Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KathyB Comments -- Julie Stars' "Untitled" story - 09/01/03 08:52 AM
Interesting, Julie ... we have a very late Season 2 L&C, post WWW (where Lois gets rid of Scardino) but presumably before ATAI (where Jace Mazik blackmails Superman and Clark proposes), but obviously something very different has happened to make Lois this upset. Is it about Clark? Or something else? Must be something incredibly serious to make Lois even think she should throw herself in the river!

I was confused on why no one was in the newsroom on that day, though. You have Clark say that he knew he'd be needed since no one else would be likely to show up -- what in the world is going on? My first thought was another asteroid or something, but then Superman would be needed.

Hopefully you won't make us wait too long for the next part.

Very intriguing, Julie! Poor Lois! She's so upset that she doesn't even want a kiss from Clark? That's bad! frown Mind you, she does get a hug. Lovely!!! thumbsup

Wendy smile
These teaser segments are *way* too short. Still, it's progress -- we've got the time period nailed down now, and made it clear that the Very Bad News wasn't about Clark being dead or anything... smile However...! if you're going to post the whole story, please please do it in longer segments than this smile

Posted By: LabRat Re: Comments -- Julie Stars' "Untitled" story - 09/01/03 12:31 PM
Interesting, Julie. And, yeah, what they said - post more and lots of it. <g>

LabRat smile
The reason for the newsroom to be empty is in the first part of my story (Which I posted yesterday). I know I have some typos but generally I usually go over my work before I submit it anywhere so I guess I'd catch most of them. And yes, actually this is taking place after WWW, a few days or so later. (One of my favourite episodes smile1 )

Thanks for the feedback!
Ditto More!
I love your story, Julie. Very interesting, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more.

And, since Wendy mentioned, have you found a BR yet? When can we expect more of your story? (Sorry, just impatient smile )

See ya,
Posted By: merry Re: Comments -- Julie Stars' "Untitled" story - 09/04/03 04:26 PM
Very good Julie
but I'm with the others
longer segments
and more
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