiss as he came alive beneath her. She opened her mouth to welcome him as his tongue nudged its way inside and caressed her lips. She dipped her tongue into his mouth and the kiss turned deep and hungry.

"I love you," he whispered before their kiss melted into another. He said it again when that kiss ended, unable to hold back any longer. "Lois, I love you. I always have."

"I love you," she told him, more than a little breathless from both his words and his kisses.
Clark being cautious again. She's yours now. You can freely share yourself with your wife.

So beautiful.
Clark let out a shaky laugh. "If I start touching you now, I might not stop. I want you. I don't just mean for tonight or for... this." He swallowed hard and then added, "Lois, I meant every word I said in that wedding chapel. I want you for my wife."

Her heart seemed to have burst, spilling happiness into every cell of her body. "And I want you for my husband."
Previously Clark had told Lois that he was not planning on divorcing her or annulling their marriage. Maybe she thought that it was the thing to say and if they really survived, things would be different. I'm guessing that that's why Lois was so hesitant to really open up with her feelings about where she wanted things to go.
He placed a kiss just below her ear as his arms tightened around her. "To have and to hold."

Lois tipped her head back to look into his eyes, remembering the fear and horror at the mine and how they had struggled together to get away. "For better or for worse."

Clark smiled, remembering the very different circumstances of the nights they had spent together. From a posh hotel room to lying beneath the stars with only his cape and their shared body heat to keep them warm. "For richer or poorer."

"In sickness and in health." As she spoke the words she could still remember how horribly wounded he had been and how brave and determined he must have been to save them both.

"To love, honor and cherish." Having nearly lost her he knew the true value of what he now held. It was a promise he meant with all his heart - he would spend the rest of his life cherishing her.

"Until death parts us." Lois remembered making him promise that he wouldn't leave her and how he had exacted the same promise from her.

His eyes darkened with emotion. "Not even death, Lois. I'll love you forever."

For a moment it seemed that time stood still as the full impact of what they had just promised set in for them both. Married. They really were married. For a breathless moment they could only stare at each other.

Then Lois put her arms around his neck and whispered, "Make love to your wife."
Oh, Sue...just beautiful. By the end they had fulfilled every promise of their wedding vows to one another.

Just BRAVA! Another masterpiece. Thank you for this wonderful story. I cannot say enough great things!

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 12:38 PM
OMG! It's here!!! dance

"I can't," Clark said with a grimace. "I promised I wouldn't leave her. I can't let her wake up alone."
awwww! how could you possibly not love this guy?

And somewhere out in the desert she had not only accepted that, but she had realized that she couldn't live without him. Not because of Superman, but because he was Clark.
awww!! I'm all teary-eyed, now. It's so sweet! *happy sigh*

"You can call me whatever you like and I promise I'll answer."
*melts into a puddle of goo* (and secretly wishes she could call him 'mine'... *sigh*)

Clark started to go to the door, hesitated and then turned to look at her again. "Honey?" he asked softly.

"Yes?" she answered automatically.

He grinned. "Nothing. I just wanted to call you that and see if you answered."
Awww... darn it! I'm really going to cry, now...

"Hi, it's me again. I had to tell you this, just in case. Let's face it, with my luck lately, it's entirely possible that the plane is going to explode in midair or something before I can get back to Metropolis. So the thing is..." Lois took a deep breath and tightened her hand on the phone to keep it from shaking. "I love you, Clark. I, uh, I just wanted to tell you that. I should have told you that sooner. Anyway, I know we have a lot to sort out with, uh, the marriage or annulment or whatever and all that, but I wanted you to know that I do love you. And don't think that it's because of, you know, uh, that other guy. I already felt this way, honest. I hope you can be there tonight. I'd give anything to be able to hug you right now." Her voice faded to a whisper as she realized how much she meant that. She choked on the last few words as her throat seemed to close off and tears came to her eyes. "I miss you, Clark."
AH! And I thought a little bit of foggy mist in my eyes a minute ago was bad - I just had to close the door to my office, I'm really, officially crying now. I just hope no one shows up here!!

How *do* you do that? I mean... honest - one second it's all cute and fun and then - BANG! - you can make dams break... (I so want to be like you when I grow up... *lol*)

She told herself that it wouldn't matter if he hadn't been able to make it but she knew that was a lie. It mattered. It mattered more than anything else in the world.
aww! of course it matters. And he'll be there, right, Sue? He will? *fingers crossed*

How different - how amazing - would her life be if she could spend every night in his arms simply for the pleasure of being near him?
Heh. Wouldn't we all like a chance to find out...

She considered running back up the escalator and then she caught sight of him. Clark was in the Suit again, his face grim as he waded through the throng of media.
Kinda bummed that it had to be Superman, but... ah well, I guess it's still Clark anyhow. I'm sure Lois understands; Clark's supposed to be AWOL, isn't he?

The Suit gave her the semblance of normality but her mind was still reeling that it was Clark - Clark! - who was flying with her.
hehehe - I got the exact same feeling she did right there. I love that one, the "omg, Clark really *is* Superman." *happy sigh* That will get a smile from me any day of the week. smile

"You said," he started and then had to swallow. "You said you wanted to hug me?"

In response she wrapped her arms around him. All the things she had wanted to say fled from her as his arms encircled her in return. The only word she could manage was, "Clark."
Damn you, woman! Just when I thought I wouldn't need anymore kleenex, you have me running for a brand new box!!

The realization that they were safe sank in and Lois gave up fighting her emotions. She let out a choked little sob and buried her face in his chest to muffle the next one. She cried for the fear she had felt in the truck, in the mine, and ever since she had heard that first gunshot and known that he had been hurt. She sobbed away all the accusations and hurt that learning his secret had caused. She cried for the pain that both of them had suffered and how hard they had struggled together simply to survive. Through all her tears he simply rocked her and whispered soft reassurances.
Darn it! *sobs even louder*

Well, I've been a freaking sobbing mess all the way from there to the end. When they come to empty out the trash, they're going to think I had a breakdown or something, it's completely filled with kleenex, all the way to the top. (ok, so it wasn't empty to begin with, but... you know...)

And, just my luck, as I'm reading the last couple words, iTunes decides that now would be a *great* time to play the theme song to L&C. Yeah, yeah, so I have that on my playlist. ermmmm.... a couple times on the list... (so sue me, I like that music!) That was just about the worst possible times in the world. ...or the best, depends how you wanna think about it.

I should have known better than to read this at work! *lol*

I loved it - so much!! I can't even line up the words in my head to explain how great this part was. I hope a *dreamy sigh* is sufficient. And a couple sobs, too. wink It's all anyone will be able to get out of me for the rest of the afternoon, I'm plenty sure.

Thanks, Sue!
Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 01:24 PM
EEE!!!! part 7 is here!!!!!

"Please come back to me." His leaned closer to her and added, "You still owe me a date. And a kiss."
Yes she does! Wake up, Lois!

"What did she say?" Jonathan glanced over at Martha. She grinned and shook her head. He had twenty dollars riding on 'not angry' while Martha had always insisted Lois would overreact and then come to her senses later.
Hehe, it's so cute that they bet on it. Very in character I think for both Martha and Jonathan.

"If it was Kryptonite, it would have. They took us to a borax mine and the dust I breathed in was full of boron silicate with traces of sodium lithium. It just lacked one thing - the radiation stored in it from Krypton's red sun. So it didn't make me sick, but it took away my powers just the same."
Oooooh. Very technical. smile

"Honey?" he asked softly.

"Yes?" she answered automatically.

He grinned. "Nothing. I just wanted to call you that and see if you answered."
*squeal!* Pet names!

Please, let him be there.
*is as nervous as Lois*

"You said," he started and then had to swallow. "You said you wanted to hug me?"
Aww!! YES SHE DOES! And I do too. *Sigh* But I'll let Lois go first.

Then Lois put her arms around his neck and whispered, "Make love to your wife."
Such a wonderful ending! I loved it. This story was absolutely amazing. I'm really looking forward to the nfic end scene you mentioned. If you write it, I mean. Even if you don't, I seriously loved this story. smile

Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 02:18 PM
Feeeeeeebaaaaaack! That nectar of the gods that has once more found its way to me. <sigh>

Thank you to everyone who has popped in to leave a note. I'm delighted to hear from you all. party

I'm meant to be working right now but I couldn't resist checking the boards and, when I saw all your glorious words, I just had to reply. So this will be brief, but it shouldn't follow that I didn't *want* to say more. wink
(ps. you forgot the flourine)
Nope, that was deliberate. Since the kind they found in Serbia didn't have fluorine, I left it out. <g>
So, Lois wants to be Mrs. Kent. So nice that she's not on her woman's lib kick.
I kept my maiden name and I don't consider myself a raging feminist. It's my name. I like it. I grew up with it. It's my identity. But that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy being Mrs. S-. I pictured her situation like mine - professionally I still use my maiden name. Privately, I was the Mrs. <shrug> YMMV.
Previously Clark had told Lois that he was not planning on divorcing her or annulling their marriage. Maybe she thought that it was the thing to say and if they really survived, things would be different. I'm guessing that that's why Lois was so hesitant to really open up with her feelings about where she wanted things to go.
Ah - but he only *teased* her about the annulment thing. He never specifically said anything about staying married (or told her he loved her) until the night she was feverish (which she doesn't remember). Lois was going into this half-blind, as it were.
How *do* you do that? I mean... honest - one second it's all cute and fun and then - BANG! - you can make dams break... (I so want to be like you when I grow up... *lol*)
I'm not sure how to answer that. I just write what's in my head. As far as growing up goes - maybe we can trade? I'll be you (with your wit, talent at both vids and stories, and ability to stalk DC movie locations years after the fact) and you can be me. <g>
Kinda bummed that it had to be Superman, but... ah well, I guess it's still Clark anyhow. I'm sure Lois understands; Clark's supposed to be AWOL, isn't he?
Okay, originally *Clark* did show up at the airport. I'll find an earlier version and send it to you. It was very sweet. They hugged like there was no tomorrow and then he took her home. And left her there. And they both wished they were still together and she finally called him - just to hear his voice - and he silently wished that she'd tell him to come over. Then she hangs up and puts on her shoes and marches over there. And there was a whole scene where she asks if she can sleep there and... Geez, I gotta find the original because it did have some really nice bits in it. <sniffle>
Hehe, it's so cute that they bet on it. Very in character I think for both Martha and Jonathan.
Thank you, Laura! That was one of my favorite little snippets. I'm glad someone noticed and liked it as much as I did. <g>

Back to the salt mine for me now, I fear. Thanks for the brief respite, you guys!
Posted By: princessanna Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 02:28 PM
*sigh* Just popping in to read and say a big 'Awww!', Sue. smile I loved the ending, I really did. Especially, as others have said, the renewing of their vows. So cute!

I really was saying 'Awww!' out loud several times during my reading of this part, and heaving big sighs too! I love your stories. laugh Thank you for an aww-worthy ending. Thank you for this story. smile

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 02:52 PM
Sue is back!!! (((((((Sue)))))))

And what a lovely end to your story this is, Sue! But let's look at things from the beginning.

Clark's eyes opened. His entire body felt heavy and slow and yet he couldn't shake a sense of urgency. His eyes closed as he remembered staggering along a dusty road with an unresponsive Lois over his shoulder. He tried to struggle to a sitting position but his body was uncooperative.
This is a classic nightmare. In your dream you need to move to fend off some kind of horror, but your body is immobile and seems frozen to the spot. What is so poignant to us LnC fanatics about this particular dream is that Clark's desperate need to save Lois (but apparently also his inability to do so) is at the heart of his nightmare.

Clark blinked and the room came into sharp focus. He remembered it now - seeing the dust rising on the road as a truck came closer and closer. He remembered his last desperate actions to hide Lois from view before the truck reached them. There had been a long ride to the hospital and then a confusing flurry of activity. They had taken her away from him, assuring him that he could see her later.
You are teasing us, letting Clark's confused memories tell a very abridged story of how he and Lois were saved. Well, that way you are whetting our appetite for more information.

"Just stay here, son. I'll go check on her."

"I can't," Clark said with a grimace. "I promised I wouldn't leave her. I can't let her wake up alone."

"Mom is in there with her."

"I still have to see her." Clark leaned heavily against his dad, taking small steps as he worked his way closer to her room. His dad dragged Clark's IV pole along with them.
This is such a wonderful image of hurt and injured Caring!Clark and I-have-to-be-with-Lois!Clark.

Martha didn't add that the doctor had also said if Lois didn't wake up soon, he was worried about what that might mean for her mental condition. There was simply no way to accurately gauge how the heatstroke and fever had affected her brain until she woke up.
You are scaring us, Sue.

Clark lifted her hand and kissed it softly. "Lois, can you hear me?"

There was no response. Her hand remained slack in his and her eyelids didn't flicker. He looked at her face, taking in the dark bruises on her cheek. Her hair was lank on the pillow, her complexion pale beneath the bruises. That his own body was still throbbing in pain only deepened the horror he felt for everything she had suffered.

"Please come back to me." His leaned closer to her and added, "You still owe me a date. And a kiss."
I love how Clark is watching Lois, taking in every detail as he is looking at her. I love it still more that Clark's own pain makes him feel Lois's pain that much more strongly. He is thinking of her, not of himself.

But Sue, your Clark wouldn't be your Clark if he didn't have something humorous or challenging or banter-like to say to Lois.

Their eyes had met and, in an instant, he had gone from simply interested to smitten. At the time he would have sworn by the way her eyes darkened that she had felt the same way - or at least recognized the heat between them. As time went on he started to believe that maybe he had dreamed it. Only now was he certain that she actually had felt it too - and had pushed him away for her own mental safety.
I love that he remembers and understands this.

And of course, this is such a recurring theme in many LnC stories. He loves her, but can he believe that she loves him, too? And she loves him, but can she hope that he loves her, too?

"I told her she could leave me," Clark said quietly. His parents both looked up from the magazines they were reading. "I thought we were as good as dead and I told her she didn't have to keep her promise to stay with me anymore. It was only a few minutes later that I saw dust rising on the road. It was a long way off, but it was coming towards us. I didn't know if it was the guys who were after us or not. So I hid Lois away from the road and waited for them to get closer."
He is confessing to his parents that he told Lois that it was okay for her to die now, instead of hanging on to her life through the most horrible pain. But when he thought that the men who wanted to kill him and Lois had returned to do awful things to Lois's dying body, he had to hide her away. Becasue if he couldn't save her life, he had to save her from that, at least.

But the people in the truck weren't the men who wanted to desecrate Lois. They were people who wanted to save Lois and Clark instead. But what if it was too late for Lois? And what if it was Clark's fault if she died, because he had told her that he had given up, so that she might as well give up too and die now?

"You didn't give up," Martha said quietly. "If you had given up, you wouldn't have tried to protect her one last time."

"I wished for something terrible." Clark closed his eyes, awash in guilt. "I wanted her to be dead."

"You didn't want her to suffer," Jonathan corrected.
Awful confession.

But the truth is worse than his parents realize:

Clark shook his head silently, uncertain that he could tell his parents the truth. The sickening boasts that Randy had made about what he wanted to do to Lois had replayed in Clark's mind. He had been desperate to save her from that fate. For a few horrifying seconds he had wished he'd had the strength to--. He shuddered, unable to even admit to himself what he had wished for.
He had wished that he could kill Lois himself, to spare her that last, horrible pain and humiliation. But to think about that now....!!!

"Tell us about the wedding," Martha prompted. "Are you really married?"

Clark's fingers stroked along Lois' arm and his face relaxed. "We're really married." His lips twitched into a smile. "It wasn't planned, and it was at gunpoint, but it was a mostly valid marriage."
I love that Clark relaxes and feels so much happier when he can tell his parents that he is really married to Lois. Even here, even now, even considering what kind of wedding it was, the thought that he is married to Lois can still bring him some happiness.

"What did she say?" Jonathan glanced over at Martha. She grinned and shook her head. He had twenty dollars riding on 'not angry' while Martha had always insisted Lois would overreact and then come to her senses later.
Martha and Jonathan were making bets on how Lois would react! Poor Lois! I don't think I like that very much.

Clark's forehead furrowed as he remembered her reaction. "Nothing. She didn't say anything for such a long time I finally had to ask her say something. And then she was just..." His eyes closed as he realized how generous she had been - never once had she been accusatory. He looked at Lois, lying so still and pale, and his heart felt even heavier. "She looked so hurt and angry but she never said a thing. She took care of me."
But I'm so glad that Martha was proved to be wrong here! Lois hadn't blown her top.

"Then you'd better hang on to her, son." His mom gave him a wink.

Clark laced his fingers with Lois'. "If it were only up to me, sure. But it's her decision, too."
*sniffle* There is something so moving about this. Clark had first told Lois that she could die now. Then he told her to hang on, to keep on living. But it's just like Clark said: No matter how much we may want our loved ones to listen to us when it comes to whether they should live or die, it is ultimately their decision.

Clark was dying - bleeding to death in front of her. Lois felt as if she were underwater, all of her movements were slow and ineffective as she ripped open his shirt to stop the flow of blood. He writhed in pain and his terrified eyes silently pled for her to help him. She couldn't make her body cooperate, couldn't seem to find where all the blood was coming from. As she frantically tried to save him his eyes became distant and his body went limp.

"Clark!" She tried to scream his name but he was shrinking, disappearing before her eyes.
And this is an almost perfect parallel to the nightmare that Clark was having in the beginning of this chapter. Lois is helpless and immobile, and she has to watch in horror as Clark is bleeding to death, and shrinking and disappearing before her eyes, shrivelling to an empty shell because there is no blood left in him.

Again, the nightmare concerns losing one's loved one.

Oh god - he was Superman. Lois remembered being wrapped in the cape and tossing rocks at a narrow ledge as Clark teased her that he had only married her for her body. The memories flooded back and she tried to wrap her mind around what it seemed she had already come to terms with. Clark was Superman. And somewhere out in the desert she had not only accepted that, but she had realized that she couldn't live without him. Not because of Superman, but because he was Clark.
But Lois wakes up, and she remembers some incredibly important things, and she comes to a wonderful conclusion. Clark is Superman, and she can't live without him, because he is Clark.

"Thursday," Lois echoed and tried to remember what day she had last been awake. Was it Thursday? They got married on Monday - didn't they? It was Tuesday morning when Tony shot them. Wednesday when they found water. And Thursday? Lois tried hard to remember but there simply wasn't a Thursday. She could remember plunking rocks onto the ledge and talking to Clark but nothing beyond being cold and having him hold her. No, there was a hazy memory of him refusing to leave her in the canyon. Clark had lifted her onto his shoulder and then-- her mind went blank. Had that been Thursday? Had he carried her all the way to safety? Was that how she got here? But where was he? Why wasn't he here now?
And this is such a brilliant summary of the entire story!

"He's better?" Lois whispered, suddenly worried that she was only dreaming again. "All better?"

"He's super," Martha reassured her.

Her lips were cracked and dry and it hurt to smile but Lois grinned anyway. "Super," she repeated. Their eyes met and both women grew a little teary at the unspoken secret now shared between them.
I love it. How great that Lois and Martha have this bond and understanding between them, now that they know they are the two women who love Clark most in the world, and they also both know his secret.

Superman stepped around the corner and Lois thought for a moment that her heart had stopped. There was the Suit, not torn and blood-stained. The cape billowed out behind him as he walked towards her. He looked perfect - not a hair out of place, no sign of bruising, no way to tell that only two days before he had been near death. She could see why he'd had to leave the hospital in a hurry.
There is something so heartbreakingly perfect and wish-fulfilling-y about this. It's like watching the reversal of the second law of thermodynamics. That is the law that says that everything must inexorably become more jumbled and messy over time, which is why things must break down sooner or later, and why people age and die. And that's why old people can't become young again, and why dead people can't rise from their graves. Seeing Superman - Clark - so perfect and healthy and strong and clean and well-groomed, after he was so broken and damaged and weak and dirty and dishevelled; well, that is like watching the abolition and annulment of the second law of thermodynamics. It's a miracle.

Acutely conscious that they had an audience and thrilled beyond words to see him, she could only manage a breathless, "Hi."

"Hi," he answered with a smile that weakened her knees even more. "How are you feeling?" he asked, drawing close enough to take her arm and put his other hand at the small of her back for support as he led her slowly back towards her room.

"Much better," she said. "They're talking about letting me out of here tomorrow."

"That's great."

She put her arm through his in lieu of a hug. "Thanks for coming to visit me."

He ducked to softly speak near her ear. "I had to see you."

"Same," she murmured, so low that only he could hear it.
I love how the have to speak "in code", as it were. They have to say things for the benefit of the people around them, but they have to impart new meanings to the words they say, for the benefit of each other.

The hand on her back hand moved to span her uninjured ribs. It was a gesture that must have looked supportive to everyone else. To Lois the gentle pressure of his touch was so intimate that her eyes briefly fluttered closed.
This is so brilliantly written - how a gesture that looks so perfectly innocent and impersonal to the onlookers becomes so incredibly intimate and shivery-inducing to Lois. Oh, Sue, I love it.

They left the door open to her room when they came inside - neither of them wanted to pull the door shut and set off a flurry of gossip.
How painful to be so in the eye of the public and having to keep up an innocent, rather stiff front, when they so need to hug and kiss each other and laugh and cry.

"Remember that sample of Kryptonite that Jason Trask had analyzed? Kryptonite is composed of sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide."

Lois shook her head. "And that's what was at the mine? But you said it didn't make you sick. If it was Kryptonite, shouldn't it have done that?"

"If it was Kryptonite, it would have. They took us to a borax mine and the dust I breathed in was full of boron silicate with traces of sodium lithium. It just lacked one thing - the radiation stored in it from Krypton's red sun. So it didn't make me sick, but it took away my powers just the same."
Neat explanation, Sue, but since I didn't figure it out, I need to say in my defence that you can't store radiation from a sun as radiation inside a metal or a mineral. Radiation, as such, is just a photon, a package of electromagnetic energy, which corresponds to a certain wavelength. The most dangerous and damaging photons pack an enormous amount of energy and correspond to incredibly short wavelenghts, but the red suns radiate mostly long-wavelength, weak sort of photons.

A metal or a mineral isn't radioactive in itself unless it contains radioactive elements or isotopes, such as, for example, uranium 238 (or whatever the precise atomic number is). These elements or isotopes are made of matter - that is, they are made of protons, neutrons and electrons - but they are unstable, and therefore they will decompose into lighter elements or isotopes that contain fewer protons, neutrons and electrons. As they decompose, they release high-energy, short-wavelength, dangerous and damaging photons in the process. It's these spontaneously released energetic photons that are the radioactivity. But if a mineral or a metal is made up of atoms that have no innate tendency to decompose, then you can't fill this mineral or metal with high-energy photons by shining the light of a red sun on it! (Okay, okay, I admit that the laws of physics could actually be slightly different in the universe of Lois and Clark!)

"If I were you, I wouldn't go flying into any borax mines in the future."
Borax mines. Borax. Hmmmm. That reminds me of that crazy guy Borat, who, I shouldn't wonder, may ooze the sort of photons that would make Clark utterly powerless.

"Clark," she whispered, turning her head away so that no one could read her lips.


She smiled. "Nothing. I just wanted to call you that when you were in the Suit. I mean, I know it's you, but it's still kind of hard to..." She waved her hand, searching for the words. "I just wanted to make it official, I guess. Call you Clark and see if you answered."
I love it. Sigh.

"You can call me whatever you like and I promise I'll answer."

'Husband', she thought. Let me call you that. Or 'sweetheart' or 'darling'. An entire list of sickeningly sweet names went through her mind and yet none of them seemed so saccharine if she was referring to him. What had happened to her? Maybe it was just the residual effects of sunstroke because there was no other excuse for it. She wanted to call him 'sweetheart' and have him answer.
*sniffle* It's perfect.

When he smiled, his entire face seemed to relax and Lois realized that she had never seen Superman so at ease before. It was the end of an era, she thought. He wasn't hiding from her anymore. Just as quickly she remembered that he should still maintain the ruse for everyone else. "You should probably leave soon," she said regretfully. "Although I wish you could stay longer."

In an instant his face had returned to the distant but friendly mask of Superman. He reluctantly stood up, letting his fingers brush over her wrist as he did so. "Call and let me know when you're coming home, okay? I'll come to the airport to meet you."
Superman becomes Clark Kent even though he is wearing the Suit, because he isn't hiding or play-acting or lying to Lois anymore. But then they remember that they are in public, and Superman has to become Superman again.

Clark started to go to the door, hesitated and then turned to look at her again. "Honey?" he asked softly.

"Yes?" she answered automatically.

He grinned. "Nothing. I just wanted to call you that and see if you answered."

"Hi, this is Clark Kent. I'm sorry I'm not here to take your call. Please leave a message and I'll call you back."

Lois closed her eyes, disappointed that she wasn't going to be able to talk to him in person.

"Hi, Clark. It's me, uh, Lois."

You know -- your wife, her mind added.

"I'm at the airport and you told me to call and let you know what time my flight gets in. Well, I should be there around 10:30 tonight, Metropolis time. I, uh, I know you might have something more pressing going on, so it's okay if you don't come. I mean, I understand that you're, well, you know. You don't have to come up with an excuse anymore. So, uh, so if I don't see you, I'll just give you a call tomorrow morning. Okay?"
Talking to a machine is so awkward, because it doesn't answer you and gives no indication of whether or not it has understood. So you have to be very crisp and clear, which in itself almost guarantees that you will become flustered and start babbling. And what on earth did you say anyway? It is sometimes quite hard to remember.

Anyway, Lois asks Clark to pick her up at the airport.

But then she remembers something...

She hung up the phone and then thunked her forehead against the side of the phone booth. "Idiot," she whispered to herself. "You didn't even tell him the most important part." She dialed the phone again, pressing the receiver closer as his greeting played.

"Hi, uh, it's me again. I forgot to tell you but the police are going to be looking for you. Someone from the sheriff's office came to talk to me earlier today and I didn't know what to say when they asked about you."

Lois looked around nervously. No one in the crowds bustling past was paying any attention to her, but she still felt uneasy saying anything about his alter ego.

"I told them I thought you had gone back to Metropolis to follow up on some leads about Mickey. So, anyway, uh, we can talk about it when I get back. I'm assuming that since I can't reach you neither can Henderson or anyone else. Not that you owe me any explanations for where you go or what you're doing. I don't want you to think that I'm being nosy. Because I'm not. I, uh, I'll just see you later. Or talk to you later. Probably talk to you. I'm sure there's a lot of stuff that, uh, you have to, you know, take care of. Soooo, bye now."
The police will be looking for him! He must be told about that. And then she tries to tell him that she doesn't need to know where he is, that she isn't being nosy, and then she becomes flustered and embarrassed again.

And then she realizes that she left out her most important message to him:

"Hi, it's me again. I had to tell you this, just in case. Let's face it, with my luck lately, it's entirely possible that the plane is going to explode in midair or something before I can get back to Metropolis. So the thing is..." Lois took a deep breath and tightened her hand on the phone to keep it from shaking. "I love you, Clark. I, uh, I just wanted to tell you that. I should have told you that sooner. Anyway, I know we have a lot to sort out with, uh, the marriage or annulment or whatever and all that, but I wanted you to know that I do love you. And don't think that it's because of, you know, uh, that other guy. I already felt this way, honest. I hope you can be there tonight. I'd give anything to be able to hug you right now." Her voice faded to a whisper as she realized how much she meant that. She choked on the last few words as her throat seemed to close off and tears came to her eyes. "I miss you, Clark."
And she confesses her love for him to his answering machine, and it's so, so poignant. Because she doesn't know if he loves her back, and she doesn't know where he is, and for all she knows he may be dying at the bottom of a borax mine right now and she may never see him again, and she may never touch him or hug him again, and she starts crying at the thought of his absence... but at least, at the very, very least, she has told his answering machine that she loves him.

If he was there, she could hug him. Her arms felt empty, useless almost, that she hadn't been able to hug him at the hospital.
These may be my favorite two sentences from this part, and maybe from the whole story. What is love? And what good are these arms, if they are not able to hug her loved one?

A week. It had been a week since they were married. A week since she had kissed him. She remembered what he had said about a scorching good night kiss and her stomach fluttered in anticipation. If he was there, if he was waiting for her, it had to mean that he -- what? Wanted her? Wanted to be married to her? Or was he just too polite to ditch her while she was this vulnerable?
Vulnerable. That's the right word. This paragraph shows just how vulnerable and emotionally naked Lois is.

Had he heard her messages? Would he be waiting for her when she got off the plane? She told herself that it wouldn't matter if he hadn't been able to make it but she knew that was a lie. It mattered. It mattered more than anything else in the world.

<"Hello, Mrs. Kent...">

That name had sent a thrill through her at the time and that was even before everything had changed. Before they had risked their lives to save each other, before she had known his secret, before she had spent the night nestled in his arms to keep warm. What if she really could be Lois Kent? How different - how amazing - would her life be if she could spend every night in his arms simply for the pleasure of being near him?

As the plane touched down her stomach lurched along with the wheels.

Please, let him be there.
Please let him want her. Please let him be warm and solid and real and there for her.

"But, if you are married, I'm going to need to think of someone else to ask to the Press Corps Banquet next month."

"Don't flatter yourself, Brendan. You're not Clark's type."

Brendan tipped his head back and laughed. "Touche, Lois."
Maybe Brendan could ask Captain Kirk? laugh

She had never been more aware of the sheer physicality of Clark than at this moment. Both he and Superman had always seemed so solid to her, but he was currently the only substantial thing in her world. The ephemeral night air was cool and it made a striking contrast to the warmth of his body. The Suit gave her the semblance of normality but her mind was still reeling that it was Clark - Clark! - who was flying with her. In the next instant all her fears dissolved and she relaxed into his sure embrace. She had always trusted Superman but somehow knowing that he was truly Clark increased her confidence in him.
And yes - he was warm and solid and overwhelmingly physical and real, and he was most certainly there for her. When even the ground is not touching her feet, Superman - Clark - is embracing her.

They landed on the sidewalk outside her building. There were a few reporters and one camera crew waiting for them. "If you want to know what happened," Lois said as they hurried up the stairs, "you can read about it tomorrow in the Daily Planet."
The reporters saw Lois and Superman(?) enter her apartment building, but they won't see Superman leave - aren't they going to they wonder?

The closer they came to her apartment, the harder her heart began to pound. By the time they got to her door she was almost dizzy. Would he stay with her tonight? Technically they were married, so that had to be okay. But did he consider them married?
This really is pulse-quickening, and angst-inducing at the same time.

Alone. There were no prying eyes to watch them. An anxious flutter started in her stomach - was he going to leave her now?

He took a step closer to her and she lifted her gaze to his face. He looked just as hesitant as she felt. How was that possible? Leaving aside the fact that he knew she had a huge crush on him, there was still the matter of her perhaps ill-conceived phone message. What did he have to be nervous about?

"You said," he started and then had to swallow. "You said you wanted to hug me?"
Oh, that awkwardness. They so want each other, and they are so afraid of voicing their hopes. I love Clark's question - so tentative, so nakedly needy.

In response she wrapped her arms around him. All the things she had wanted to say fled from her as his arms encircled her in return. The only word she could manage was, "Clark."

"I wanted to hold you, too," he whispered near her ear. "It was all I could do at the hospital not to pick you up and fly away with you then and there."
Aaaawwww!!! The walls are just breaking down!

The realization that they were safe sank in and Lois gave up fighting her emotions. She let out a choked little sob and buried her face in his chest to muffle the next one. She cried for the fear she had felt in the truck, in the mine, and ever since she had heard that first gunshot and known that he had been hurt. She sobbed away all the accusations and hurt that learning his secret had caused. She cried for the pain that both of them had suffered and how hard they had struggled together simply to survive. Through all her tears he simply rocked her and whispered soft reassurances.
And the dam breaks, releasing all her pent-up emotions and tears. And I love that he is holding her and soothing her.

Blood. There was so much blood and no matter how frantically she searched she couldn't find the source.

"Clark! Stay with me!" she begged as his eyes closed. "Please!"

He didn't seem to hear her as she desperately pressed her hands to his chest, watching in horror as her efforts did nothing to stop the flow. Suddenly, there was a boom and he disappeared.
That horrible nightmare again.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor?"

"Your couch is too small."

"So you chose the floor?"

He shrugged. "I've slept in worse places. Your floor really isn't that bad."

On impulse, Lois laid down, looking first at her ceiling and then at him. "You're right. It's not that bad, considering."
So sweet. I love it.

"No. It's wonderful." Lois ran her hand over the spot where his wound had been and then propped herself up on his chest so that she could see his face. Her hand moved to cup his cheek as her eyes drank in the sight of his beloved features free of the bruises and blood that haunted her dreams. On impulse she leaned closer and touched her lips softly to his. His lips parted slightly but he didn't kiss her back. Lois moved to kiss the corner of his mouth and then his cheekbone. "I'm glad you're back to being you, Clark. When I woke up in the hospital and remembered what had happened I was so worried about you. Hearing that you were fine - and then seeing that you were - well, it was like a miracle."
Clark is a miracle. He defies the second law of thermodynamics.

She kissed him again, letting her mouth linger against his so she could savor the feel of his lips. It seemed to her now that things had gone far too fast in that Vegas hotel room. She hadn't thought to memorize the way that kissing him had felt. They had all the time in the world now and she settled against him, content simply to take little tastes of him as his warm breath played across her mouth.

A wave of longing surged through Clark. More than anything he wanted to kiss her back and tell her how he felt. He wanted to leave her without any uncertainty about his feelings for her and their marriage. He didn't want to pressure her so he had been careful to avoid the subject. The gentle weight of her body against his and the feather-soft brush of her lips were dissolving all his good intentions.
And they are so gentle and careful around each other, even though they long for each other so incredibly. But even their gentle touches are fanning their desire.

"I love you," he whispered before their kiss melted into another. He said it again when that kiss ended, unable to hold back any longer. "Lois, I love you. I always have."

"I love you," she told him, more than a little breathless from both his words and his kisses. She searched his dark eyes, feeling another jolt of heat low in her belly at the intensity of his gaze. Lois ran her fingers through his hair, captivated by the pull of his silky locks tickling through her fingers. A lock slipped away from her and fell onto his forehead in a shallow curl.
I love how you write about that little curl, the classic Superman curl. I once read an article where someone claimed that the genius of Joe Shuster, the first Superman artist and the original creator of the Superman looks, was that he gave Superman that little curl. Because there is a lot of innocence in such a little lock of hair. Thanks to his hairstyle, Superman looked innately innocent and good. Which is why I always missed that little curl in Dean Cain's Superman... but then again, Dean Cain's Clark Kent always had great hair.

Clark let out a shaky laugh. "If I start touching you now, I might not stop. I want you. I don't just mean for tonight or for... this." He swallowed hard and then added, "Lois, I meant every word I said in that wedding chapel. I want you for my wife."

Her heart seemed to have burst, spilling happiness into every cell of her body. "And I want you for my husband."
And finally, finally they dare to admit it to each other. They don't want an annulment. They want each other, forever.

He placed a kiss just below her ear as his arms tightened around her. "To have and to hold."

Lois tipped her head back to look into his eyes, remembering the fear and horror at the mine and how they had struggled together to get away. "For better or for worse."

Clark smiled, remembering the very different circumstances of the nights they had spent together. From a posh hotel room to lying beneath the stars with only his cape and their shared body heat to keep them warm. "For richer or poorer."

"In sickness and in health." As she spoke the words she could still remember how horribly wounded he had been and how brave and determined he must have been to save them both.

"To love, honor and cherish." Having nearly lost her he knew the true value of what he now held. It was a promise he meant with all his heart - he would spend the rest of his life cherishing her.

"Until death parts us." Lois remembered making him promise that he wouldn't leave her and how he had exacted the same promise from her.

His eyes darkened with emotion. "Not even death, Lois. I'll love you forever."

For a moment it seemed that time stood still as the full impact of what they had just promised set in for them both. Married. They really were married. For a breathless moment they could only stare at each other.

Then Lois put her arms around his neck and whispered, "Make love to your wife."
It's kind of lame to quote the entire ending, but... it is just so perfect and beautiful, Sue.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this beautiful story.

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 04:20 PM
A truly great ending. I'd also like to see the version where Clark met her at the airport. I think both would work well. Yep, I was thinking borax. So where were your pictures from? We're going to Vegas for a week this fall and we can drive by and check out the scene.
The obsessive one.
whinging laugh sloppy hail hail
Posted By: MetroChumpy Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 05:07 PM
Aww, I don't want it to end, but what a great ending (or almost-ending)!

I know you're an amazing writer, Sue, because you have more control over my emotions than I do. This story had me laughing and crying and "awwwwww"ing like a maniac. I'm sure anyone would think I was insane if they saw me reading it.

This chapter was so touching and sweet. I especially adored the messages she left Clark, and their conversations once they got to her apartment, particularly the vow reciting.

You so rock! notworthy
Posted By: jackiek Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 05:17 PM
Aww, simply beautiful. notworthy

Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 10:49 PM
First off the story is great.

"Remember that sample of Kryptonite that Jason Trask had analyzed? Kryptonite is composed of sodium lithium boron silicate hydroxide."

They took us to a borax mine and the dust I breathed in was full of boron silicate with traces of sodium lithium. It just lacked one thing - the radiation stored in it from Krypton's red sun. So it didn't make me sick, but it took away my powers just the same."
Oh, this is so cool

Can I borrow this please? Pretty please?
grovel grovel grovel
Posted By: groobie Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/19/07 11:57 PM
Wonderful, as always. However, I don't believe that you've fully resolved the A-plot. And I care very deeply about A-plots. :rolleyes: So...hmmmm...what to do? Well, I guess you'll just have to write a sequel. Yes, another Sue story is the only solution. Sorry, really, it's your own fault. laugh And if you must include more B-plot, well, I suppose I could barely tolerate more deliciously written romance. wink So get back to your keyboard soon! smile1
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/20/07 06:04 AM
Nope, that was deliberate. Since the kind they found in Serbia didn't have fluorine, I left it out. <g>
The I guess we should tell them to update the page on Jadarite so that it no longer says "So far the effects of Jadarite on superheroes have not been noted by researchers." -- We know exactly what it does to Superman now, don't we?

I'm not sure how to answer that. I just write what's in my head. As far as growing up goes - maybe we can trade? I'll be you (with your wit, talent at both vids and stories, and ability to stalk DC movie locations years after the fact) and you can be me. <g>
*giggles* I write what's in my head too. Sadly enough, right now there's absolutely nothing at all up there, hence the video making phase. And the rest of the time, I'm just annoying the hell out of everyone with my fantasies about Batman, aren't I? wink (and I swear, I really don't know how I got myself into those... I wasn't planning on it!)

As for trading - you realize if we did, I might not want to go back to being me again for a very long time. Hey, you're the one with Clark in her closet... he won't even visit my town! wink

Okay, originally *Clark* did show up at the airport. I'll find an earlier version and send it to you. It was very sweet. They hugged like there was no tomorrow and then he took her home. And left her there. And they both wished they were still together and she finally called him - just to hear his voice - and he silently wished that she'd tell him to come over. Then she hangs up and puts on her shoes and marches over there. And there was a whole scene where she asks if she can sleep there and... Geez, I gotta find the original because it did have some really nice bits in it. <sniffle>
Oooh! Alternate version! Nifty. smile What happened with the press and the police, though? Especially the police - wouldn't they want to find out what's happened to Clark? The reporters that were there in this version seemed to say that everyone was looking for him. I'd have to go back and check for sure, but didn't you say he was wanted for questioning, even? That's why I figured it made sense for Clark not to show up - it would have made more trouble than it was worth, I guess...
Posted By: Tahu Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/20/07 06:23 AM
great story and a great end. So full of emotions and love. I loved every single bit of it.

You're are the queen and DJ is the best for always nagging you and encouraging you. You are a great team.

Can't wait to read new stuff.

Thank you for this great story. Will have to read it once again when it is in the archive in one piece.
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/20/07 06:27 AM
A great story, Sue! I loved how they renewed their vows. That was a very special moment. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/20/07 06:38 AM
Love the $20 dollar bet.

Love the explination of Clark's loss of powers.

Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/20/07 07:21 AM
After a long evening where I couldn't check the boards I was back this morning. And there was more! Squee!
There is something so heartbreakingly perfect and wish-fulfilling-y about this. It's like watching the reversal of the second law of thermodynamics.
That's one of the few parts that was in there from the beginning that actually got to stay. It was something I could picture perfectly in my head. Her last memories of him are that he's bloodied and bruised and then - ta da! - around the corner comes Superman. It has to be a discognitive moment, but in a good way. And, like Ann and Shelia pointed out, they have so much they want to say to each other, but they can't.
The reporters saw Lois and Superman(?) enter her apartment building, but they won't see Superman leave - aren't they going to they wonder?
Ah, they might. But that was a clunky conversation so I cut it. He left the light on so that anyone watching from outside would think someone (Superman) was still awake in there. To me it made sense that Superman would stay there since Mickey is no doubt very unhappy that she's back in Metropolis alive. I figured Lois could always tell everyone the next morning (truthfully!) that Clark had stayed there, too.

I was at the airport late at night at the end of June and there was a bunch of media there (for some soldiers who were also coming home). It set off the alarms in my brain and that's when I reworked the entire ending. Gunshot wounds have to be reported. I should have had Clark interviewed after he woke up, but it messed with the flow of the story. So I fudged it and just had them come to talk to Lois (it was the weekend - maybe the sheriff's office was busy with other calls?). And then I realized that a known gangster trying to off two reporters would be a major story. So Clark couldn't come to the airport to pick her up. Originally they discussed why she didn't answer Brendan's question about their marriage but, in the end, that was also too clunky to keep.
Neat explanation, Sue, but since I didn't figure it out, I need to say in my defence that you can't store radiation from a sun as radiation inside a metal or a mineral.
Not in our terrestrial stuff, sure. But all bets are off for Kryptonian stuff. <g> Yes, the laws of physics don't apply in the Superman universe. The guy can fly for cryin' out loud. wink
Can I borrow this please? Pretty please?
Patrick, if you like the idea so much, you can run with it. I'm honored. laugh
This story had me laughing and crying and "awwwwww"ing like a maniac. I'm sure anyone would think I was insane if they saw me reading it.
Thanks, Jessi! (And to everyone else who said I made them go "awww"!) There really can't be a better compliment than hearing that a story could make you laugh and cry (and "awww"). <sniffle> You're gonna make me cry!
However, I don't believe that you've fully resolved the A-plot. And I care very deeply about A-plots.
Oh geeeeeeeeez. Do you have any idea how much I *didn't* want an A-plot for this story? And then, how it infiltrated my thoughts? Once I had Mickey knowing that they were back in Metropolis, it just snowballed from there. When will Clark finally surface again as Clark? How do they explain his lack of injuries - or do they fake them? How do they go after Mickey? After all, he wasn't *there* when they were shot and it's their word against his that he ordered the execution. The day before he was seen celebrating their wedding with them - so he could say they were friends. If they discredit him over the forced wedding that would make it invalid and they don't want that anymore. Mickey could also point out that he got them a swanky room and took them out to dinner. And what the heck was going to go down at Hoover Dam to begin with? These are all problems that have tortured me.

And B-plot? They're newlyweds and, while they have come through an incredible ordeal that has strengthened their relationship, eventually the everyday humdrum of life is going to set in and they might both question what the heck they were thinking and if they rushed things.
As for trading - you realize if we did, I might not want to go back to being me again for a very long time. Hey, you're the one with Clark in her closet... he won't even visit my town!
Maybe Clark doesn't come there, but his Hollywood double is known to make a movie or two there. wink

Sheesh - I apologize. I went off on a tangent. I just wanted to say "thanks!". I very much appreciate all the nice things people have said. Now where are the tissues? mecry
Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/20/07 03:22 PM
Bwa! I just read all seven parts today. I gotta say, I loved it. With the whole fake shotgun wedding that wasn't really fake and the survival in the desert.

Oooh actually you know, I was standing in this ceremony for what seemed like years earlier this morning and I think I was in the middle of part five when I had to leave for this, and part of my brain went 'sooooo thirsty!' and the other part went 'shoosh you, Lois and Clark are injured in the middle of the desert with no water right now!'

So yeah, very good read laugh
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/20/07 04:15 PM
Patrick, if you like the idea so much, you can run with it. I'm honored.
Thank you very much. It totally rocks as a way to fight invading New Kryptonians.

Gold Rev.

Well, we're not just gonna sit
still for this... I'm calling the
Pentagon! The U.N. has to let the
military act.

But Colonel, what can you do
against these people? You've
already lost men trying to stop
'em... You simply don't have a
weapon that's effective against
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/20/07 08:10 PM
I loved all the reminders you included of previous ahhhh moments. Clark telling her that she owes him a date and a kiss (a scorching one, was it?). Expectations. The fact that Clark has slept in worse places. And the vows.


Posted By: Pivoine Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/21/07 10:38 AM
thank you very much Sue for this very nice story;
yesterday evening, it was thundery weather but I couldn't switch off the computer because I wanted to read, read and know the end of your story;

well, there wasn't any danger ... I was with Superman ! cat lol
Posted By: Cristina Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/21/07 01:45 PM
I think I still hadn't dropped by a FDK folder for this story... As usual, I'm quite late, and it's all laziness, but I really had to stop by and at least let you know I found the story great (big surprise here wink )

This last chapter was one of the best things I've read lately. It was just amazing. I loved Lois's phone calls, how she kept ringing back until she finally said what she needed to say. I wasn't expecting the turn of events at the airport, and the last scene, at Lois's appartment had me AWWWing every two lines. That was certainly some incredible waff!

Thank you for a great read!
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/22/07 09:51 AM
Sue, where do I even begin my fdk? Hmmm? I could probably quote the entire part - it was so freakin good. <waffy sigh>

But as good as several parts of it were - for one, the tension in the hospital when Superman came to visit Lois and they couldn't touch one another or hold one another the way they wanted to (waffy sigh at the way he held her so that it looked like support, but it was so much more) - the repetition of the vows at the end was spectacular. Perfect really.

I am so glad, thrilled actually, that you took up my challenge to give these 2 a vegas-style, elopement marriage complete with loads of UST. You fulfilled my hopes with your usual amazing flair. I loved this story, Sue. It will be a must read again, over and over again. <g>

Thank you so much. And wonderful job!

-- DJ
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/22/07 03:44 PM
Sort of off topic: I wish we'd had a site like this when I was taking crystallogaphy. It would have been soooo much easier! http://www.mindat.org/min-31570.html
It's amazing!
Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/23/07 08:33 PM
As usual, I'm coming late to the party, but I had to tell you how much I loved this story, Sue (though this is no news. I love all of your stories). hyper

Posted By: loveLandC Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/23/07 10:33 PM
I absolutly loved this fic!! But at least I know, it's not over, over and that I have one more part coming, in another folder. wink Can't wait. smile1
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/24/07 04:27 PM
Oh Sue! It was really nice. I loved this story and I loved the ending. You have this fabulous way of always ending a story just the right way. It never seems cheesy and I love that.

Thank you so much for sharing this story with us. I know you went through a lot while you were writing it but it was really a joy to those of us who come here every day hoping to see something new posted by you and many of the other wonderful authors here.

I know this story helped brighten my day a few times when I was really down and for that I thank you. I know I don't always comment quickly or at all but I am always here reading and loving every moment of your stories.


Thanks Lady. smile
Posted By: Sue S. Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/26/07 09:43 PM
Cat - you're cracking me up! Love that you figured you could suffer along with our heroes. Perhaps if you suffer long enough, Clark will come and grace your closet? wink

Elisabeth - glad you liked the "aww" moments. I had her join him on the floor because she's slept in worse places, too.

Pivoine - I'm laughing that you risked blowing out the computer just to read the ending. I'm glad nothing drastic happened. Thanks for sticking with me!

Cristina - the thing about FDK is that it's never truly "late". I liked her phone calls, too. <g>

DJ, DJ, DJ. <sigh> You poor thing. You've suffered almost as much as our heroes in having to read multiple drafts. Thanks for sticking with me to the bitter end!

Andreia - see above comments about never being "late". <g> I'm delighted I could make you smile. smile

loveLandC - yes, eventually there will be an epilogue. As soon as I'm done with my house remodel, I'll be able to start writing again.

Jojo - I'm so relieved the ending didn't seem cheesy. I think I get too close to the darn thing and I lose all perspective. I worry that I veer into cheese territory quite often. Thanks for setting my mind to ease.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me through this story. I really do appreciate every little effort y'all make on my behalf. <sniffle>
Posted By: lcfan4ever Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/27/07 12:53 AM
Originally posted by Sue S.:
yes, eventually there will be an epilogue.
laugh clap
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/27/07 02:36 PM
If your remodel goes like ours usually do, we may never see Sue again.

biting her fingernails
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 07/28/07 01:35 PM
While commenting on the other one, I figured I'd better comment here, too... I read along with the first two parts of this, then stepped away until I saw it was finished. Then I got caught up. Excellent story. I'd quote everything I loved but it'd take a few hours, so I'll just mention the hospital scene, when Superman comes to visit. So emotionally fraught, yet they can't display any of it. Same with the phone calls & conversation at her apartment -- so much they want to say and even in privacy they can't figure out how to say it. 'Til the last scene, which is perfect. <happy sigh>

Thanks for writing & sharing it with us.

Posted By: shimauma Re: FDK: Honeymoon in....Vegas 7/7 - 09/03/07 08:28 PM
WOW! thumbsup

Bravo Sue, well done! clap notworthy
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