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Posted By: Laura S FDK: Remember When it Rained Part 5 a and b - 05/30/07 10:23 PM
Yay! New chapter!...s? A two PART chapter. And posted at the same time! You're spoiling us, Anna. smile Now let me get down to the wonderful task of reading.

“Oh, well…since Clark and Lois will obviously start partnering each other again, I think Dougal can partner Diana. He’s had just as much experience as Lois or Clark, even if it was on a different continent. She’ll be fine under his wing.”
Baha. Bet that'll screw up his plans.

“Mmm,” Lois hummed after taking a sip. “You always know just how I like it.”
I <BET> he knows how you li-- oh... we're talking about coffee? blush
hehe. goofy Mind's in the gutter.

Lois felt her heart flutter as she surreptitiously stole another long, but slightly guilty, look at Clark and what she considered to be one of his many assets
Lol, sort of a twist on the "damsel in distress" dropping a hankerchief. The "hard as nails reporter" drops a ...pen.

“Oh, don’t go getting all ‘I’m the big strong Superman who can save Lois,’ on me again,” said Lois dryly. “Stop preening. We know you can save me; we’ve established that. But what else can you do?” She raised her eyebrows at him suggestively.
Heh. well apparently he knows how Lois likes it... :p

“Diana and I could have it written up and to you by lunch. Right, Di?” He glanced across the desk at his partner and she nodded, however he noticed that her smile seemed more feeble than usual. Something had happened, but what?
Could be that she doesn't have a sexy God-in-a-...wild tie as a partner anymore.

His soft but nonetheless vehement guarantees finally seemed to get through to Lois. Her trembling ended and she moved her head so that her cheek lay flush with his chest. “My big strong Superman,” she said, a tender inflection to her words as she slowly entwined the fingers of one hand with his.

“My big strong Lois,” Clark replied, kissing the top of her head. She was safe with him, no matter what.

There it was: a gleam in her eyes. She did know! And she was just torturing him for the fun of it…
Hehe. Poor Clark.

“I thought I was going to have to wait until the Kerths, but I’m going to be lucky this year.”
<Be> lucky or <get> lucky?!

Heh. sorry. Have to extract my mind from the gutter again.

“Please,” Clark begged in all seriousness, “wear it everyday.”

Hehe! Aww! He's so cute!

It was then that Lois’ mind shrieked what her voice could not: ‘Help, Superman!’

Loved it Anna!

They were holding hands as they walked in!! YAY!!
CK’s been kind of hard to talk to since the fight happened; he would just sort of nod every once in a while, pretending he was listening. But I could tell he was really staring past me at Lois.”
Okay, Chief,” said Clark without thinking. Then, what his boss had just told him sunk in. “Wait a minute, Lois and I?”
Jip, you heard him alright!! You and Lois
“You know I would never let anything happen to you, Lois,” he murmured, his mouth next to her ear. “I love you. Dougal Finnegan is not going to get any nearer to you than he was just now in the meeting. I promise: I’ll protect you. And I will not let you out of my sight. There is no possibility of him getting the chance to do anything to you. I *promise*.”
Pasta-a-la-Clark,” the impromptu chef announced, placing the hot plates upon the table with a flourish
aaah he made pasta, and... we all know what that does to him!! wink
“I missed this, you know,” she whispered. “I missed your touch. Just…being with you
so sweet!!!!! Thank you soo much for the waff in this!!
It was a good idea and she didn’t know Arabic: Clark did.
of course he does. How many languages could he speak.. 300 something??
wow, the governor is in it as well, Lois really is in trouble.
Don’t move; don’t scream. If you yell for Superman, you’ll be dead before he can get here.”
WHAT?? Oh no!!
It was then that Lois’ mind shrieked what her voice could not: ‘Help, Superman!’
Come on Clark where are you??

ooh great part!! clap
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Remember When it Rained Part 5 a and b - 06/01/07 12:57 PM
Well, Anna, I have a confession to make: It's definitely harder for LnC fanfic writers to please me when they write gfic than when they write nfic. The reason for that is that I became a "Lois and Superman" fan way back in 1969, when Superman proposed to Lois in a comic book. I was absolutely delighted by his proposal, and I wanted him and Lois to get married right away. Believe me, I didn't want them to take things slow! But take it slow is just what they did. Indeed, they took it so slow that they didn't do anything at all! Nothing! Oh, they kissed, but their kisses never led to anything whatsoever. They didn't get married, didn't move in together, didn't become lovers. They kissed, for circa twenty-seven years, and that was all. On the two occasions when something more happened, drastic measures were taken to restore status quo. In Superman II from 1980 Lois and Clark became lovers, but Clark quickly brainwashed Lois and stole her memory of what had happened. And in the comics Lois and Clark finally got married in 1996, but they were given no time whatsoever to consummate their marriage during their honeymoon. And afterwards Lois simply vanished without an explanation and without a trace, and everybody, Clark most certainly included, just forgot that she existed. How convenient.

So I'm just saying... stories where Lois and Clark aren't married and aren't lovers... I am, oh, circa 87% immune to the WAFF in them, because they remind me so painfully of decades of frustration as I waited in vain for Lois and Superman to finally, finally get it together. (You know why I never actually watched the Lois and Clark TV series? It was really because the mere thought of seeing them spending a lot of time not getting married all over again made me absolutely exhausted.)

So you can see that it's not going to be easy for you, a splendid gfic writer, to please me with your descriptions of circa second season WAFF. And you shouldn't try, either. Each and every writer should strive to please one person only, namely, herself or himself.

I am, as I said, circa 13% responsive (and 87% unresponsive) to gfic WAFF. And hey, Anna, you managed to hit my spot! This was just adorable:

"Hmm&#8230;now I remember how much I like him from this angle,' she thought mischievously, tilting her head so as to get the best view. "The picture he presents from the back has always been one of my favourites&#8230;'
I love it!!!

&#8220;Oh, Clark?&#8221; Lois had his attention from her first syllable. &#8220;Would you, uh, mind? I seem to have&#8230;dropped my pen. I think it rolled over there, by Ralph's desk. Could you get it for me, please?&#8221; She pointed in the general direction and managed to look almost embarrassed as she asked.

Clark immediately wandered over towards Ralph's desk and bent over to pick up the pen. Lois felt her heart flutter as she surreptitiously stole another long, but slightly guilty, look at Clark and what she considered to be one of his many assets.
Oh, so absolutely adorably sweet and funny!!! It gets even funnier when you consider that she is contemplating Clark's *** ets... rotflol

Lois did as she was told and followed Clark to the meeting, a pen and notebook in hand. A smile was back on her face.

"At least this angle affords me another excellent view,' she reflected, walking behind him into the room.
And you bring this up for a third time!!! I have to love how you write it, too. Not once do you name the thing that Lois is in fact looking at, not even any of the nicest names for it. The combination of innocence and sweet naughtiness here is absolutely, totally irresistible.

I also love how Lois seeks comfort in Clark's arms, even though my 87% immunity to gfic WAFF is unimpressed by their flirting and kissing. But I really liked this little snippet:

Lois glowered at him. &#8220;Bah!&#8221; she retorted as she snatched it from his hand. &#8220;Stupid ticket-happy parking wardens&#8230;&#8221; She trudged into the courthouse with Clark following her, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Oh, it was so good to have Lois back to normal!
Oh, so Lois! So funny! "Ticket-happy" - what a word! *happy sigh*

But... oh, no!!!! The new Governor of New Troy is involved with Intergang!!!! eek

&#8220;Duty calls; I know,&#8221; Lois gave him a small smile.

&#8220;But people are out to kill you and I'm your bodyguard and&#8230;&#8221;

Lois stopped him with a finger to his lips. &#8220;I promise I'll go straight to my car and straight back to the Planet, okay?&#8221;

Clark looked undecided for a moment, but a firm look from his partner made him nod resignedly. &#8220;Okay. But *straight* to the car, no detours, okay?&#8221;

&#8220;Clark,&#8221; said Lois, &#8220;I already promised, didn't I? Straight to the car, no detours.&#8221;
And this - oh, noooo!!! I just know that something horrible is about to happen!

She opened the door, slid into the driver's seat and then closed the door. Instantly she heard movement behind her and something cold was pressed to the back of her neck.

&#8220;Don't move; don't scream. If you yell for Superman, you'll be dead before he can get here.&#8221; Lois' insides froze as she recognised the voice of the man behind her: Dougal. Her brain quickly registered as to what he was holding against her neck too: a gun.

And the rest of it was really too frightening for me to really read it. But I managed to pick up that Lois has been placed in a box of some sort. Don't tell me... she's inside a sarcophagus? eek

Well, that's a captivating A-plot, that's for sure! In more ways than one,too. And the B-plot butt ogling just melted me into a puddle of goo. So please come back here with the next part soon!

Ahh, feedback! It is as balm to a writer's soul!

Or something like that. laugh But seriously guys, thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. Again, I'm so sorry that this part took so long to write. It was long (as you can see) and RL took over in some instances. Though, interestingly enough, all the stress in my life made writing this part a great outlet...

Okay...to respond...

Baha. Bet that'll screw up his plans.
You'd think, wouldn't you? But the evil always find a way... Like stalking someone anyway. sloppy Thank you!

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