Lois & Clark Forums
Ooh yay the 6th part!!
He stopped mid-air. Surely it couldn’t be that easy? Just to go back to the beginning? Reason warred with the panic that had all but consumed him. ‘Back to the alleyway,’ he thought. ‘Back to the start.’
Good thinking Clark uhm... Superman wink
Hope that it helps!!
Clark, where are you?’
Don't worry, he's looking for you!!
I love you, Clark,’ she thought desolately. ‘You’ll never know just how much, but I love you. I’m sorry…. All that time…gone…’ Lois’ head lolled to one side and she felt rough cloth against her cheek. The air seemed unbearably thin now. Her mind started to become foggy. ‘Goodbye, Clark…’
oh no, no goodbye!! (but still sweet that when she thinks she'a gonna die she thinks of Clark and how they could have spent the week together!!aaaawww)
He couldn’t say goodbye. Not yet. It was too soon…
I agree!!! goofy
Trembling, he bent down to gently lift Lois out of the casket.
ooh yay he found Lois!!! Hopes she okey!!
“I love you, Lois.”...“Hmm…love you too, Clark.”
aaaawww so sweet!!!
But what happened to the bad guys who took Lois?? ooh can't wait for part 7!! wink
Posted By: Sheila Re: FDK: Remember When It Rained Part 6/7? - 06/15/07 07:16 AM
Anna! I'm so glad to see that this story is still kicking! You were right...lots of angst!

‘He can’t be busy! He has to know!’ Lois fought against the horror that churned the pit of her stomach as it suddenly became chillingly clear to her: she was going to die. If Clark came at all it was going to be too late. She wasn’t going to make it. ‘I wasted so much time,’ she thought sadly. ‘All the time I spent being stubborn and stupid and fighting with him, we could have been together. We could have had a wonderful week together. It’s all my fault. And now…’ She could feel the hot tears welling at the corner of her eyes. She sniffed, knowing hopelessly that even her snuffling was using up the air. ‘I just wish we could have had longer. I wish I’d gotten the chance to tell him ‘yes’. I wish…’ A tear slipped down the side of her face. ‘I wish I’d gotten a chance to prove that I loved him, to show him how much he means to me.’ She sniffed again, unable to help herself; another drop fell and then another.
Suddenly the fight that Lois and Clark had seemed so...insignificant...trivial...lets see....what was it about now? Suddenly what should be important in Lois's life are clear.

Funny how streamlined our issues become when time is essential. The little things just don't seem to matter.

‘I love you, Clark.’ It was her voice – Lois’. Not out loud, but inside his head.

‘Lois?’ his consciousness screamed. ‘Lois, where are you?’

‘Goodbye, Clark…’

‘No, Lois!’ He fell to his knees at the sound of her voice inside his head. He didn’t know how it was happening; he didn’t care. All he cared about was the woman who had just told him she loved him and said goodbye. He couldn’t let her go that easily – she was far too important to him, far too special, too central to his life. Over the past two years, her life had become essential to his life. He couldn’t say goodbye. Not yet. It was too soon…
Is this some Kryptonian power that Clark has or are he and Lois so in sync that he can somehow feel her thoughts?

“Sssh, don’t try to talk,” Clark gently pressed a finger to Lois’ lips. “You’ve…been through a lot.” Again he found himself close to tears as he thought of how close he’d come to losing her. He didn’t realise that the salty drops had actually fallen until Lois glanced up and into his eyes.

“You’re crying…” she said wonderingly, her own eyes tracing the paths the tears had made down his cheeks. “Don’t think…I’ve ever seen you…cry.” She reached up a quivering hand to wipe the tears away.
“Lois, I was so scared,” Clark found himself leaning into her hand. He let out a shuddering breath and watched as the tears continued to splash on to the blue spandex of his suit. “I was so, so scared.”
Funny how the man of steel can be brought to his knees by the love of his life...a little woman. He's so strong, yet so fragile right now.

“Clark?” Lois’ sleepy voice suddenly said. “We really should…talk.”

Clark winced, sure that she was about to chastise him for leaving her earlier that day; sure that she was about to tell him it was all his fault. He sighed. He knew it was his fault. Ever since he’d landed at the hospital with Lois, he’d been blaming himself for leaving her. ‘All my fault, all my fault…’ his brain chanted.

“Clark?” Lois stirred in his arms – she’d been expecting some sort of response. “We should talk…about the investigation.”

Clark’s eyes widened. She didn’t want to yell at him for not being there when she really needed him? She didn’t want to blame him for what had happened?
C'mon Clark. Lois is...well Lois...but she wouldn't chastise him especially in the vulnearable state that he is in.

“Hmm…okay. But take the suit off.” She snuggled into the blanket. “G’night, Clark.”

If Lois had looked at Clark’s face just then, she would have seen a brief expression of surprise before it was covered up with tenderness.
Bwaah! rotflol Clark is so naive!

Okay Anna. Don't go on haitus again! Hurry up and get back to us, girl!

At least you were kind to us and didn't leave us hanging on the edge of some cliff swinging like a pendulum.

"You’re crying…” she said wonderingly, her own eyes tracing the paths the tears had made down his cheeks. “Don’t think…I’ve ever seen you…cry.” She reached up a quivering hand to wipe the tears away.
Aww! mecry

“Hmm…okay. But take the suit off.” She snuggled into the blanket. “G’night, Clark.”

If Lois had looked at Clark’s face just then, she would have seen a brief expression of surprise before it was covered up with tenderness.
Yay! laugh laugh laugh She loves Clark, not Superman, you lunkhead. Don't you know that yet?

Sorry this FDK isn't as complete as it should be, but I think I'm about to run out the door. Wonderful part, I'm so glad you're off that hiatus! I needed my RWIR fix. smile

I was on hiatus? goofy I think Clark would - he's going to ask the same thing at some point.

Is this some Kryptonian power that Clark has or are he and Lois so in sync that he can somehow feel her thoughts?
They're just in sync - kind of because they're soulmates. He can hear her, especially in times of great need. Like she can hear him at the end of 'Big Girls Don't Fly'. *sigh* Soulmat-ism... It's a beautiful thing... wink

C'mon Clark. Lois is...well Lois...but she wouldn't chastise him especially in the vulnearable state that he is in.
Course she wouldn't. She's Lois, but she's not stupid. wink Unless we're talking about being galatically stupid of course... wink Juuust kidding!

At least you were kind to us and didn't leave us hanging on the edge of some cliff swinging like a pendulum.
I would never do that...would I? lol

Yay for feedback! laugh

Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Remember When It Rained Part 6/7? - 06/16/07 01:11 AM
Sorry, Anna, I should have replied before now, but I have been really busy. And yesterday, when I was going to post a reply, my access to the boards was down. And the access I have now is spotty at best. I have already had to re-start my computer twice because my access to the boards has just died. Things seem to get worse when I have two MBS windows open at the same time. But that is what I have to do if I'm going to quote, you know! But since I don't know if I can keep my access to the boards if I have two windows open, and particularly if I switch between two MBS windows, I'm afraid I'm not going to quote this time. Sorry!

Anyway, this was a very emotional chapter, and very interesting. Personally I love the idea that Lois and Clark have a very deep connection that is almost mystical in nature. (Yes, I, the old skeptic, love to indulge in this fantasy when it comes to Lois and Clark.)

Much of this chapter dealt with what happens when a person is slowly approaching death. What is really happening at this point is something we don't know until we get there, so I'm not going to argue that one scenario is more likely than any other. But when I'm thinking about your story - not reading it, remember, because I don't dare to switch between two MBS windows - it seems to me that you are using ideas that seem Hinduistic or Buddhist in nature to me. A fundamental idea in Hinduism and Buddhism is that the individual should eventually become one with the All, thereby losing his or her individuality. I think of it as a drop of rain falling into the ocean and merging with it forever, never to regain its individual identity again.

I remember your story as Lois slowly walking towards a mist of forgetfulness and loss. It is herself that she is about to forget and lose. I like how you make her name so important to her. I'm not into magic, sorry, but I do believe that in magic names are hugely important - names are almost synonymous with the being or thing they designate. If you know a person's true name, you can control him or her - well, according to the tenets of magic, of course. Anyway, that means that when Lois is forgetting her name, she is certainly on the way to losing all the rest of herself, too. But when Clark calls out her name to her, just moments before she would be lost forever, Lois can "see" and remember and recognize her "Loisness" again. And she can reclaim herself, and her love for the man who called her back from death. That is very, very beautiful, Anna.

I also loved how Clark cried when Lois came back to him. It was particularly lovely that he cried while dressed up as Superman. And I also loved - I wish I could quote this better, but you know how it is - that Lois told him to "lose the Suit" if he was going to stay the night and watch over her, while she slept.

Beautiful, Anna! I'm looking forward to the next part!

She asked him to take off the suit... I don't think he knew which way to take that at first - take it ALL off, or just spin out of the suit...
Well you know which one I'd prefer...

Actually I have lost pretty much all sense of time. Two weeks seems like an eternity in my day by day existence right now. I read someone else say you were on a hiatus, so I thought that meant you had said it somewhere. Sorry!

Actually I have lost pretty much all sense of time. Two weeks seems like an eternity in my day by day existence right now. I read someone else say you were on a hiatus, so I thought that meant you had said it somewhere. Sorry!
laugh That's okay, Laura! I didn't say it anywhere, so I was just wondering where the idea came from. But I have no problem with people saying it... It was just confusing is all. smile I hope everything's okay with you...?

it seems to me that you are using ideas that seem Hinduistic or Buddhist in nature to me.
It's interesting to me that you say this, Ann. Because I'm a Christian and honestly don't know much about Hinduism or Buddhism. I suppose some people may not look at my interpretation of Lois' near death experience as very 'Christian', but I guess I don't know what really happens at this point with people (never having been near death myself) so I was fictionalising it (since it is fiction).

But when Clark calls out her name to her, just moments before she would be lost forever, Lois can "see" and remember and recognize her "Loisness" again. And she can reclaim herself, and her love for the man who called her back from death. That is very, very beautiful, Anna.
Why thank you, Ann! blush I see it as part of their 'mystical', soulmate-y connection. smile

I also loved how Clark cried when Lois came back to him. It was particularly lovely that he cried while dressed up as Superman. And I also loved - I wish I could quote this better, but you know how it is - that Lois told him to "lose the Suit" if he was going to stay the night and watch over her, while she slept.
Hmm... Lots of people seemed to like the "lose the suit" bit. Is that because of its physical nature, or its symbolic one? wink

Beautiful, Anna! I'm looking forward to the next part!
Okay...Part 7 is started, but may be a couple of weeks in coming (like this one) as I need to work out the mechanics of a couple of parts. Just to let you know. No hiatus though! smile

Thank you all for the wonderful feedback! It spurs me on for Part 7... wink

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