Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Laurach FDK: The Needs of the Many Part 3...comments - 08/15/03 06:58 PM
Arrrg that was great! Until you left us stranded there! More quick. Laura
<--- loves Wendy! thumbsup

. . . assuming she doesn't kill Lois with shock first! eek
*hums the Wendy's here to save the day song*

Nice cliffhanger. dizzy evil

'Tis all the words I can muster up under limited brain power right now. Looking forward to more!
Clark is there?? And ALIVE?! smile1

Oooo I can't wait to read more!!

Ooo Wendy, you better post again soon! hyper What an evil way to leave us hanging! evil
Did you really only just see this story when Tank posted it and came up with part 3 so fast?

You are amazing! and Gifted, and many more 'super'latives clap

Please post part four soon! Why is Clark in the newsroom?
Terrific part, Wendy. But that's not a surprise. As Tank said, this is definitely a set-up to your strengths, so I wasn't surprised to see a well-written section filled with introspection. smile I loved it.

The conversation with Martha was wonderful with all the issues of his Clark/Superman identities. The second episode of the series that I ever saw was "Tempus Fugitive", and I was so intrigued by his "Superman is what I can do; Clark is who I am" statement. But of course that isn't entirely accurate either, and for some of the reasons that you point out here. Just lovely.

And whoa...this was a surprise - albeit a very nice one - to find Clark at his desk. smile1 I guess that Lois, since she has the day's delay with the DP delivery, and since she may not have looked at her copy of the DP this morning since she was traveling, didn't see the story that must have explained Clark's mysterious escape from death...

Ooh, I think we're going to have a lovely reunion scene. Where is my kleenex box? Ok, I've got it, so any time you want to post it, Wendy, I'm ready. Thanks to Tank's initial set-up and your continuation, the scene is laid out perfectly now.

Let's recap: It appears that Clark has decided to risk telling her that he's Superman - that it's better to have her in his life loving his "Super" side than not having her at all. Lois has realized over the past six weeks that absence does make the heart grow fonder. This, coupled with her immense grief over the death of her best friend, has brought her hidden feelings of love for Clark to the surface. So now we are going to have a incredibly waffy and romantic declaration right there in the middle of the newsroom, right? [Linked Image]

Well, I don't know that I want it to be in so public a place, but since the story is going to be concluded in this next part, I know that things can't go too terribly wrong... So when will we see Part 4? hyper

So now we are going to have a incredibly waffy and romantic declaration right there in the middle of the newsroom, right?

Well, I don't know that I want it to be in so public a place
Kathy, this is what blinking and buzzing (yes, new feature recently added laugh ) arrows are for! [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]... or [Linked Image] if they're already smoochying happily and tumbling into the conference room (which better be furnished with a nice, comfortable couch, or else I'll have words with Perry), for this is where the arrows lead...

Unpredictable, poignant and sniffle-inducing, Wendy! Can't wait for the conference room scene!! evil

Kaethel jump
What a place to leave us!

Great installment! Interesting twist.

Looking forward to more,
Oh my! Perhaps Superman had whisked Clark out of the way in milliseconds before the bomb and tended to him for a day before he returned? Perhaps he's Clark's identical twin cousin (who adores the minuet, the Ballet Russe and Crepe Suzettes.....) Perhaps Lois is hallucinating?

We need to know!!!! smile1

Just marvelous...can't wait for the rest.

(Who isn't gonna explain the identical twin cousin thing.....it's just one of our old-fogey touchstones again coming back to haunt me wink )
Like I expected anything less from Wendy.

I am curious as to how Clark is there and look forward to Wendy's explanation. It obviously can't be something as simple as Superman rescuing him in the nick of time since that would have precluded the Planet from thinking Clark was dead and printing the story. There obviously has to be some significant time delay from the time Clark was thought to have been 'blowed up' to the time he miraculously comes back from the dead.

I have confidence in Wendy and await the outcome as does everyone else.

Tank (who says that at least Lois gets to keep her short haircut wink )
I am dying. Post part 4 soon! hyper
Oh, I love it, Wendy!

I love Lois's anger at Superman because he didn't save Clark. It so... well I don't think I can find a fitting word, but it is.

“But do you want her to love only the Clark side of you? And not Superman? You can’t have it both ways, honey. Whichever of you she takes, she has to take the other side too. She doesn’t have a choice in the matter.”
I love this piece too. Martha is so right.

The desk was occupied. Someone was typing busily at the computer, his face averted. But the broad shoulders and muscular frame looked oddly familiar, and for a moment Lois felt her heart skip a beat.

But she was imagining things. Of course she was. It was only that she was so used to seeing Clark at his desk, that was it. It wasn’t as if he could be there, after all. He was dead.

And then the man at Clark’s desk turned to look in her direction, almost as if he’d sensed that he was being watched.

It was Clark.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: RL Re: FDK: The Needs of the Many Part 3...comments - 08/17/03 02:32 AM
Excellent start, Wendy! Can't wait for the final segment.

She was going to Metropolis. It might be too late to find Clark, to talk to him, to ask him to forgive her for leaving and to be her friend once more, but she owed it to him to be there for him now, to say her last goodbyes.
This is just so Lois. Even crippled, she'd crawl over broken glass to do this for Clark.

And to regret, for ever, the loss of what could have been.
And just as typical, Lois never figures out what she wants until it's too late. (or at least she thinks it is)

“Clark, you need to understand that you’re no more just Clark Kent than you are Superman,” Martha continued, reinforcing the point. “If Lois did decide that she wanted *Clark*, you can no more give her that than you can give her Superman. She has to take both of you to have either one.”
Yay, Martha. Make Clark see reason here.

And then the man at Clark’s desk turned to look in her direction, almost as if he’d sensed that he was being watched.

It was Clark.
It'll be interesting to see why Clark is at the Daily Planet building. Everybody there thinks he's dead, so how did he get there? There was no time frame given for when Lois arrived, so I wonder if anyone else is around to know Clark is there. I have to assume it's a normal daytime shift, since Lois looked at both her desk and Clark's desk to see who would be there. If it was the late shift, she wouldn't expect to see anyone.

If Perry and Jimmy do know Clark is alive, it'll be fascinating to see how Clark declared himself alive. And what is Clark doing there anyway? Is he just back on the job on a normal typical day or is he there for a specific reason?

One more thing, you had a nice amount of angst and introspection in this story. smile

Whatever the situation, I can't wait for Part 4. Hurry up and post, Wendy!
Oooh, this is good! I can't wait to find out how Clark did it! And will she stay in Metropolis now that she knows what a good thing she has?

Loved the discussion between Clark and Martha about the two sides of Clark/Superman. How true that they can't be so easily separated into two complete individuals.

Looking forward to Part 4!

Huh? So what exactly did Clark tell everyone so he could come back? Intriguing, Wendy, very intriguing.

Thank goodness I know this is a short fic. When we had Lois planning to go back to Metropolis, and Clark thinking maybe he ought to talk to Lois after all, I envisaged the usual evilness, ie, Lois's plane and Superman crossing somewhere over mid-America, each en route to the opposite coast. laugh

Great Martha scene, Wendy! I love it when she goes into her enigmatic Confusious mode. <g>

Just loving it! goofy

WOW! An excellent part! thumbsup

And Clark's back! I can't wait to see what the explanation is. dizzy
Please post the next part ASAP!

Tricia cool

Great piece. thumbsup
ok...since pressing "refresh" multiple times isn't making part 4 magically appear...maybe nagging here will smile

Nag nag... please don't keep us in suspense.

Hm...maybe it should be begging instead wink
Hi all!

Clark is there?? And ALIVE?!
LOL! Yup!

And spot on, Kathy:
And whoa...this was a surprise - albeit a very nice one - to find Clark at his desk. I guess that Lois, since she has the day's delay with the DP delivery, and since she may not have looked at her copy of the DP this morning since she was traveling, didn't see the story that must have explained Clark's mysterious escape from death...
... as you’ll see very soon! As for your other speculation... read and find out!

Lots of speculation; Tank is puzzled:
I am curious as to how Clark is there and look forward to Wendy's explanation. It obviously can't be something as simple as Superman rescuing him in the nick of time since that would have precluded the Planet from thinking Clark was dead and printing the story. There obviously has to be some significant time delay from the time Clark was thought to have been 'blowed up' to the time he miraculously comes back from the dead.
Well, all will be explained in due course <g> And there’s Roger:
It'll be interesting to see why Clark is at the Daily Planet building. Everybody there thinks he's dead, so how did he get there? There was no time frame given for when Lois arrived, so I wonder if anyone else is around to know Clark is there. I have to assume it's a normal daytime shift, since Lois looked at both her desk and Clark's desk to see who would be there. If it was the late shift, she wouldn't expect to see anyone.

If Perry and Jimmy do know Clark is alive, it'll be fascinating to see how Clark declared himself alive. And what is Clark doing there anyway? Is he just back on the job on a normal typical day or is he there for a specific reason?
and Yvonne:
Huh? So what exactly did Clark tell everyone so he could come back? Intriguing, Wendy, very intriguing.
Again, all in good time!

Kaethel, Kaethel, Kaethel... What am I to do with you? goofy
if they're already smoochying happily and tumbling into the conference room (which better be furnished with a nice, comfortable couch, or else I'll have words with Perry), for this is where the arrows lead...
LOL! Or maybe Lois will kick Clark’s Super butt all the way back to Kansas! wink

Roger said:
This is just so Lois. Even crippled, she'd crawl over broken glass to do this for Clark.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! And yes, I think that’s very true where Lois is concerned, especially at the moment.

Lots of you liked the Martha/Clark discussion:
Loved the discussion between Clark and Martha about the two sides of Clark/Superman. How true that they can't be so easily separated into two complete individuals.
Thank you! And to everyone else who mentioned it. Actually, I’ve had Martha say something very similar to him before, in a different story (can’t remember which one now), so it’s definitely not a new idea to have Martha knock him over the head with his two identities like this. But glad it worked!!

Anyway, it’s very late in my tiny portion of the planet, so I must get to bed. Just wanted to say a huge thanks to you all first! So many thanks to Laura, Rivka, Jen, Liz, Blayne, Trenna - oh, by the way:

Did you really only just see this story when Tank posted it and came up with part 3 so fast?
That was fast?!?! I was being nagged ad infinitum on IRC! But thank you! blush

Kathy, QKaethel, evil Irene, Sherry, Tank, Ethnica, Anna, Roger, Lynn (welcome!!), Yvonne, Tricia, Maria, Breanna. I really appreciate all your comments!

Wendy smile
Just catching up, guys.

Wow -- the set up was wonderful, Tank and the pass to Wendy was at a perfect point.

Now up to Wendy to run with the ball and she does. But here she is leaving us on the 5 yard line. Hurry Wendy I know you will score.

great part
but you know I don't like cliffhangers.
more soon - even if I am behind in my reading
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