Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ShayneT Strong 14 - 06/30/07 11:07 PM
Well, what do you think?
Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: Strong 14 - 07/01/07 03:30 AM
I think Angel needs to make an appearance. How about it? Grovelling/sucking up can be arranged. Whichever you'd prefer.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: Strong 14 - 07/01/07 03:51 AM
I think it may be Angel that Lois is sensing.

One thought on this - there ought to be a LOT of information on Faith there, far more than for Buffy. She's an escaped convict with lots of links to Sunnydale, that isn't exactly inconspicuous. Unless someone has gone to a LOT of trouble to suppress the records. Willow could possibly do it, but I doubt it.

That niggle aside it's another very nice chapter, greatly looking forward to more.
Posted By: TOC Re: Strong 14 - 07/01/07 06:13 AM
“Why are you bothering with all this?” Faith asked. “It's not like you'll ever be able to publish anything about all of this.”

A nurse walked by, and her expression was chilly. Obviously extended conversations in the hallway weren't approved behavior.

“We might.” Lois said. “If we have concrete proof.”
Of course you should publish it, Lois! And it would be just about unbelievably irresponsible of Perry not to print it. Hey, if a weirdo burns downs a house and says that he or she did it because the house was full of demons, and there isn't a shred of evidence of anything more than the sad delusions of a madcap, do you take the supernatural angle seriously? Of course not. But if there is a ton of evidence of horrible goings-on in the real world on an incredibly large scale, do you just shrug it off because you think people would laugh at you and you would lose your job if you wrote an article about what you have found? If you are a reporter worth his or her salt, you'd never back off like that! Lois, if you believe that something is seriously wrong about Sunnydale, then it is your duty as a reporter to write an article and explain why you believe that something is wrong.

The only acceptable reason for Lois not to write about Sunnydale would be if she became convinced that writing about it would make matters worse for everyone. And I think she needs to be very honestly and altruistically convinced of it.

“You've seen the alien autopsy video. Do you believe it?”

Mutely, Lois shook her head. She didn't believe in aliens.
Well, Lois, hopefully Clark can make you change your mind about aliens. Anyway, Shayne, I don't believe that the Earth has been visited by aliens, and that video, with no supporting evidence whatsoever, was not the kind of proof I needed to change my mind. But give me enough evidence - say, like the goings-on in and around Sunnydale - and I'll most certainly believe in things very much out of the ordinary!

It wasn't as though she'd actually seen magic. Other than her own transformation, everything else she'd seen could be explained through weird science.

If she couldn't convince herself, how was she going to convince anyone else?
I don't think Lois absolutely needs to believe that she has seen magic. It is enough that she knows that she has seen something absolutely nightmarish and horrible, such as seeing Angela change from a perfectly human-looking woman into a rabid monster. It's okay to believe that Angela suffers from rabies, Lois. You still need to report what you have seen. And you need to carefully describe Angela's behaviour and physical changes, so that mediacl experts have a chance to judge if she is really suffering from rabies, and so that the FBI and others have a chance to judge if Angela is so dangerous that they need to make a major effort to catch and incapacitate her.

Of course... I can see one other reason why Lois isn't able to write any articles about what she has seen. It could be that the demons, or the devil if you will, is so strong that he has woven a hypnotic spell around humanity and the whole world, making people unable to see and acknowledge any trace of the supernatural. (It's a good thing that the world we live in doesn't seem to suffer from the same mind-control, seeing how popular TV shows, movies, books and magazines about the supernatural are!)

Something changed in the room, and Lois felt her hackles rise. There was something about the way that Faith tensed and shifted her stance that was dangerous.

There was a sense of danger about her now that hadn't been there before, and behind her, Lois could hear Jimmy stepping back.

Lois refused, instead standing very still. Beside her, Clark did the same.

It was important to never show a predator fear, and in the deepest pit of her gut she knew that's what Faith was.
I like Lois standing up to Faith.

“Death rates at Sunnydale High school dropped sixty percent during her tenure as a student,” Clark said.

Her gut was telling her something else.

Somewhere in the building, she sensed that something wasn't right.
The others here seem to think that Lois is sensing the presence of "Angel". Well, I don't know who Angel is, but I'm sure it's not someone I'd like to meet!

Posted By: gr8shadesofElvis Re: Strong 14 - 07/01/07 06:45 AM
Oh Ann!!?? confused Say it isn't so! Are you funning with me or are you serious?

Angel was my post L&C obsession. blush

And very meetable - if you overlook the him being a vampire thing...
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