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“Oh, my God, please let there be a mistake! Please don’t let this be true…” She was muttering to herself. "How could I let this happen?" She hated being so helpless, but at that moment she couldn't thinkof anything she could do except jump into the river. Being the reasonable person that she was, she wasn't going to do that, but she was certainly temptedto.Finally she through aside the paper with despair, perhaps combined with rage, and snatched her cell phone out of her bag.

"Hi, you've reached Clark Kent. Pleae leave a messege and I'll get back---" Lois hung up before the machine even finished. <Damn it, Clark, where are you?> She was crying now. <Please, God...>

She pulled back onto the road and drove back to the Planet. There was no point in wasting time. Distress or no distress, she was still Lois.


Clark was sitting in the practically-empty news-room and interviewing a source for his new story. Most reporters of the Planer didn't show up for work that day, and he knew he would be needed. It surprised him that Lois was also having the day off. It wasn't like her.

That's why watching her burst into the new room and storming right past him into Perry's office didn't only surprise him, but also complete the picture in the Planet.

"Give me a sotry. Any story. I need it." she said as soon as she closed the door behind her.

"Honey, I'm sorry but all I have is a dog show, and Ralph is supposed to come in and do that one later this afternoon." He answered, knowing this answer would not satisfy her. To his surprise, She didn't argue.

"Oh. Well, is something will come up you'll know where to reach me." She said quietly and turned toleave his office.

Recognizing for thew first time that something is wrong, he looked up at her from his desk. "Honey, you want to talk about something?" He asked.

"No, Chief, it's okay. Really. I just don't like doing nothing all day." She tried to smile a little.

"Didn't you ask to have the day off?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I changed my mind. But that doesn't matter now." She turned to leave. "I'm going to the deli to get a sandwich or something."

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong? Is everything alright with Clark there?" Perry knew when there was something bothering Lois. He knew her only too well.

"Perry, I went to see Clark a few days ago after work and we worked things out. Really. I even managed to get Scardino off." She was struggling to hold back tears that were threatning to burst. "It's fine."

She left his office and was heading towards the elevator when she noticed Clark, who was already finished with that source and was typing something. She paused for a moment, but then continued. She couldn't face him right now. Clark, however, was more determined.

"Lois! Lois, stop!" He called after her and walked over to her. "Don't I even get a kiss today? Is there anything wrong?" He said when he finally noticed the expression on her face.

"No. I'm fine, really. I'm just not in a really good mood, that's all." The tears started flowing in spite of her struggle. She looked down. With his thumb, Clark lifted herface to him, and wiped her tears with his other hand. She pressed herself against him in a hug. The tears were flowing freely now.
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