Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ShayneT Comments: Strong 15 - 07/01/07 09:32 PM
Well, what do you think?
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: Comments: Strong 15 - 07/01/07 09:58 PM
the double revelation... wow!

My favourite lines:

“I don’t think I’m human anymore,” Lois said at last.

“I don’t think I ever was,” Clark said quietly.
thumbsup thumbsup dance
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: Comments: Strong 15 - 07/01/07 11:34 PM
Whew! I was afraid you were going to whack Jimmy there for a minute! But the naughty ol' vampire only tasted him! And then Lois 'staked' the vampire to a really good time!

Interesting. So Clark is susceptible to their magic. I wonder if it will have a similar effect the next time, since now he knows how it feels and how to counter it. And where was Faith? Doesn't she have some kind of obligation to explain what's happening to Lois? She should! It probably isn't her fault, but I'd think she'd welcome a fellow fighter on the side of the good guys.

Now - will Lois tell Clark everything about the Congo? Will Jimmy spill the beans about Clark's special abilities, or about Lois's? Will Perry pull them off the story, thereby prompting Lois to take her vacation and ask Clark to stay with her as a fellow fighter?

Great story, Shayne! I've learned a lot about the Buffy-verse by reading this story, but I still don't know enough (kinda like Lois there, I think) to figure out what the next move should be. I'm going to watch for the next chapter with eagle eyes and eager - um, eyes (couldn't think of anything better! sorry).

EDIT: I forgot to put in my favorite quote.

At this point, with most men, Lois would have felt compelled to babble on about one thing or the other. With Clark she could be herself.
I think that's unintentionally funny. Lois is, right now, less herself than she's ever been, yet she feels comfortable being herself around Clark. And I doubt she realizes the irony. Yet Clark has already shown her that he's not going to judge her or run away screaming, and that he has some pretty drastic differences impacting his own life. She needs to decide to trust him completely, the sooner the better. And telling him the truth about the Congo and letting him comfort her would be a great beginning.

I only hope she realizes it before it's too late, either for the future of their relationship or the future of the victims of the undead.

This is a really creepy story (in the best sense possible, of course).
Posted By: TOC Re: Comments: Strong 15 - 07/02/07 12:18 AM
Great chapter, Shayne! It's my favorite so far. I loved Lois and Clark revealing themselves to each other.

Please think of AnKS' and Terry's quotes as if they are from me, too. I agree with Terry that Lois must learn to trust Clark. She already knows that Clark has amazing abilities, both because of what she has seen and because of what Clark has told her. Also, she now realizes that the male figure who has been spotted all over the world peforming amazing feats of strength while helping others was Clark. And imagine, he has helped so many people that he can't even remember everyone he has helped. Please let her trust him.

By the way, I also liked how you pointed out that Lois herself had always been different - smarter and brighter than other kids.

I very, very much look forward to seeing Lois and Clark form a superhuman team and fight the vampires together!

Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: Comments: Strong 15 - 07/02/07 12:21 AM
Wow, what a part! his was incredible, and I sure loved your double revelation. Pity it's already been quoted...

Awesome! clap clap
Posted By: mervoparkite Re: Comments: Strong 15 - 07/02/07 04:51 AM
This Part was Excellent!! clap

Your imagery was just wonderful at the beginning.
Out the window, Lois could see the last rays of the sun fading from a sky that was turning dark. It was twilight, the time once known as the gloaming.
I have always loved that term. smile

For some reason, Lois’s hands itched for a weapon.

The shelving was all metallic. Lois scuttled backwards, and returned to their seats. These had thick wooden slats on the back.

Lois leaned forward on one of the chairs and said quietly, “Jimmy, gather everything together.”

He nodded, for the first time noticing the expressions on both their faces.

Lois heard a cracking sound, and the wooden piece she was leaning against cracked. She looked up at Jimmy, who was staring at her, and she shrugged.

People didn’t take care of things at public libraries anyway.

She pulled at the wood, which splintered, and the whole thing came off in her hand.
Isn't insticnt wonderful? She doesn't even know--for sure--what will stop them other than fire, but she goes right for the wood without thinking about it.

“I’ve heard that the blood of your kind is like a drug for mine. It’s supposed to be better than sex, better than chocolate, a real rush.”
Lois should relate to the Choloate comment very well.

Angelica returned to her field of vision, blood running down her chin. “Young and sweet. He’ll be popular at dinner. Much better than the horrible old winos I’ve had to eat.”
YOu know, for a moment there I thought I was going to have to send my little friend after you [Linked Image] for making Jimmie into a Vapire. Lois has enough guilt as it is without having to vanquish Jimmie on top of everything else.--YES send the boy home to keep him safe.

She caressed his face, which was expressionless. Leaning against him, she said, “We wasted so much time. Now we’ll be together forever.”
ICK--Clark as a supervampire- [Linked Image] - would you need a kryptonite coated stake to stop him. . . <shiver>

Lois could hear an agonized howl from Angela, who was holding her bloody mouth. A moment later Angela was flying, and stacks of shelving were falling.
She tried to bite Clark!! I hope she broke all of her teeth!!! [Linked Image]

“I don’t think I’m human anymore,” Lois said at last.

“I don’t think I ever was,” Clark said quietly.
I know it's already been quoated--but this was just the most wonderful revelation (double revelation) I've seen in a long time.

Wonderful Job!!!

I'm looking forward to the next part!!! Make it soon please.

Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Comments: Strong 15 - 07/02/07 09:19 AM
OK, it looks like Clark can be affected by magic, but it takes a real effort. I think that ties in pretty well with the voodoo episode of L&C.

The good news is that vampire bites apparently don't count as magic - that was something that always bugged me in the comic book, where they said that he was vulnerable to their bites.

The idea of Clark thinking that he might be a demon is just wonderful. Given his range of powers Buffy and Co. would probably think that he's at least as dangerous as Glory the Demon Goddess (or whatever she was supposed to be), hope that they realise he's actually a pretty nice guy.

I really like the idea of Giles etc. looking through ancient books on demonology to see if they can find that weird s-in-a-pentagon symbol...
Posted By: Laurach Re: Comments: Strong 15 - 07/02/07 04:37 PM
Wow! I really liked this chapter. Wonderful insight on both characters. Laura
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