Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Framework4 fdk:Smallville Style Part 4/12 - 04/23/07 02:30 PM
Warning: If you feel that a relationship between Clark and a Lois that lived with his parents for two years (while he was away at college) is incest, you may not want to read further.
Dear RKN,

I am sorry to have offended and confused you. I never meant it that way. I was commenting on the name change, not Lois living with the Kents.
Posted By: rkn Re: fdk:Smallville Style Part 4/12 - 04/23/07 02:46 PM
No offense, but it may be something that a reader might want to know ahead of time. laugh

I read recently (while looking for lawyer jokes for my work newsletter) that in 14 states it is still legal to marry your first cousin! In the 15th it is only allowed after you are 65. I sure hope that is a hoax!
Posted By: woody Re: fdk:Smallville Style Part 4/12 - 04/23/07 03:29 PM
No, there really are states where it is legal to marry a first cousin. Second cousin is legal anywhere, I think.

I only think I'd have a problem with two people like LnC in your story getting together if they lived in the same house since they were like 10. Anywhere from about 14 on, even if they are adopted, they are at the stage where they are making different kind of relationships than brother and sister.
Posted By: mervoparkite Re: fdk:Smallville Style Part 4/12 - 04/23/07 05:50 PM
I'm still totally enchanted by your story.

I must admit, as glad as I was that the Paul/Linda Federal disaster was avoided, I'm kind of glad I still get to hate Claude. He's one of those, along with Lex of course, that I love to hate. I'm glad she was able to stop him though.

BTW--Clark as a Lawyer eek Ok, now you've got him back to writing. . . thank you.

More soon!!!! grovel

Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: fdk:Smallville Style Part 4/12 - 04/23/07 06:30 PM
Clark Kent JD.. wow smile

And Claude disaster avoided and Clark Kent helped save Lois, yay!
Posted By: Shadow Re: fdk:Smallville Style Part 4/12 - 04/23/07 08:32 PM
Well, I'm hooked! This is way more interesting than working on Wednesday's presentation right now. <g> I just caught up on all the parts and am curious to see where this goes!

Posted By: TOC Re: fdk:Smallville Style Part 4/12 - 04/23/07 08:34 PM
As for the brother/sister thing, Lois and Clark have spent far too little time together for them to "feel" like siblings. Don't worry, rkn, I don't see anything incestuous whatsoever about a Lois/Clark relationship.

I was enthralled by the Claude part of this chapter, and I was so very glad to see Lois not really fall for him, and to escape being raped. (But I wished he could have been stopped, and not just sent to France. Who knows what will happen to young female reporters that he runs into there?)

And Lex Luthor is turning up. *shudder* Well, I'm glad that this Lois doesn't seem to be too fascinated or delighted by him.

And Clark is coming to the Daily Planet! Yay! Well, he hasn't been hired, and he may not be hired at all, but... yay anyway!

Posted By: Elisabeth Re: fdk:Smallville Style Part 4/12 - 04/29/07 02:59 PM
Norcross and Judd had agreed to return to Metropolis to be the guests of honor at the graduation
Nice little nod. I like it.

When they arrived at the Met. High gymnasium, he surprised her even more. In front of the lighted gym was a silver Jeep Grand Cherokee with a humongous red bow draped over it. Her father dangled the key in front of her, “Want to take it for a test drive?”
Another nice nod--even though I cringe at the Disneyland Dad mentality.

“Clark! It has been two whole years since I’ve seen your face, though I have enjoyed the cards. You’re just as good looking as always, and,” squeezing him again, “ you are looking very buff.”
Yeah, that's not the typical bro/sis relationship.

Cat Grant caught sight of Lois’ flushed cheeks after Claude departed the newsroom, “Oh, been there, done that, sweetie, and he’s just as good as they say. But Claude Duchet is a man; I doubt he’s interested in shopping in the teen department.”
For once in my life, you've got me liking Cat Grant. That's a tall order, as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, God. She had almost been raped. If Clark hadn’t called at that exact minute her brain might not have ever snapped out of the daze of shock she had been in. Oh, thank God for Clark. She crawled toward the loveseat, unable to find the strength to stand. She picked up the phone from where it had slipped from her fingers and dialed. “Mom? Please, I need you.”
Somehow I didn't think Ellen would be the first person Lois would call. Still, I'm glad that's who she turned to. I'm even happier that she said something to someone.

Ellen chuckled. “No sweetheart. I was thinking along the lines of self-defense classes. If you had had some training, Claude would not have been able to overpower you so easily-”
I was hoping you were leading Lois this way.

“I didn’t get to be editor of the greatest paper in the world because I could yodel, Lois. Now, I expect to see you seated at Claude’s desk Monday morning, and I want to see some story ideas on my desk by 9:00 am.”
This was nice, too.

“It’s a good school. Columbia or Kansas City campus?”

Mizzou! I imagine Clark would enjoy life there. It's easy to get lost among all the people. Still, it's such a different Clark Kent that you write.

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