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Posted By: Terry Leatherwood FDK: Nine Lives 8/? - 06/19/07 08:01 PM
So, Cat isn't quite as smart as she thinks she is. Being so old that history is just another day can lower your defenses and allow you to miss things that can come back and bite you on the lower end of the spine.

And it was almost funny to see (through Lois's eyes) the spectacle of Ramirez bidding money he apparently couldn't afford to pay out for that beautiful sword. Is she mad at him for something, or is it just the usual competition between Immortals?

Interesting that Bruce Wayne dropped out so close to the end. Was he just trying to run up the price, or was his interest real? Will Ramirez now be a target of some other sword-wielding electrician? Can't wait to see.

Please, Marcus, don't make us wait so long for the next chapter. This is good stuff, even if there can be only one in the end.
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: Nine Lives 8/? - 06/19/07 11:59 PM
Ramirez isn't an immortal (and I'm really kicking myself for picking that name since there's an immortal Ramirez in the original film) but he is definitely the target of a plot. I think it's pretty obvious who else is involved. As to what they're up to... well, you should find out soon enough.
Posted By: mervoparkite Re: FDK: Nine Lives 8/? - 06/20/07 12:10 PM
This was very good!!! Somehow I missed the first 7 chapters--so I just read through them all--Oh Boy, this is fun--Cat's an immortal from TROY?!?! Did she know Helen? Was she there for the Horse? (oops--I got a bit side tracked)

Yep, hiding the swords all in the same fashion was a bit sloppy, but she still has 4 out there, hopefully in areas that Clark is to much of a boyscout to look into. (for her own well being)

So does the way this ended mean that we will be seeing the Bat up-close and personal in the next installment--Alfred is up to his eyeballs in this one--that's for sure.

Great story--I'm looking forward to the next installment.

Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK: Nine Lives 8/? - 06/20/07 02:40 PM
(and I'm really kicking myself for picking that name since there's an immortal Ramirez in the original film)
O.K. that did throw me for a loop, but now I have it straight. So all these Latina names after the Bat signal...people threatened?
More soon. Maybe we'll inspire you. My sig should tell you I'm a fan of Highlander. (Went to the convention in Anaheim, bought the T-shirt, had a picture taken with the car, bought the series (then on VHS))
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: Nine Lives 8/? - 06/20/07 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Artemis:
(and I'm really kicking myself for picking that name since there's an immortal Ramirez in the original film)
O.K. that did throw me for a loop, but now I have it straight. So all these Latina names after the Bat signal...people threatened?
More soon. Maybe we'll inspire you. My sig should tell you I'm a fan of Highlander. (Went to the convention in Anaheim, bought the T-shirt, had a picture taken with the car, bought the series (then on VHS))
I got into Highlander when it was shown (very erratically) on British TV, bought and watched all of the DVDs (including the dreadful Highlander: The Raven) over six months or so about two years ago. It's still a fun show, though suspension of disbelief is a problem. The Watchers would have to be awesomely efficient to cover up so many decapitated bodies, and unlike the Buffyverse there is no magic to help them.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Nine Lives 8/? - 06/20/07 08:20 PM
I have a suggestion. You can include a comment at the beginning of the next chapter that says:

"The part of Mr. Ramirez will now be played by Mr. Ignacio."

- or whoever you want. But I'm a little disappointed. I was envisioning Sean Connery lurking in the shadows of your tale, ready to intone "There can be only one!" to an evil Immortal. Drat.
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK: Nine Lives 8/? - 06/21/07 01:25 PM
I can only apologize for not posting feedback more regularly. My only excuse is that Life has shifted into high gear temporarily for me, so I've basically been reading in the few minutes that I could grab between crises.

I like Cat as Cassandra and I hope she doesn't wind up decapitated -- that being the only way to kill an immortal. I didn't see the last season of Highlander -- when they killed off Richie I kind of soured on it -- but I saw Tracy Scoggins when she played Cassandra. I think you've done a very good job of melding the two universes and I can't wait to see what this plot is and how you wind this up.

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