Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod FDK: Remember When It Rained Part 7/8 - 06/27/07 10:25 AM
jippie the next part!!
One part that is one big scene of waffiness. Yay...?
I definitely think that's a Yay!! laugh
If she didn’t wake up soon on her own, he was going to do it for her, dangerous or not… He was still a little confused on that matter anyway.
and him and Cat, come on Lois you should of known better than that. I always liked how she reacted in that episode wink
And you made her react really sweet too and the cuddling, aaaww!

I'm glad there's still another part 'cause I'm really enjoying this story!!
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Remember When It Rained Part 7/8 - 06/27/07 12:08 PM
Awwwww, I am a gooey puddle. Laura
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Remember When It Rained Part 7/8 - 06/27/07 12:23 PM
That's a lovely part, Anna. I was particularly moved at how Clark was debating with himself whether or not he should try to bring Lois out of that dream she was having. Knowing that it was in fact a "bringing-someone-back-from-the-brink-of-death" dream made it awesome.

Just then, Lois gripped his hand tightly. Somewhat startled, Clark nonetheless gripped right back, being careful not to exert his full strength or anything even close to it upon the woman lying in the bed. He did however apply a gentle pressure, letting her know that he was there through touch.

Lois appeared to relax at a little at this contact, but her hand still held his with a grip that rivalled Superman himself. Clark was just glad he was able to comfort her a little as she dreamed whatever it was she was dreaming.
I love this. Lois holds Clark's hand as if her life depends on it... and perhaps it does.

“Clark…” she said slowly, none of the whimper left in her voice. Her tongue flicked out to lick her lips slowly. “I was thinking…when I was in that box…”

“Sarcophagus,” Clark corrected without thinking. “It was a sarcophagus.”

“Really?” Lois wrinkled her nose and frowned. “You mean they put me in a fancy decorated box where a dead guy once was? A dead guy who probably had his brains pulled out through his nose?”
I knew it was a sarcophagus! And talking about pulling a mummy's brain out through his nose is so yucky, and so Lois!

“As I was saying…when I was in that box, I was thinking about you and me and this past week…” Lois paused, chewing on her bottom lip before continuing. “And I came to the conclusion that we'd wasted a lot of time; that *I'd* wasted that time. And so I decided when you woke me that I-I didn't want to waste anymore of our lives. Who knows how long we really have left? Another stupid villain could succeed in murdering me tomorrow – they certainly got close yesterday. And so many of them know about Kryptonite now…you're going to keep encountering it again and again.” Lois sighed. “I guess what I'm trying to say is this: yes, Clark. I should have said it before but I was an idiot. So, yes.”
Ah, this is adorable. Lois is babbling - really, really babbling - and she isn't being too clear and concise about what she really means, is she?

“Yes?” Clark's mind whirled back over the past week or two, suddenly stopping dead upon one incident – one night – in particular. His eyes grew wide, tears of hope nearly overflowing from his eyes. He reached up a hand to cup her cheek. “You… Yes?” A complete sentence did not appear to be possible at this point in time.

Lois just nodded, her eyes brimmed with teardrops of her own. She smiled warmly up at him. “With all my heart.”

It was all that Clark could do to stop himself from leaping to his feet and jumping up and down in complete glee-filled abandon. Better yet, zooming around the room and yelling at the top of his voice, “She said yes! She said yes!” He only just managed to restrain himself, settling instead for pulling Lois into a enthusiastic embrace and whispering in her ear, “You just made me the happiest man on earth.”
But Clark figured out what she meant. Aaawww.

I loved their cuddling and making out, and was a little disappointed when it ended... not that I expected it to get all that far, honestly... and I loved that he told her - well, sort of told her - that he was a virgin. And they agreed to wait with that until they were married. So, um, Lois and Clark, why don't you get married now? How about next chapter? laugh

Looking forward to the final part of this, Anna!

Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: Remember When It Rained Part 7/8 - 06/27/07 08:15 PM
Anna, I'm so glad you posted! I'm glad that this story is still alive. I am loving it and cannot wait until the next post.

I'm glad that Lois stopped playing games and finally let Clark in where he belongs.

Gotta go!

Yay! Feedback! (man, my fingers are cold...this feedback of feedback may be short!)

So, um, Lois and Clark, why don't you get married now?
Ahh, Ann... I ask the same question daily. Why not now? Well, maybe they will. Lois said (and I quote):

“Clark, can we get married *soon*?”
So you see, she's thinking the same thing also... wink Clark answered in the affirmative too.

I loved their cuddling and making out, and was a little disappointed when it ended... not that I expected it to get all that far, honestly...
Aww, Ann, I'm glad you liked their cuddling and making out. It was honestly the hardest part for me to write - it took me the longest chunk of time. I was so worried about it sounding...wrong. I'm also glad you didn't expect it to get that far - PG fic after all... wink

I knew it was a sarcophagus! And talking about pulling a mummy's brain out through his nose is so yucky, and so Lois!
Everyone was speculating about it being a sarcophagus and I knew it was of course, so I thought I'd throw it in there and use some of my primary school knowledge to make it more interesting... I'll always remember learning about the Egyptians mummifying people and how they pulled their brains out through their nose first... shock

I am loving it and cannot wait until the next post.
Yay, Sheila! I'm so glad you're enjoying it. Next post will contain a lot more A-plot (as in investigation etc). Maybe not so much waffiness, though I'll try and slip a little bit in there...

Awwwww, I am a gooey puddle.
lol I'm currently picturing you from your picture in a gooey puddle, Laura! I'm so happy this part made you go 'awwww'! laugh

I'm glad there's still another part 'cause I'm really enjoying this story!!
Hmm...you're all enjoying it... I've been wondering about a sequel... Whatcha think?

I have a vignette in mind right now, so we'll see... wink

Thank you all for your wonderful feedback! I love reading what you think of it all. smile

Ok, why I missed this story is beyond me confused , but I'm glad that I've found it in the end smile1 . This whole chapter is sooooo sweet that I wished it would have been at least twice as long (or even much longer smile ) /me happily sigh while rushing of to chapter 8a
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