Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: princessanna FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/02/07 11:45 PM
Oh my gosh, Laura! This made me crack up. I loved it! razz

I love it, Laura! I love all your little stories... laugh

Posted By: symbolicangel Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/02/07 11:50 PM
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/03/07 01:10 AM
Really fun story!! goofy

Lana just wasn't very understanding ...and Rachel was so sweet. Now Lois definitely had a reason to be jealess of her in GGGoH wink
Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/03/07 05:07 AM
OMG! Laura! People are asleep in my house and I'm in here giggling like an idiot! But this is so funny! LOLS!

Unbidden, the image of himself as some Yeti in the Himalayas sprang up in horrible vivid detail in his mind’s eye.
LOL! Yeti! That's priceless... and gruesome as it is, I can see it in my mind too. Ha ha ha.

The entire top part of his head was nearly shaved it was so short. His long hair… Holding his breath, Clark turned to view his reflection in profile. The image was so appalling he nearly yelped.

“I have a <mullet>!”
LOL!!! I'm clutching my sides and biting my lip now. And images of David Spade in a horrific, blonde mullet sprang to mind (can't remember the name of the movie).

“Clark,” Laugh. “it isn’t” Snort. “so bad.”
Oh, Martha! How could you? <me laughing and snorting with her>

Without glancing up from the mirror, Clark doggedly kept at it. “I don’t know why you and Mom expect me to attend the dance looking like an unkempt hillbilly,” He gritted out, stifling a curse as he tried desperately to get the red beam to slice through the long hair at his neck. It was no use, he hadn’t gained enough control of his heat vision to allow him to sever the hair at the base of his neck while looking sideways at the mirror. He was half dressed, wearing his dress shirt and his tie knotted loosely around his neck, but boxers instead of the dark suit pants in a heap on the floor.
LOL! Hillbilly!!! Seriously, if I haven't awoken everyone in the house by now, it'll be a miracle.

Clark had spent nearly forty-five minutes agonizing over which flowers Lana would like best.
Awwww - poor Clark. He's such a little sweetheart. <sniffle> And I can just see Lana being mean to him. mad

Somehow the effect wasn’t as glaring when he was decked out in T-shirts and jeans, munching on after school snacks and telling her about teenage problems. Now, dressed to impress, she realized that the boyish roundness of his face had begun to disappear. Tears blinded her vision for a moment before she hastily blinked them back.
Ooooh, very nice. And poor Martha - her baby boy was growing up.

“Y-You look very pretty, Lana,” Clark said softly. He tried to extract the corsage from the box. While his head was bent, he missed the look of disgust that passed over Lana’s face.

“What did you do to your <hair>?!” She blurted out, just as he managed to free the flower. He was extending it toward her, but the fury in her voice made his arm falter and list a little.

“I… They made a mistake,” he explained. He tried to mask the hurt in his gaze.

“They sure did. You look terrible.”
Awwww! Poor Clark! </me slaps Lana>

A snuffling sound to his right suddenly alerted him. Clark curiously scanned the darkness and saw someone sitting on the cold ground, heedless of the dirt staining her dress. He took a hesitant step forward and saw that it was Rachel Harris. She was crying.

“Rach…?” Clark knelt down on the dirt beside her. “Rachel, what’s wrong? Are you all right?”
Awwwwww! Rachel! Awesome. She certainly won't care about his hair. .... awwwww.

I was right! She was so sweet and awwwww, the kiss was so cute. Nice ending.

So there, what do you think? *Lets out huge breath* That really just sort of poured out of me. I had no idea where my fingers were going to take me. Writing a teenage Clark was pretty fun, actually, though I sort of wanted to slap Lana. And that is when I knew I should probably stop, as I was beginning to think the characters were real again! Well... Please let me know. As this had no Lois in it, this is a walk on the wild side for me. Please let me know if it worked out okay.
I LOVED it Laura! It was so good! You write the characters really well - in any setting, obviously, because I could totally picture the teenage Clark. <g> And this story put a big dopey grin on my face. Brava! Good job!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/03/07 05:14 AM
I laughed so hard, I guess my abdomen will hurt for the rest of the day. Brilliant, Laura!
Posted By: jojo_da_crow Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/03/07 07:58 AM
Ahhh!!! That was awesome Laura! I have to say that you did such a good job with the challenge. Surprisingly it is a bit of what I expected. I always imagined that he would have a rough time of it. Having to figure out how to cut his hair and how to do it stylishly. I really liked what you wrote because it actually showed us a glimpse into what a day in his life would have been like. Not only a day in his life but a semi-important day.

Very well done! thumbsup
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/03/07 08:30 PM
What a sweet story! I suppose he found out the hard way who his true friends were.

You ended it at just the right point. No, wait. I wanted to at least see Rachel and Clark dance together.

Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/03/07 10:43 PM
PrincessAnna-- Hehe! I'm so glad I could make you laugh. I wonder sometimes if my sense of humor is a little strange and if I'm the only one who finds certain things funny. Your feedback was a great ego booster!

I love all your little stories...
I love that you review all my little stories! smile

SymbolicAngel-- I'm so glad you liked it! I spent about... well probably about 3 and a half hours writing this (though I got distracted in between and just had word sitting, minimized) and so I realize that it jumps from "funny" to "sad" rather quickly. I'm glad you didn't think the switch was too quick and unnatural.

Another folc-- Hehe. Yes. I always loved having Rachel as a rival. She just didn't seem as threatening as Lana or Mayson... or maybe it's just that I genuinely liked her character and I know Clark wouldn't fall for her. It's good to give Lois a little competition! Thanks for the feedback!

DJ-- Eee! Your feedback was so long and funny. I nearly woke up MY house laughing. I'm glad I put a dopey grin on your face. You just put one on mine. It's really quite a good thing that everyone is in bed... me sitting here grinning at my computer... I probably look a little insane. Thanks for such wonderful feedback!

Bakasi-- lol about you abdomin... think of it as some exercise... this way you can indulge in something sweet and delicious since you've gotten your exercise already. Thanks for the review!

Jojo-- Thanks for reviewing and thank you for posting the challenge! That really helped me out. I have a couple of other stories and they were just going nowhere. I was so relieved to see that I actually <could> write for extended periods of time and not just end up with one paragraph.

Lisa-- Ooh... that would have been fun. But this is junior prom. smile Next year they can dance! And Clark will look much handsomer.

Thanks again everyone, you reviews have made my day!


EDIT: I just saw Terry's response. I think he posted a few minutes after I sent this. I'd rather not spam the boards with my thanks, so I'm going to thank him here. So... here goes.

Terry-- thud Kerth nominee? That's the best compliment I've recieved all week--month--year. I'm sincerely flattered that you enjoyed it! And you leave me with a great note to head off to bed with. smile Thanks so much.

Abominable snowmen.



Psychological morphing.

Tender Rachel.

And witchy Lana.

Looks like you've got all the ingredients for an excellent Kerth nominee! I liked it a lot, especially when Clark comforted Rachel and she told him how bad his hair really was without hurting him. If you have any more like that, I'd bet the other FOLCs would be as eager to read them as I am.
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/03/07 11:31 PM
Oh Laura, that was so sweet. Just remember because Clark was just 16, it's the only time that I'll ever see fi to see him with someone other than Lois!

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/04/07 12:25 AM
I'm so behind on my feedback, Laura, so I'll just say that this was so sweet and adorably painful and brimming with embarrassing growing-up pains and coming-into-yourself-pains. Let me just say, it was a good thing that Clark didn't burn down the house - or worse, burn up his parents - while giving himself an unbecoming but at least even and symmetrical mullet all over his head! (And maybe it was a good thing that it didn't take him longer than prom night to see Lana for what she really was, too.)

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/04/07 08:35 AM
Yes, maybe that's why Clark doesn't end up with Lana, like Alt-Clark did. Maybe Alt-Lana didn't say as much about the haircut.

Posted By: ccmalo Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/04/07 11:29 AM
Laura, this was a lovely vignette, filled with that innocence and sweetness, and yet it was never cloying. For some reason, I wanted to cry at the end, maybe because the innocence was lost.

Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/04/07 09:44 PM
More FDK! smile

Terry-- Kerth nominee? That's the best compliment I've recieved all week--month--year. I'm sincerely flattered that you enjoyed it! And you leave me with a great note to head off to bed with. Thanks so much.

Sheila-- I totally agree! I'm usually so vehemently opposed to any couple other than Clark/Lois, but for some reason I liked writing him with Rachel. I think because I knew he didn't really love her. wink Thanks for the feedback!

Ann-- Even your "short" and "late" feedback is wonderful. Thank you for taking the time out to check out this story! Yikes. Teenage embarrassment. *Shudder* I know all about that too well, lol. I'm glad Clark saw Lana for what she was too. smile Thanks for reviewing!

Elisabeth-- Hehe. I guess Alt-Lana was just a little bit nicer. Good riddance though. Thanks for the feedback!

CCmalo-- Aww, thanks! I really enjoyed your feedback. It was to the point and made me so happy because that's exactly how I wanted the story to feel. Wow that sentence is some horrible grammar. I mean... I'm glad you were sad at the end for the "innocence lost." I haven't said it in so many words, but that puts it perfectly how I wanted it to appear. Thanks so much.

Thank you everyone for the support and feedback. blush You guys rock.

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 07/04/07 09:51 PM
This had me cracking up in several parts! And how sweet was the end with Rachel! Loved it, just delightful. laura ( who is so glad this wasn't a Tank cutting Lois's hair story!)
Posted By: Nethra Re: FDK: It's Raining On Prom Night - 08/18/07 02:51 AM
I really enjoyed this story. Thanks for writing!
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