Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ShayneT Comments: Strong 19 - 07/08/07 08:54 PM
Well, what do you think?
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Comments: Strong 19 - 07/08/07 11:25 PM
I really hope that Clark has some creative use of his powers planned here - heat vision or super-breath, for example. Given how conspicuous they must be on the supernatural "radar" I'm wondering if Buffy and Co. are going to become involved.
Posted By: Lisamaree, the Evil Kiwi Re: Comments: Strong 19 - 07/08/07 11:59 PM
true to both l&c and buffy-verses.... really enjoying how you have got quirky little bits from both shows reinforcing the story...

as a buffy/angel fan as well... intrigued to see what exposure clark and lois get to some of the 'main' characters of that universe as the story evolves (and indeed if there needs to be interaction of buffy and angel characters with each other)... and how clark and lois evolve their relationship through this...

sometimes a bit slow in places (but necessarily for character development and background stuff).. so it doesn't pull the story down any... (and that isn't a criticism btw)

want to read more... SOON... please...
thumbsup still one of the best writers on these boards shayne... don't stop!
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Comments: Strong 19 - 07/09/07 12:25 AM
Well done, Shayne! Both your latest parts, actually. Only I couldn't access the other one yesterday evening. Can't wait for more!
Posted By: TOC Re: Comments: Strong 19 - 07/09/07 01:17 AM
Clark's eyes narrowed and Lois saw the sudden interest in them. Clark had been in the dark about his origins, and this demon might be able to answer some of the questions which had been hounding him for his entire life.

“Can you tell me why I…” Glancing at Lois he shook his head. “What about Jimmy?”

“They're going to try to make a trade.” Lorne said. “Don't do it.”

“What do we have that she wants?” Lois asked. It took her a moment, and then she looked at Clark. “Oh.”

“What would happen if she gets him,” Lois asked.

“If she could control him, the intimidation factor would give her a lot of leverage; get a lot of unaligned demons to follow her.”

If Lois was the thing demon children feared, Clark was the thing that terrified their parents.
Lois as the... bogeywoman for demon children?... and Clark as the... IRS inspector for their parents? laugh

“His wife was having babies.” Lorne winced. “He was going to say goodbye.”

Lois was going to question this, but at the look on his face, decided that she didn't want to know.
Me either!

“The blood never comes off,” Lorne said. “Most demons don't care, but things with souls do.”

Lois froze. First Olaf, and now this demon. She felt a moment of panic, and her voice froze in her throat.

Everybody would know what she had done.

The guilt was bad enough, but the shame…that would be the end. Lois had talked to enough victims of violent crimes to know that sometimes the shame was the worst part…the feeling that the people you loved were never going to be able to see you the same way again.
Lois really is feeling like Lady Macbeth!

“You have a bright and shining soul,” Lorne said. “I don't get to see many of those. These things that have been happening aren't a reflection of who you are.”
But she isn't like Lady MacBeth. I love how Lorne tells her.

“Am I a demon, or a hellthing?” Clark asked, after the silence grew too long.

“You aren't even from this earth,” Lorne said. “You aren't remotely like a demon.”

“Then why?”

It took Lois a moment to realize that he was asking why he'd been abandoned. Where were his parents, why hadn't they wanted him?

It was another question they had in common, although Lois knew the answer to her question. Her mother had been in a bottle, and her father had been immersed in his work, or in his floozy of the week.

Clark had gotten the better deal.

“They loved you,” Lorne said. “And they had to do it.”
I love it! Clark doesn't know anything about his own origins, but Lorne can tell him at least a little something of it.

His arm slid around her and Lois tensed. With anyone else, she would already be pushing them away, which at her current strength might have pushed them into a wall.

“Clark?” she asked.

“Trust me.”

Lois stared up at him, and the squalor of the alley, it's strange and unsettling smells faded away. All she could see was him and the sky above them.

Although she'd dreamed of meeting a good man, a hero, Lois had given up on the dream a long time ago. The world was a thousand shades of gray and nobody was perfect. Men were flawed. Inevitably they had disappointed her.

It was so odd meeting him here and now. At the time in her life when she was the most vulnerable he was here. He had power, but he didn't abuse it. He was kind. He was competent and talented.

He'd lived the life she'd always dreamed of. He'd been loved and he surely had never felt the deep feelings of loneliness that had been her companions throughout her childhood.

It took Lois a moment to realize that she saw stars.
Oh, Shayne, that is wonderfully written.

She clutched at Clark as she looked down.

It was beautiful. A sea of glittering lights spread out as far as the eye could see. From here, all the petty imperfections were washed away, and all she could see was the beauty.

Was this how he saw the world?

He smiled down at her nervously, and Lois sensed that this was an important moment for them both.

Clark was sharing something precious with her, something that was precious to him. She could see in his expression that he expected her to scream, to reject this.

Lois returned his smile, and while it was initially forced, it soon grew to be natural.
Wonderful. I love how Clark reveals his flying to Lois, and how he is so nervous about how she will react to it, and to him. And I absolutely love the way you write Lois's sense of wonder, and her total acceptance and embracing of Clark.

If she'd met him on a blind date, she never would have believed that a man could be such a perfect match for her. She'd have been convinced that he was hiding something, and she would have been trying to discover his dirty little secrets.

Now, everything was different. Whenever she looked at him, all she saw was stars.
I completely love it.

The faster Lois could get them both away, the safer Clark would be. He'd be able to escape before the witch came to her senses.

It seemed like a perfect plan.

It wasn't until she felt a familiar feeling of paralysis stealing over her that she realized it had already failed.
But I don't love this! Please come back soon and fix it!

Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: Comments: Strong 19 - 07/09/07 11:58 AM
lovely smile and thanks a ton for introducing me to the Buffy-verse thumbsup
Posted By: Laurach Re: Comments: Strong 19 - 07/09/07 01:11 PM
Wow I liked how when she looked at him she only saw stars...sigh. I wish Lorn would have told clark more but maybe Clark can sing Great Balls of fire for him next time<g> Anyway, good job. Poor Jimmy! Laura
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: Comments: Strong 19 - 07/09/07 05:44 PM
Shayne, you do love to leave us on tenterhooks, don't you?

Will Lois accept her new "self" as a positive? Will she decide to fully trust Clark? (I know, they've made a tremendous amount of progress, but they're not done yet!) Will Clark be able to get them out of this tight spot, or will Lois have to overcome the paralysis and take out the witch and the vampire?

Even more interesting, will Clark be placed in a position where he will have to choose between letting someone (like Lois) die - or worse, become a vampire - or killing one of the undead?

Scary. But that's what it feels like you're leading up to. Either way, I'm in for the long haul.
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