Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mervoparkite FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/20/07 04:44 PM
Goody, I get to start the feedback smile1

I don’t know exactly how many parts this will be, but for now I’m going to say less than 10. I also don’t know how frequently I’ll update, but I promise to do my best not to keep you waiting too long. I hope you enjoy the story!
Yep, I "enjoyed" the story!! and I'm holding you to your promise. I want to hear more soon.

he knew just what those boxes would look like, stacked one on top of another in a dusty corner of his father’s barn, while he lived alone and isolated in some secret lair. He hated that word, lair. It conjured visions of wild animals. Of things less than human. He’d never consciously thought of himself that way, yet the word had tripped right off his tongue in his conversation with his parents, and it still seemed to fit the only sort of life he could imagine for himself anymore. Once he put Clark Kent into those boxes, he would be less than human, wouldn’t he?
This was just gut-twisting. Thank goodness you made this section short or I would have needed lots of Kleenex. [Linked Image] Just the thought of Clark thinking of himself as some sort of wild beast instead of the wonderful person he is was pure torture. [Linked Image]

“I’m not going to run, Lois.” And he wasn’t. No more running. Not when he’d been granted this…this absolute miracle. “I swear to you, I will never run away from you again.”
At first I thought he was going to tell her right then and there. . . eek

Lois had chosen him! She had chosen Clark Kent, and he wasn’t going to give her any reason to regret her choice. Not then and not ever.
Youv'e done such a great job of conveying Clark's feelings here. I can almost feel the elation radiating off of the written page and into me.

He hated the vest-thingy, he decided, right about the time his fingers got hopelessly stuck. He hoped she wouldn’t notice, or that if she did, she would just ignore it.


Lois giggled, her lips still pressed to his. It should have been embarrassing, but instead it was just sexy as hell. Of course, Lois doing her income taxes would have been sexy to him just then, but the giggle was enough of a distraction that he broke the kiss long enough to mutter, “What?”

“Having a little trouble there?”
grumble to say the least.

Please don't leave us here to long. I am extreamly currious as to how that press confrence is going to go. Is he going to be able to pull it off without sounding like a Brat(I'm taking my toys and going home) or without having the entire population of Metropolis turn into a lynch mob with the blood of (was it Calvin who brought the law suit) in thier eyes?

More soon PLEASE grovel
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/20/07 05:09 PM
Some how I don't think Lois is going to be too thrilled with that idea. It's a good start though.
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/20/07 07:19 PM
Wow, Caroline. That was an awesome start. This is quite a different take on WWW.

Now get ready to post part II so we can really see what direction you're taking. I have to say...after promising Lois that he would never hurt her again, Clark really should have come clean and told her about Superman.

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/20/07 08:16 PM

Superman's going to retire?

That's ridiculous! And that's what Lois would say (much more forcefully, I'm sure) if she had any inkling of Clark's idiotic plans! That's all she needs, the guilt of knowing that Superman quit so he wouldn't ever leave her eating a chocolate donut by herself! Yeah, that would make her life complete!

Please come back with the next chapter so Lois can whap some sense into him! He's being a complete doo-doo head!
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/20/07 08:28 PM
A new Caroline fic, YAY! Seriously, if you really understood how much I love your writing, you'd run and hide.

isolated in some secret lair
eating rats, I presume? wink

Maybe sometime, when he stopped in Kansas for a visit, he’d look through the boxes and let himself touch his past and remember the man he’d been
Painful thought, but a beautiful line.

It was a moment of astonishing clarity, and he wished he could somehow take a snapshot of it – wished he could always remember the exact way the afternoon light slanted through his windows, the golden patterns it left on his gleaming hardwood floors.
And this is simply lovely. I've often felt this way myself, but what I love is your attention to detail. Sunlight on a hardwood floor is enchanting.

An unexpected ending! I can hardly wait to see where this goes. smile
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/20/07 08:42 PM
Well I know Lois and now she can smack some sense into him. Laura
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/20/07 09:33 PM
Ooh, Superman's going to retire? eek

Looking forward to this!
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/20/07 10:57 PM
Nice part, interesting.

Retire. Hmm, I think he will get away with it for a second or two.

Clark just can't NOT help. It isn't in him. In the AltVerse Lana was on him to not help. It didn't stop him.

Lois will again become so obsessed with Superman that her relationship with Clark will be forgotten.

Clark will decide that it is for the best, that he can't give Lois what she really deserves.

Shades of Superman II! Clark making decisions for Lois without consulting Lois.

If Clark would have left Lois's memory alone in a few days they would have been talking.

OK Lois would have been ranting and Clark listening.

"What you're dumping me because you think we can't have sex? Because it might not be safe for me? That mister is an excuse not a reason! Tell me Kent, just how great do you think the sex is for the wife of a quadriplegic? And where do you get off making decisions for me?" And on and on for quite some time.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/20/07 11:33 PM
Oooh! Yay something to read! (I'm trying to not go to bed because I'd have to get up in about an hour *lol* I need to be at the airport at 4:30AM - that's like so insane!)

She wasn’t in love with Dan Scardino.
Thank goodness for that! *lol*

Of course, Lois doing her income taxes would have been sexy to him just then, [...]

Suddenly, he couldn’t seem to remember any of the good things about being Superman.
Oh, shoot! He's got amnesia again... (*giggles*)

[...] he’d helped anonymously for years before he’d become Superman. He could do that again. He would just have to be careful [...]
No, you lunkhead, that's not going to work! Don't you remember that you had to move around from place to place every single time you used your powers, for fear that someone would get suspicious? Imagine now that people have seen Superman in action - they're going to put two and two together pretty damn fast if they see Clark Kent fly around or use heat vision. Duh. How's that going to help you have a life with Lois? You think she's going to want to move around all the time like that? Have you lost your mind??? Silly Kryptonian...

Superman was going to announce his retirement, and Clark Kent and Lois Lane were going to live happily ever after.
Dude... that is so not going to work out. Lois would be floored if Superman retired and either way, how can you possibly even think of not telling her that *you* are (or were) Superman. She's going to freak out when she finds out, for one and secondly it won't take her long to understand you retired the superhero because of her and she's going to have a fit so HUGE it could put Doomsday to shame. (Doomsday, btw, is the mean and nasty Kryptonian being who gave Superman such a beating that the supposedly invulnerable Man of Steel *died* - Lois won't even need to throw a punch to achieve the same, trust me.)

Oh Clark... You really need to get your head examined if you think that plan of yours could ever really work. *sigh*

Great part, Caroline! I'm sorry if all my comments are really directed at Clark... *giggles* He's being a lunkhead is all. But a really well written lunkhead!

Looking forward to the next part!!
Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/21/07 03:29 AM
“Having a little trouble there?”
Now it was Superman who was in the way.
That's not true!!! Come on Clark can't you see that Metropolis needs Superman!!
It made him sick. And tired.
lol well, it made me laugh. If you look at it that way, superman life isn't all that great.
Besides the fact that he has superpowers of course wink wait.. what did I just say?? of course Supermans life is great!!!
...and Clark Kent and Lois Lane were going to live happily ever after.
somehow I have the feeling that this happily ever after isn't possible if Superman gonna retire!! and I'm sure Lois isn't gonna be all that happy either when she finds out, right??
He wrapped himself tighter around Lois and sighed with relief and happiness, whispering the one word again: “Yours.”
aaawww, so sweet!!
Can't wait for the next part!!!!
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/21/07 04:49 AM
First off: Your writing is wonderful! You drew me in, captured me and didn't let go till the end of the part. *nods*

The story you tell, the points of view you give... it all fits. The reader (me) understands exactly where Clark is coming from, while at the same time yelling at Clark mutely in my head: "Nooo! You stupid! Not gonna work! Gah!"

I am really curious where you will take this. Very curious about Lois' reaction to Superman's retirement, to finding about Clark's secret (cause I'm convinced that she will figure it out sooner than later...), and so on.

Don't keep us waiting too long. wink

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/21/07 05:02 AM
He's being a complete doo-doo head!
LOL!!! rotflol rotflol

OMG! Sorry, but Terry, that completely cracked me up! Doo-doo head. LOL!!!

Okay, sorry about that Caroline. I TOTALLY plan to read this story and keep up with it as you post... that's my good intention, anyway. <g>

That being said... I haven't actually read the first part yet. As soon as I do, I'll be back! I'm so excited about a new Caroline story.

-- DJ
Posted By: Caroline Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/21/07 05:58 AM
Wow! Thanks everyone for the responses!

Uh Oh do you see problems coming. . .Clark is being a lunkhead again.
I'm afraid so. I'd thought about posting a warning to that effect - "Caution: Lunkheadedness Ahead" or something like that, but then I figured it would be self-evident smile .

He's being a complete doo-doo head!

Now don't be shy, Terry. Tell us how you really feel!

Seriously, if you really understood how much I love your writing, you'd run and hide.
From you? NEVER! In fact, you'd find it hard to get rid of me! Thanks so much for your comments, friend smile

Patrick, I enjoyed your theories! We'll see how many of them come to pass.

Lara, your comments cracked me up. I particularly loved this:

Dude... that is so not going to work out.
So what you're saying is, you think Lois might be a little upset with him over all of this? laugh

Oddly enough, that does seem to be the general consensus so far...

Thanks so much to all who have taken the time to reply. I love reading your comments smile


Posted By: Laura S Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/21/07 08:50 AM
I don't know how I missed the posting of this story. It's fantastic! The whole paragraph in the beginning where Clark was musing over "lairs" and whatnot was so well written. And the rest of it was wonderful too. But yeah. I'm thinking Lois might have a thing or two to say about this whole "retiring" Superman thing. Kind of reminds me of Spider-Man 2. I wonder if Clark saw it. It didn't work then either! Hopefully Lois either beats Clark with a stick until he realizes he NEEDS to be Superman (Fig. 1 below)

( Clark --> confused wildguy <-- Lois )

Or Clark heads out to the nearest Blockbuster and rents Spider-man 2! Can't wait for the next part!

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/21/07 03:41 PM
Trying to post a mini-comment here...

Caroline, that was absolutely amazing. What you showed us here, I think, was how Clark's love for Lois had grown into an obsession with being accepted and *loved* by her for his own humanity. And if Lois can't love him for his human side, then, purely and simply and starkly, he will have to retire that aspect of himself. He will have to regard it as something he tried his hand at, like a sport, but when he found that he wasn't any good at it, or when he became seriously injured (because he had his heart broken, say) he had to give up his efforts in that sport. Clark Kent, who excelled at being a human, stumbled on the path of love, broke his heart, and was never heard from again.

But just as Clark was about to pack up his human identity and store it away for good, Lois came to him and declared her love for his humanity. For Clark Kent, the human. And Clark was so *saved*, so redeemed, that he decided that he would be the best human ever. Before, he had been a good human - well, really good under the circumstances. But now he decided that he would do away with the circumstances and just be damn good, great, excellent. Because now he would retire his alienness, his spandex and his cape and his insufferable need to fly off at a moment's notice and tell Lois lies until he was blue in the face. No more. Because from now on, Superman would be no more.

Caroline, that was so beautiful, so heartfelt, so wonderfully logical and right from a narrative point of view, and so harrowingly wrong on Clark's part! Because Lois can't love Clark unless she loves the truth about him. And the truth and the essence is that Clark is a Kryptonian who needs to be Clark Kent, who needs to don his colorful spandex and fly off to help people. That is who he is. And that is the person that Lois must love, if she is ever to love him at all.

Wonderful! Caroline, your premise is great, and your writing is superb. I'm not quoting, but I remember how the afternoon light slanting in through the window took on a special quality to Clark as Lois told him that she loved him: it turned into Fate writing a portentous message on the wall: humanity shall be your destiny. But Clark, you misread the writing on the wall. You have to be true to yourself, and if you don't give Lois the chance to love that truth about you, you are fooling her into loving a mirage. And then, she will never be able to love *you*.

Wonderful! Come back soon with more!

Posted By: Caroline Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 06/26/07 06:40 AM
Thanks so much, Laura and Ann, for your comments! Sorry I didn't respond sooner - I was out of town and then recovering from being out of town.

Laura, would you believe I've never seen Spiderman 2? Now I'm wondering if I should go rent it! And I loved your clueless Clark and Lois as the pointy stick guy! rotflol

Ann, you read this part exactly as I hoped it would be read, and a writer can't ask for much more than that. Thank you for your not-so-mini-comment! I always enjoy your insights smile

I'll be back soon with part 2! Thanks to all who are reading sloppy .

Posted By: Matrix Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 08/15/07 08:05 PM


So I'm finally back...

Like 2 months after I posted originally <ducks head>

But, I just read part 1 and I am so hooked. <g> I loved Clark's whole inner conversation about the "vest thingy" - had me cracking up.

I like how you've set this story up - it is believable - rather lunkheaded of him to think he can retire Superman... yet, still believable. He DID help people before he became Superman and he DOES deserve to have a life and get the girl...

I'll be interested to see how this unfolds. <g> Off to read part 2.

-- DJ <who hopes she'll be able to get caught up before Caroline posts the final part>
Posted By: Caroline Re: FDK: Foundations (1/?) - 08/16/07 03:58 PM
DJ!! I'm excited you're reading smile1 . I hope you enjoy the story!

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