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Hee, funny! I loved watching the grouchy Clark go all caveman defending his (kinda-sorta but not really) partner and (kinda-sorta but not really) threatening him with all sorts of vaguely worded scenarios.

Loved that Lois was there to witness the rout. I could just see Clark looking (kinda-sorta but not really) guilty as he tried to explain. Lois's reaction was great, too. He's strange, yeah, but maybe that's a good thing. And undercover suveillance -- woo-hoo! goofy Of course, it'll be a while before they *really* get under the covers, I expect, but this was a good step in that direction.

Oh this was tooooo cute!! laugh

I love Clark explaining himself to Lois
Clark jumped slightly at the sound of her voice, and the guilty expression on his face almost made her scream. “I don’t know why he ran, exactly. All I did was tell him that I was your partner.” At her skeptical look, he scuffed the toe of his shoe into the carpet. “I may have also told him about the abandoned mine shaft just off my parent’s property that no one really seems to remember anymore.” He paused, met her eyes briefly, and then began to study the patterns he was making on the ground, looking like a boy who had just been caught next to a broken window and a baseball. “And… maybe… I also told him about how I spent some time with a man in Indonesia who could kill a man twenty different ways with his pinky alone. I don’t know why he got so scared, though. It’s not like I actually learned anything from the guy.”
smile1 laugh smile1 laugh

hilarious and wonderful at the same time. Au revoir, and good riddance, truly frigid person.
Too cute.

This is beautiful, Bru! thumbsup
Oooohhh!!! Adorable! I just love seeing Clark Kent, sweetest and politest bully in the world, "accidentally" pushing over and then dropping "slippery" snake Claude, after Claude had made unacceptable comments about Clark's not even kinda-sorta but maybe-in-the-future girlfriend! And those nice, sweet, polite threats he whispered in Claude's ear!!! clap

And I just loved Lois's reaction:

Lois just stared at her hack from Nowheresville for a moment. “You really are a strange one, Kent.” There was no venom in her voice, no condescending tone, just mild awe. Her inner nineties woman wanted to thwart him, telling him that she could very well take care of herself, thank-you-very-much.
Where's the inner nineties woman gremlin?

But another part thought he looked so adorable, looking guilty at what he’d done instead of smug, and the guy had actually defended her when she hadn’t been the nicest person in the world.
Aaawww.... laugh clap clap clap

That was too funny! I was laughing out loud as I read it, no doubt causing my family in the next room to throw me weird looks.
Hee hee Cat - too cute. And yeah, couldn't Clark have dropped him just once more? ... What? A girl can dream, can't she? <g>

-- DJ
Awwwww..... so WAFFY!!!!

*blushes and melts*

can so see it now - Clark scuffing his toe like a naughty little boy and Lois just flabbergasted and melting on the inside.

*sigh* When I read something like this, I just want more. This is a great piece by itself but it also fuels a desire for more pieces along the same lines. And I think that's what makes a great writer for me, so thank you for that.

I loved it. One of my favourites now. Please post it to the archive.

The Little Tornado.
Take that, Claude! Love it!

Haha, is it sadistic that I have a big cheesy grin on my face over Claude getting what he deserved? Loved it!
Haha, that was great! Cute and funny.

LOL Loved it! Abandoned mine shaft. Hmmm it does sound like a lovely place for Claude. Good job, very cute. Laura
a little imbarresed blush , but were can I find this story??
Because you're all making me curious.
Thank you, Cat!!!!

I've read it now! I did like it how it shows the friendship between them. How Clark would not let anything bad be said about Lois!! Liked that very much.
What an awesome story! notworthy
I want more! Please?

I also loved Clark acting like a little boy. Aww...I can just imagine it.

But I ask as others have asked: Couldn't he have dropped Claude again? devilsplat

This is so totally awesome!!! smile

Hopefully, the chief had made the pot this morning and it had the strength to stir itself and could substitute a tank of jet fuel.
Strong enough to stir itself. LOL! You have no idea how much that made me laugh. laugh

Having his kinda-sorta partner being talked about in such a demeaning fashion sent a bolt of aggravation and cave-man protectiveness surging up and down his spine as Clark made a slight detour to where the two were talking.
Yay for Caveman!Clark ...I kinda have a soft spot for him, you know. hehehe! It's silly, I know. But I do!

Acting distracted, his shoulder knocked squarely into the offending gentleman’s, causing him to lose his balance and fall in a graceless heap on the floor.
Take THAT, you big oaf!!!! Well deserved!! thumbsup dance

rotflol rotflol

“I may have also told him about the abandoned mine shaft just off my parent’s property that no one really seems to remember anymore.” He paused, met her eyes briefly, and then began to study the patterns he was making on the ground, looking like a boy who had just been caught next to a broken window and a baseball. “And… maybe… I also told him about how I spent some time with a man in Indonesia who could kill a man twenty different ways with his pinky alone. I don’t know why he got so scared, though. It’s not like I actually learned anything from the guy.”
I had to quote all of that. Just had to. It's so excellent!!! Just positively brilliant!! And funny as hell. laugh

But another part thought he looked so adorable, looking guilty at what he’d done instead of smug, and the guy had actually defended her when she hadn’t been the nicest person in the world.

Totally full of awesomeness, this was. smile (and yeah, speaking like Yoda, I am... but WTH... LOL!) I absolutely loved it and I am SOOOOOOOO sorry that I missed it when you posted it. *feels horrible* sad
Aww! I loved it! Lol, but I do love a good "Clark beats Claude" story whether it be physically (alas... not too many of those... something about an unfair advantage and morals...) or through words. laugh In your story it was a lovely both, lol. I wish one of the Lois and Clark episodes had dealt with Claude actually coming back, could have proven to be quite a storyline. But that's why fan fiction is so amazing. laugh Great little fic...

Awwwwww!!!! I got a totally warm and fuzzy feeling as I reread this again. Thank you for this delightful vignette, Cat! clap notworthy

LOL! That was great! rotflol Even though Lois and Clark aren't together...yet, he was all caveman with Claude. I love protective Clark.

wow - thank you for pulling this thread up to the surface once again so I had the chance to read that beautiful story. it's so sweet and i love the way clark is defending lois [Linked Image] laugh
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