Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Framework4 FDK: From the Dark (3/?) - 07/11/07 06:23 PM
First off, very interesting. Indeed, delightful.

Now it seems to me that you have three AltVerses,

  • One like the regular Verse
  • One that is the AltVerse where Clark was exposed as super
  • One where Luthor is controling Kal El, the WarVerse?

So we also have two Lois Lanes? One from the AltVerse's congo? Or One from the WarVerse Our Lane is now stuck in?

So perhaps Lois is going to head to Smallville for some Kryptonite? Just to stop but not kill Kal El?

In the RegVerse isn't it about time for Zara to arrive?
Posted By: Catherine Bruce Re: FDK: From the Dark (3/?) - 07/11/07 07:33 PM
Hmmdy. laugh I figured I'd take this opportunity to hopefully clear a couple of things up.

First off, very interesting. Indeed, delightful.
Woohoo! Thanks laugh

Now it seems to me that you have three AltVerses,
Actually, there are only two.

The part that is in OUR Metropolis, entitled 'Here,' actually takes place about a year after the events of 'Tempus Anyone?'

The other Metropolis, entitled 'There,' takes place shortly after the events of 'Tempus Anyone?' So right now, there's about a year's gap between the two different parts.

So we also have two Lois Lanes? One from the AltVerse's congo? Or One from the WarVerse Our Lane is now stuck in?
Nope, only one. wink

So perhaps Lois is going to head to Smallville for some Kryptonite? Just to stop but not kill Kal El?
Hmmm. If Lois DOES go to Smallville, not that I'm saying she is, it wouldn't be for Kryptonite.

In the RegVerse isn't it about time for Zara to arrive?
...Can I ignore that whole arc? *hopeful!*
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: From the Dark (3/?) - 07/11/07 11:48 PM
I'm very glad that you are back with this! When you started posting it about three months ago, I found it hugely interesting. But like Patrick, I gound it just slightly confusing now that I read part three, so I appreciate your clarifications.

I have seen a cartoon episode that was somewhat like this. It is the only cartoon episode that I have ever found great and gripping. Lois was accidentally transported to an alternate universe, where alt-Lois was dead and alt-Superman had become dark and desperate and started working for alt-Luthor in order to restore law and order. I think much of alt-Metropolis had been laid in ruins. Alt-Jimmy Olsen was a resistance leader. Lois managed to contact alt-Superman and made him see the errors or his ways, and he tuned on alt-Luthor and defeated him. But Lois still had to return to her own universe, leaving alt-Superman Lois-less again. (And her own Superman wasn't even thrilled to see her again, because he took her for granted.)

Like I said, I found that episode gripping. Your story is certainly already doing even better! However, now I'm impatiently waiting for the meeting between "raised-from-the-dead" Lois and "dark and desperate and working for Luthor" Clark!

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: From the Dark (3/?) - 07/12/07 10:22 AM
I like this story because it's a little bit darker - and with Cat writing that you kinda hope for a happy ending, but there's really no telling if you're going to get it so there's that little bit of added suspense. wink

That whole part about when Lois goes to see the Planet and it's destroyed is so sad!! I could just imagine the scene and it kinda broke my heart a little bit to think of it in rubbles and virtually gone like that.

Granted, he had never actually seen the Lane woman in person, though there had been a time when her face had been plastered beside her partner’s on placards and bus stop benches, each proudly bragging about the two being the best news team in town.
Such ads would be very hard to miss, given the colorful tie that Clark wore on them. *giggles* Sorry, I couldn't resist a chance to make fun of his ties.... blush

When the body of Lois Lane bolted upright on the bin and scrambled beneath the scratchy white sheets, he heard someone shriek and then his world went black.

If anyone cared to ask, he would tell them that he had slipped and fell.

There was no way that Avril Dunninger, former Army Colonel, would ever admit to anyone that he had fainted.
I had to quote that - I love it. It's just so funny and so true for a man like that. laugh Niiice!

“You should try the juice. I hear that the orange stuff has been freeze dried so much that its like trying to suck beef jerky through a straw.”
*snort* that is way too funny!! rotflol

I'm looking forward to finding out what comes next! smile
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