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Posted By: ShayneT Comments: Strong 22 - 07/18/07 09:47 PM
Well, what do you think? For some reason these are getting harder to write. Maybe it's real life interfering...
Posted By: princessanna Re: Comments: Strong 22 - 07/18/07 10:58 PM
Aww, I hope that real life is going okay for you, Shayne. I know that it sometimes interfers, but I hope that you still enjoy writing this. We're all enjoying it immensely! laugh

I loved this part. And I wondered when Lois was going to bring up that she was a Slayer too. Wonder how Buffy is going to react to that?

Ooh...someone fired a crossbow at Lois! Is she going to grab the bolt out of the air as it flies towards her? Is she? Is she? laugh

Looking forward to Part 23. You're an excellent writer, Shayne! clap

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Comments: Strong 22 - 07/18/07 11:53 PM
Two slayers, one crossbow bolt? I think the biggest danger is that they'll get in each other's way. Always assuming that something considerably faster than a speeding arrow doesn't get in the way first, of course.
Posted By: TOC Re: Comments: Strong 22 - 07/19/07 04:15 AM
Still very interesting, Shayne. As someone who doesn't know Buffy at all, however, I found the interaction between Lois and Buffy less compelling than the previous interaction between Lois and Clark.

I trust there will be a lot more Lois and Clark interaction in upcoming chapters. And I find it totally fascinating to watch Lois trying to deal with her new powers and her crushing sense of guilt.

Posted By: Angie Re: Comments: Strong 22 - 07/19/07 09:27 AM
Looking forward to reading more!
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: Comments: Strong 22 - 07/19/07 07:08 PM
Well, you fooled me, Shayne. I figured that Buffy would take Lois in and mentor her. I did not envision someone taking a potshot at her!

I wonder if Clark will swoop in, catch the crossbow bolt before either Lois or Buffy can react, disarm the rest, then get all up in Buffy's grill and talk some smack at her. Then maybe Buffy will go all - er, Buffy - and hurt herself trying to clean Clark's clock. (Try saying that five times fast!)

I hope your muse gives you some phat inspiration in a timely fashion. This is definitely one that has kept my interest all the way.

Yeah, I got roots. They're suburban roots, but I got 'em!
Posted By: Lisamaree, the Evil Kiwi Re: Comments: Strong 22 - 07/19/07 08:02 PM
ohhh - love the cliff hanger... drives me nuts wanting to know what angle you will take, but love it.

As a fan of both shows... completely understand the way Lois and Buffy interact...
kind of funny really as they are both similar kinds of characters in their own worlds, just with different emphasis (that's my take anyway).

love your writing shayne, so please don't stop... fine stories are worth the waiting. wink
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