Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: rkn Love Survives- Part 1 - 05/18/07 02:40 PM
Sequel to Smallville Style

This story is not hardly started yet, so don't look for regular postings. I'm getting ready to move the story away from show cannon, but that does create a need to do research on my part!

But I'm anxious to get some response on how this will do for a beginning. Smallville Style was written mainly from Lois' POV and I'm trying to write this from Clark's. Why is that so hard for me?

By rkn (prov2727@mail.com)

Clark had hardly slept at all. He kept thinking over the events of the prior evening. He had finally admitted the attraction he felt to Lois and asked her on a date. Not a real date date, but attending a work function as “more than friends”. And she had accepted without hesitation. In the limo, on the drive to the awards ceremony, he knew that she had been as nervous as he had been, yet she had reached out to him at the banquet, and had reminded him that they were actually supposed to be there for him to accept his first Kerth Award. She had hung on his arm, fawned appropriately, and let him have the limelight never letting on that she had turned out many stories that should have earned her the award. What was the selection board thinking when they passed up her great stories for his on the nursing home? Not that it wasn’t a worthy story, but, come on, Lois was the first reporter with *THE* Superman story. And then they had gone to his house for “the talk”.

He had been so nervous and began in the middle of his well practiced speech. But, very un-Lois-like, she had let him talk. He knew he needed to tell her about his other job as Superman, but he just didn’t know how to tell her that he had been lying to her for years. He had wondered when she first saw him as Superman if she would recognize him and expose him. He was sure that he had seen a flicker of recognition in her eyes, but her behavior towards him as Superman was so different than her behavior towards him as Clark that he had decided that she didn’t know after all. How did he tell her now? His pulse picked up as he remembered the sweet tentative kiss they had shared as she had left his apartment last night. He had said something like, “Maybe we should have done this a long time ago” and she had answered teasingly that she would not have minded. Had she really had feelings towards him for so long? So where did her blatant attraction to Superman fit into all this? When she found out that he was Superman would that help or hurt his case?

Well, now it was morning and he needed to head into work. He both dreaded and could not wait to see her this morning. In the light of day, would she have changed her mind, or would the magic of the previous night still be present? They had agreed to a real date on Saturday. He could hardly wait!


The magic was still there. Lois smiled widely at him when he greeted her with a cup of hot coffee. He watched her with unashamed pleasure as she sniffed deeply before taking her first sip. For some reason, he found it so alluring when she performed this little habit.

“Thanks, Clark.”

“You’re welcome.”

They smiled at each other, but parted to go to their own desks. Seated across from her, he could watch her all day long. But they had to be careful. Having a relationship with a fellow employee was not going to be easy and if they let on that their relationship had changed the newsroom gossips would have a field day.

Perry came by his and Lois’ desks, “Complimentary tickets for the Urban Renewal Charity Ball. Bring people who know how to dress and don't mind dancing close.”

“Is that this weekend?” asked Clark.

“I told you about this some time ago, Kent. Did you have other plans?” Perry asked, obviously not in the mood for excuses.

Clark looked over at Lois. “I guess not. I’ll reschedule.”

Perry nodded and walked off. Clark walked to Lois’ desk. “I totally forgot the charity ball was this weekend when we made plans for Saturday.”

“Clark, I work here too. It’s not a problem. We’ll catch a movie on Sunday instead, or even next weekend.”

“I was just really looking forward to it.”

Lois could hardly stop the grin spreading across her face. Clark looked like a child who had just had his candy stolen from him. “We’ll still see each other at the ball. We can even go together.”

Clark’s face brightened. “You’re right. Let’s plan on it. Although, I will miss the opportunity to sneak you off and continue our, uh, *conversation* from last night. We need to keep the change in our relationship quiet at work and work functions, I think.” It was like a tender bud that needed to be cherished and nurtured and he was afraid it might not survive the stormy weather of newsroom gossip.

Lois blushed. “I agree. This is so new, I just want to keep it between us for now, you know? Our secret. So why don’t I buy the dessert this time, and we’ll slip out early and go to my place?”

“Suddenly I’m looking forward to the Charity Ball a lot more.” They grinned at each other like two fools.


“What about lunch?” It was Wednesday and they had been very busy working on stories, and hadn’t even had time to do much more than send each other glances across their desks.

“Lunch?” Clark questioned.

Lois dropped her voice. “We can go to my Uncle Mike’s café in Southside. I don’t think we’ll run into anyone from work there.” She winked at him.

It didn’t take him much time to catch on, “I *am* starving. Ready to go?” He didn’t really wait for her to answer as he locked his computer and headed for the elevator. Lois hurried over to save and lock her own computer and grab her purse before joining him just as the car arrived. Once the doors on the elevator closed on them, she brushed her hand against his and he caught it. The held hands as the elevator descended until they reached the lobby and they reluctantly stepped away from each other before the doors opened.


At her uncle’s little café they sat outside at a bistro set and held hands under the table. Fortunately, he was almost as adept at eating left handed as right handed. Clark figured her uncle’s ex-Marine eyes didn’t miss much, but Clark didn’t make any comment when Lois introduced him as a co-worker.


“Um, Clark?”

“What, Lois?”

“It’s silly, but, you never said and I just need to. . . need to know.”

What was she wondering about? Did she have some suspicion about his abilities?

“Just ask, Lois.”

“You never actually said. . . you have broken up with Lana, right?” she ended in a rush.

Clark laughed in relief. “She broke up with me pretty quickly when I didn’t fall into step with her moving-in-together plan.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You are?”

“Well, not sorry you’re not with her any more, but sorry if it caused you hurt.”

Clark shook his head. “Actually, it didn’t. I think that’s when I knew that you were right. I wasn’t in love with Lana. She was someone that I got along with very well and being new in Metropolis, we just kind of gravitated to each other.”

Lois exhaled, as if she had been holding her breath, then flashed him a smile. “Glad we got that out of the way.” She squeezed his hand.

Lois’ uncle emerged from the front of the restaurant. “You ready for dessert?” he asked.

“Oh, no, Uncle Mike, I’m stuffed.”

“It’s my chocolate raspberry torte.”

Lois groaned in defeat. “You know I can’t resist chocolate, Uncle Mike. Just once piece though. I’ll share Clark’s.”

Mike sat the very large piece of cake in front of Lois. “Hope she let’s you have some, Clark.”

Clark grinned. “The food is great. You make all this yourself/”

Mike nodded. “Lately it’s more of a hobby than a job.”

Clark looked around at the abandoned storefronts, a few burned out cars and the trash that littered the neighborhood. “I don’t understand what happened to this neighborhood.”

“Clark's right, this is crazy. Six months ago this was the hottest street in town,” Lois said.

“Well, the neighborhood's in transition. Getting more eclectic.” Mike shrugged. “At least that’s what they tell me.” He wiped his hands on the towel at his waist and went back into the café.

“Did he bring you two forks with that?” Lois indicated the plate of cake she had pushed in his direction.

“Am I going to get to eat any of this?” Clark laughed as he cut a piece of cake for Lois and held the fork out to her. Lois closed her eyes and opened her mouth. Clark looked around quickly, but not seeing Mike anywhere, he placed the cake in her mouth. He watched fascinated as her lips slid along the fork. He licked his lips, which were suddenly very dry.

“Mmmm,” Lois moaned.

“Ready for another?”

Lois squinted her eyes open. Ah hah. Clark was not totally immune to her charms. There was a look in his eyes that she had only caught a glimpse of the night of the Kerth ceremony. She nodded. He cut another piece and held it out to her. The cake brushed against her side of her mouth as she accepted it.

“Oh, this is so good, Clark. You have to try some.”

Clark’s gaze was riveted on her mouth. “What?” she asked.

“You have some. . . there’s some raspberry-”

Lois grabbed her napkin. Some seductress she was, with cake on her face like a silly child. Clark caught her hand.

“Let me.” Her eyes flew to his just before his lips descended on hers. His mouth covered hers and he sucked on her lower lip for a second before he released her. “Hmm. I think raspberry is my new favorite flavor.”

She smiled happily at him. “Maybe you should try some. Chocolate is my favorite, you know.”

Clark handed her the fork and pushed the plate her way. He opened his mouth expectantly. She quickly cut a piece and pushed the fork into his mouth.

“Mmm, raspberry,”

Lois didn’t even try to stop herself from meeting his lips with hers. “Mmm, chocolate.”

When they broke the kiss, Lois realized her sticky hand was lying on Clark’s tie. “Oh, Clark! I’ve gotten raspberry juice all over your tie.”

“It’s okay, Lois, it’s just a tie.”

“You’d better go put some water on it, and dab, don’t rub.”

“Lois Lane-Kent giving me laundry advice?”

“Your mother taught me a lot of things Clark. I may not always follow them, but I do remember what she said.”

Clark pushed back his chair and entered the café. He had only been gone a few minutes when a loud explosion shook the café.

Lois jumped to her feet in surprise at the same time that she heard the sound of Superman’s arrival. He was holding a young gang member by the shirt. He quickly stuck the kid’s hand through a dumpster handle and clamped it around the boy’s hand. He immediately zoomed around the side of the building to blow out the flames before they had a chance to spread.

Mike came out of the front of the building, “You little punk! You tried to burn me out.”

The young man shrugged. “You can’t prove it. No one saw anything.”

Clark appeared behind Mike. “I did.” The kid’s shoulders slumped. “I saw him through the window when he set the bomb while I was trying to clean my tie.”

“I’ll call the police,” Lois said, pulling her cell phone out of her purse. “Yes, I'm reporting an attempted arson, my name is Lois Lane-Kent, I – He put me on hold!” she complained.

“Better settle in, sweetie. The last time I called them it took two hours for them to show up,” said Mike shaking his head.


It did indeed take hours for the police to show up and Clark, Lois, and Mike accompanied them to the police station to give their statements. Lois had called Perry and explained that she and Clark would be out the rest of the afternoon, promising that they would bring in a story once they had more details.

As the trio exited the station, a beautiful blonde approached them. “Is one of you gentlemen Clark Kent?”

Clark stepped forward. “Yes, I am. Can I help you?”

The blonde extended her hand, “Mayson Drake. I’m the deputy district attorney. I wanted to see if you would be willing to testify in court to what you saw today.”

“Certainly,” Clark agreed swiftly. “Whatever I saw, I'll tell it in court, Ms. Drake.”

“I should warn you, it's not going to be easy. This whole thing happening on the Southside isn't just about gang turf. There's big money and big players in the shadows.”

“Really?” asked Lois, sensing a big story.

“And you are?” asked Mayson.

“Lois Lane-Kent. It was my uncle’s restaurant that was bombed.”

“Kent? Any relation?”

“No,” said Clark quickly.

“Long story,” Lois said at the same time.

“I think Baby Rage knows a lot and I might just find out how much if I can make a strong enough case to get him to accept a deal. Clark, please call my office in the morning so we can arrange a deposition.” She handed him a business card. “And if you need to reach me during off hours, my home phone's on the back.”

Clark nodded, sticking the card in his wallet as Mayson walked away.

“Subtle,” commented Lois to Mike.

“What?” asked Clark.

“She likes you. She was really quick to make sure we aren’t related. And you were awfully quick to deny it,” there was just a bit of question in Lois’ voice.

“Of course I was! Hadn’t we just established that?” he asked with a quick glance at Mike. No fool, Mike began to wander away from them as they began to look for a cab to take them back to their homes.


“I’m sorry, Clark. I just keep thinking I’m going to wake up and this. . . us. . . will just be a dream. And Ms. Drake is very pretty, and she’s a lawyer-”

“And I am quite happily a reporter *and* I’m dating an incredible woman who is also very pretty.”

Mike was heading back their way indicating that he had located a cab so the conversation ended there.


Lois and Clark met with Lois’ source in the commissioner’s office.

“So, Lois, you want to know about the Southside?” he asked.

“Yes. Why are police so slow to respond?”

“Precincts having their funding cut; men transferred; equipment sabotaged; cops paid to look the other way. Take your pick.”

“We need names,” said Clark.

“It would be easier to tell you the names of cops not involved,” scoffed Lois’ source.

“Why is the funding cut?” asked Lois.

“Think about it. What happens when a good neighborhood goes bad?”

“People want to move,” said Clark.

“And prices go down. Whole blocks go on the market for pennies on the dollar. Just like the West River,” Lois answered.

“Very good.”

“Is Luthor behind this, too?” asked Lois.

“No,” scoffed her source. “Bigger than Luthor.”

“Luthor’s the biggest thing in Metropolis,” protested Lois.

“Used to be. Not any more. I think these guys want to take over. If Luthor doesn’t start taking better care of his businesses, he’s going to lose out to these new guys. Look, I gotta go. If I’m seen talking to you . . .” The very fact that her source was willing to mention Luthor’s criminal activities was proof that Luthor wasn’t the threat he used to be when people knew that they were better off pleading ignorance than getting on Luthor’s bad side. “Here take a look at this.” The contact handed Lois a disk and disappeared into the night.


They hurried to the Planet where Lois placed the disk in her computer and opened the file. Clark leaned over her shoulder reading the screen of her computer. Mmnn- was that a different scent than she usually wore?

Lois spoke bringing him back to the project he was supposed to be concentrating on. “He wasn't kidding when he said this was big. If these reports of his are true, half the major cities in the world might've been infiltrated by this... organization.”

Clark “accidently” hit the mouse sending the data streaming down the screen. Superspeed reading, Clark caught up to where she was reading. “Uh, sorry, Lois. He hit the mouse again and returned the screen to where it had been. “Wow. The Australian press even nicknamed it – Intergang. We need to contact the Daily Planet office in Australia and see if we can get any more information about this organization.”

At that moment his superhearing kicked in, “I'm contacting you on a hypersonic frequency that only you and a few bats can hear. If I were you, I'd be at the Arboretum, east gate, inside of three minutes because if you aren’t someone is going to die.”

Well, that seemed more pressing than looking up more information on Intergang. “Lois, I just remembered a, uh... an errand. I'll be right back.”

“Yeah, sure, Clark, go. I’ll just look through this.” Lois waved him off distractedly.

He flew as fast as he could to the park that the voice had directed him to. As he lands, and man that had been sitting on a park bench stood up and extended his hand, “Martin Snell, good to meet you. Superman, let's talk.”

Clark was upset about being called from his work. Obviously, there was no emergency. Superman did not exist to be at the beck and call of anyone with a sudden desire to carry on a conversation with him. He reached out and grabbed the greasy man by his collar. “Yes, let’s talk. I don’t know who you are, but if this is your idea of a joke, you're going to need a lawyer.”

“Actually, I won't. Because A, I am a lawyer. And B, this is no joke. I'll even give you the name of the person who's going to die. I think you know her... Lois Lane?”

Clark’s heart stopped for a second and then pounded as it raced to catch up. Lois!

“I'd say she's got about, oh, maybe ten seconds? Think you can get there in time?”

Clark threw Snell away from him, not even caring if his abrupt action injured the man and lept into the sky, gaining speed as he flew. Lois!

He burst into the newsroom through the open windows and grabbed the bullet that was seconds away from Lois who still sat in front of her computer going through the file her contact had given them. Clark was so relieved that he did not hear the second bullet until it impacted with a splat against Jimmy’s chest as he passed by Lois’ desk. But the stain spreading across Jimmy’s chest was yellow and sticky.


“Hey!” Lois and Jimmy both exclaimed in unison.

Clark felt weak with relief. He had made it. Lois was fine. The desire to pull her into his arms and bury his face in her hair was almost overwhelming. But he was dressed as Superman, not Clark, and they were the center of the attention of everyone present in the newsroom. Holding his hand over Lois’ wastebasket, he crushed the bullet in his fist and watched as the sticky yellow paint oozed through his fingers into the trash can. Lois had never been in danger. What kind of trick was Martin Snell trying to pull? Well, he certainly had Superman’s attention now! He mumbled something to Lois as he took off from the newsroom and headed back to the park. The rage welling up in him scared Clark. This. . . weasel had threatened Lois’ life! And for what reason? He reached for Snell who did not even attempt to get away.

“Easy, Superman. Down, boy. I just wanted to get your attention so we could have a talk.”

“Believe me, Mr. Snell, you have my attention. You may find that you don’t like it.” Clark pulled himself into his “Superman” pose, arms crossed.

“You get that look on your face, you remind me of a few judges I know.”

Clark growled and moved toward Snell threateningly.

Snell held up his hands in surrender and stepped back. “Okay, I get it. Time to get to the point. It’s like this, Superman. I’m a big fan. I love Superman. You do a lot of great things, saving Metropolis from things like tsunamis and asteroids. I think that’s just great. The problem is, my. . . partners and I need you stay out of our business.”

“And I should do this because?”

“Because we have the ability to locate Ms. Lane, any time any place. I have a feeling you might not like it too well if something happened to her.” Again he held up his hands, “ It’s a suggestion. A very strong suggestion.”

“I wonder what the police will think of your suggestion and your threats to Ms. Lane.” Superman reached for the man again.

“Ah, ah, ah. . You don’t want to do that. See, if something happens to me two things happen -- A, someone you care about dies, I speak of Ms. Lane, of course, and B, a replacement for me steps right in. Now you don't want 'A' and I don't want 'B' so I think what you need is a little attitude adjustment.”

“Mr. Snell, believe it or not I am a busy man. Quit wasting my time and tell me exactly what it is you and your partners *do* want.”

“Why, Superman, we just want you to be the best Superman you can be. Street crime? Wipe it out. Terrorists? Kick their butts. Carjackers? Hey, I drive a Ferrari. I’d be very happy for you to put a stop to such a heinous crime. But stay out of the Southside. No matter what happens, we see you there and the next bullet won’t be filled with paint.” Snell straightened his suit and walked away whistling.


Clark hurried to change back into his business suit and sprinted up the stairs to the newsroom. He was straightening his tie as he approached Lois’ desk. Lois was still busy discovering information on the disk and cross referencing it with what little they knew about Intergang’s operations. “Lois! I ran into Superman and he told me what happened. Are you okay?”

Lois patted his arm. “I’m fine, Clark. Superman saved the day as usual.” She gestured to her screen. “You gotta take a look at this Clark. They’re even moving in on L. . . I mean, moving in on some of the organized crime here in Metropolis.”

“Remember your contact says they are even bigger than Luthor.”

Lois frowned. “Meanwhile, that blonde is in the conference room waiting to talk to you.”

“What blonde?”

“The DA. I’m telling you, Clark, she wants you.”

“I’m sure she is here to talk about Baby Rage.”


“Lois, I meant it when I said I wasn’t interested. I don’t care if she is the most beautiful woman in the world. I am in a relationship with you, and that’s what I want.”

Lois looked deeply into his eyes. Her eyes looked a little watery. “I’m sorry, Clark. I know you told me that, but I just keep thinking, Why me? Ms. Drake is professional, successful, smart and she looks just like the women you’ve always been attracted to.”

“What women? Yeah, Lana is blonde, but who else are you talking about?”

“Antoinette Baines, Toni Taylor. . .”

“Dr. Baines was only interested in Lex Luthor. And Toni-“


“Toni was attractive, but she was also a criminal.”

“Yes, but you. . . you said you were going to score. Didn’t you?”

“What? I never said. . . what gave you. . . Lois, you seem to have a very different picture of my personal life than what actual reality is.”

“So, you didn’t. . . score?”

“Lois, you once told me that you had never slept with anyone to get a story and were rather offended that I would think so. I have never slept with anyone to get a story either and you owe me the same courtesy.”

Lois sniffed. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Clark.”

Clark knelt down next to her. “Honey, why does Ms. Drake bother you so much? What is this really about?”

“I just keep thinking you’re going to see that she is everything I’m not and you’ll change you mind about us. After wanting this for so long, I guess I just can’t. . . *trust* that it is real.”

Clark sometimes forgot the damage Sam Lane’s irresponsible behavior had wreaked on Lois. “Lois, *you* are professional, successful, and smart, and you are the only woman I’m interested in. Okay?”

She nodded. Suddenly the look on her face changed. “Did you just call me honey?”

Clark felt a smirk twist his lips, “Did I?”

“Yes, I think you did.”

“Should I be running in fear from Mad Dog Lois?”

“Promise you won’t tell anyone?”


“I kind of liked it.”

Clark’s breath caught. How had he not noticed this delightful woman for so long? How would things have been different if he had realized that Lois was the woman for him long ago? If they weren’t in the middle of the newsroom, we would kiss her senseless right now. Instead he squeezed her hand.

Lois squared her shoulders. “Well, better get in there and see what Ms. DA wants.”


Clark entered the conference room and extended his hand, “Ms. Drake.”

“Please, call me Mayson.”

“I assume you’re here to talk about Baby Rage?”

“Yes I need to get your signature on your statement and discuss your testimony.”

Clark quickly related his version of events to the DA, confirming his statement. Mayson asked him a few questions and noted the answers.

“Wow, look at the time,” she said, glancing at her watch. “It’s almost lunch. Want to grab something to eat with me?”

So, Lois was right. Well, of course she was. “Sure, Mayson. Let me just get Lois and we can go.”

“Um, Clark, I meant you and me.”

“Mayson, Lois and I are dating.”


“You seem like a great person-“

“Don’t worry about it, Clark.”

“So, are we still going to lunch?”

“Why not? Hey, you don’t have a brother, do you?”

Clark laughed as he ushered Mayson out of the conference room. “Sorry, no.”

“Rats. Some girls have all the luck.”

They approached Lois’ desk. “We’re going to get some lunch, Lois. Can you come?” Clark asked.

Lois looked up from her computer, “Is it lunchtime already? Sure, I could eat. Where are we going?”

“Do you like Thai food, Mayson?” Clark asked.

“I love it. Are you thinking of the restaurant on 10th?”

“That’s our favorite,” answered Lois. “I like it spicy!”

With the question of Clark’s availability out of the way, the three of them were able to talk comfortably about the case.

“Baby Rage’s lawyer, Martin Snell, is going to make this as difficult as possible. If there’s a technicality to be found, Snell will get him released. I have to make sure there is not room for mistakes.”

“Did you say Martin Snell?” Clark queried.

“You know of him?” Lois asked in surprise.

Clark glanced at her before answering, “. A certain... source of mine told me he's a lawyer for Intergang.”

“And now he's the lawyer for Baby Rage. Very interesting,” said Lois.

“Tell me what you know about Intergang,” Mayson said.

Lois answered, “It's worldwide It's been in existence for almost twenty years. They acquire companies, other criminal operations, even governments. Intergang runs them from a distance, hidden.”

“You think they're funding the Skins, don't you?” Clark asked Mayson.

“I do.”

“A source we have thinks they've infiltrated the police but he won't give us names,” said Lois.

“We were hoping you would,” Clark said to Mayson.

“I wish I could.”

“Mayson, this isn’t just a story. My uncle lives in Southside.”

“And Lois was almost killed today!” Clark exclaimed.

Mayson nodded thoughtfully. “Baby Rage was muttering something about a price on your head, Lois. You might want to be a little extra careful.”


After their lunch, Mayson headed back to work and Lois and Clark returned to their desks at the Planet.

“Lois, I don’t think that you should be alone tonight.”

“Clark, I'm a professional reporter. This isn't the first threat I've ever received.”

“Still, I’d feel a lot better if you stayed with me, or if I stayed over at your place until this blows over.”

Lois blushed, “Well, I think you're overreacting, but if you insist. . . I would feel safer knowing you were right there.” She seemed to get even more red.

Clark glanced around the newsroom to see if anyone was listening in. “Lois, I mean just stay over, just like we have done before. I am attracted to you, *very* attracted to you-“ could she get any redder? “but it’s too soon.”

“Right, you and Lana-“

“No, this has nothing to do with Lana. I just think we should take things slow. “

Lois looked down. “Yeah, I guess.”

“You don’t agree?”

“I. . .I-“

Clark reached out and lifted her chin with his finger trying to see her eyes. “You think we should. . .should. . .”

“No, I just. . .”

“Lois, if we’re going to have a relationship, we have to talk about this. Tell me what you’re thinking, please.”

“Just, other guys I have dated, they would automatically assume. And I’m glad you didn’t assume, but. . “

“But. . “

“But at least I knew they wanted me, desired me,” she finished in a rush blushing red again.

Clark blushed too. This was completely the wrong place to have this conversation.

“Lois, you are beautiful and desirable and if we weren’t in the middle of the newsroom, I would give you a demonstration.”

Lois grabbed some paper off her desk and fanned herself, “Oh, my.”

“But as far as the near future, while we’re staying together, maybe we should be cautious.”

“How cautious? No handholding, no kissing?”

“I. . . I . . .” Clark ran his hand through his hair. He wanted to just tell Lois. . . what did he want to tell her? It *was* too soon for them to . . . wasn’t it? Yes, his conscience assured him.


“Lois, I don’t want to go back. And I really don’t want to just stay where we are either. Why don’t we just say that we keep it at the pace we’re going?”

“So, I can hold you hand while we watch movies?” she asked looking at him sweetly.


“And I can lay my head on your shoulder?” She laid her hand over his.


“And we can kiss at the good parts?”

She was looking up at him with her puppy dog eyes and drawing circles on the back of his hand. Did she have any idea what she was doing to him? He slid his hand out from under hers and ran his finger under his collar that was suddenly too tight. “Yes.”

She stood up suddenly and pulled the strap of her satchel of the back of her chair onto her shoulder. “Do I get to pick the movie?”

“What?” Clark was confused at the abrupt change in her behavior.

“ *Do* I *get* to pick the movie?” she persisted.

Clark shrugged. What was she up to? “That’s fine with me.”

“Good.” She gave that playful little giggle that drove him crazy, and not in the insane kind of way.

“Why is that a good thing?”

“I’m going to the video store right now to figure out which movie has the most kiss worthy scenes in it!” She swung around and walked away from him with an exaggerated sway to her hips.

More than his collar was feeling tight. “Lois. . .” he groaned.


Clark knocked on the door of Lois apartment. “Come in, Clark,” Lois called.

Clark unlocked the door and let himself in. “Lois, what if that hadn’t been me? You should look to see who is at your door.”

“Clark, if it wasn’t you, they wouldn’t have a key,” she said practically.

“So what video did you get for us to watch?”

“Well, I looked over the list of Top Ten Movies for 2005, but I decided against Brokeback Mountain and went with Pride and Prejudice.”

Clark sputtered.

Lois laughed at his response. “Really, there aren’t too many romantic bits between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, but maybe we could make those up ourselves?”

“I like the way you think, Ms. Lane-Kent.”


They settled in front of the television with a bowl of popcorn as the movie started.

“Mmmnn. Doesn’t it seem like forever since that night you, Lucy and I sat here and watched TV when I first came to Metropolis?”

Lois blushed, “You have no idea.”

Clark looked at her curiously, “What?”

“That was the night. . . do you remember anything about that night?”

“Did something special happen that I totally missed?”

“Oh, yea. I woke up in the middle of the night and came out here. I heard the TV on and came over to turn it off. . . and there you were.”

“That’s right, I fell asleep. So?”

“So, do you remember what you were wearing, or rather not wearing?”

“Flannel PJs?”

“Not hardly, Clark Kent. Boxers. Just boxers. Black silk boxers.”

“Ah. And what were *you* wearing?” Clark asked raising his eyebrows suggestively.

Lois laughed. “I *was* wearing flannel pjs!”

“You wanted hot milk to help you sleep.”

“That wasn’t all I wanted, Clark. And after seeing you like that, hot milk did not do the trick.”

“Really?” Had Lois really l. . . liked him even then?

“That night my love for you as a friend and my old crush on you suddenly merged into something else. This.”

She set her lips against his and kissed him softly. Clark’s hand caressed her cheek as he returned her kiss. Lois taking the initiative was making Clark want to gather her to him and never stop kissing her.

“Mmm,” she breathed as they stopped for breath.

“We should probably watch the movie,” Clark suggested softly.

“Yea, I guess.”


“So who is your Mr. Wickham, Lois?”

“Hmmn, what?” Lois asked distractedly lifting her head from where it rested against his shoulder as they watched Jane Austen’s story unfold on the TV screen.

“Well, mine was obviously Lana. Is there someone that you thought might be the one, but was really all wrong for you?”

“Yes, there was someone. My first year of college. Paul, Alisha’s brother-in-law. I thought for the longest time that if he just hadn’t tried to move things along so fast, things would have turned out differently. But then I realized that it wasn’t the pace, it was that he wasn’t the right person for me. We had lots of things in common, but not the things that really matter.” Then Lois laughed. “I guess Claude was my Mr. Collins.”

“Claude Duchet.” Clark had heard whispers at the Planet -how could he not?- about Lois and Claude. Since Lois had never so much as brought up his name, Clark wasn’t sure what to believe.

“Yes. Claude. He just assumed that I would jump into. . . jump at the chance to be with him. Always talking about stories he had written and places he had been. Rather like Mr. Collins bragging about Lady Catherine de Bourgh’s ‘patronage’. One night he came over here to work on a story with me and he decided to prove to me that I wanted him as much as he wanted me.”

Clark did not like the direction this story was going. “Prove it to you?”

“I think he thought that if he went far enough, I would change my mind.”

“Oh, Lois. What happened? Did he-“

“No, right when I started to get really scared that he wouldn’t stop, the phone rang. It was you.”

“Me? When was this?”

“It was right before you went to New Guinea.”

“I remember now! I was so embarrassed. I thought I had interrupted-“

“You did! And I have never been so thankful for anything in all my life. Hearing your voice gave me the strength I needed to throw him out. You saved me. Thank you, Clark.”

“Oh, Lois.” He put his arms around her and hugged her tight. “I hope I’m always there for you.”

She touched his face. “You are, Clark. Although, I’ll have you know that I can do a pretty good job of taking care of myself! After Claude, I decided to learn Tae Kwon Do. You should come to a class with me.”

“Or you can show me sometime.” A flicker of desire swept through him at the thought of ‘wrestling’ with Lois.

Lois glanced at him quickly and then laughed. “The movie, right? We’re supposed to be watching the movie.”


Did Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy ever kiss in the movie? Clark didn’t get to find out. About the time Darcy began to question Elizabeth on if her feelings for him had changed, Lois gave him a sideways glance and they were drawn to each other like a magnet. Their arms wrapped around each other necks, tangling in the other’s hair. As she opened her mouth and allowed his tongue to caress hers, her hand came to rest on his chest. Did she even realize her finger was circling his nipple? His own hands fell down to rest on her waist. He withdrew his tongue, but hers chased his into his mouth. He realized his fingers were touching bare skin where her shirt fell just short of her jeans. Spreading his fingers wide, his thumb brushed her breast and she caught her breath. He crossed his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. She was now half lying on his lap as they sat on the floor in front of her couch. Her hands were on the move again, doing some exploring of their own. Clark broke the kiss, panting, “Lois”.

“Clark,” she replied with a teasing lilt in her voice.

“I think. . . I think we’ve definitively answered the question of whether there’s any chemistry between us!”

“Mmm. And I enjoyed the experiment very much too.”

He put an arm behind her legs and stood up, probably not a maneuver a man could accomplish without the benefit of superstrength and the ability to float, but she didn’t seem to notice. He cradled her to his chest as he walked across the room to her bedroom door.


He sat her down, and placed a light kiss on her forehead. “Goodnight, Lois.” He released her and made a hasty getaway to the spare bedroom.


It was a good thing he didn’t need much sleep. What he really needed was a dip in the Arctic, but the whole point for him being at Lois’ was to be there to keep her safe. And a cold shower might be a little too obvious. He hadn’t felt like this since his teen years. He tossed and turned for hours trying to get comfortable. It didn’t help that his superhearing told him that it had taken Lois several hours to settle down to sleep as well. Why had waiting seemed like such a good idea, again? Lois certainly didn’t seem to have any objections. But his conscience would simply not allow him to take the next step until he got things out in the open with Lois starting with “I am Superman”. Liar, liar, liar echoed in his head. How could she possibly forgive him for the years of dishonesty?

[Just adding in part no. to post header - LabRat]
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