Lois & Clark Forums
rotflol That's priceless!
Hilarious. Especially loved JLR 551 and the ending.
rotflol I loved the way the meeting went off-topic after Superman had left. Even more I loved the way Green Lantern restored order... laugh
I'm too tired to post any really coherent FDK, but your fic is hilarious! I totally loved this:

5:17 – Superman assures unidentified caller, code-named “Honey”, that he will be home in time to fix dinner for “Honey”. Assurance appears to have been made under duress.

And, of course, I laughed myself silly at this:

5:43 – By the executive powers vested in Green Lantern, Justice League Resolution 551 is passed: We affirm the unimportance of the relative vertical positioning of Superman and his spouse during physical intimacy, due to its complete lack of relevance with regard to global security. Order restored to meeting.
rotflol rotflol rotflol

And this - poor Clark:

Lois gasped. “What? Where did *that* idea come from? *I’m* top banana, remember?! Now move over!”

Clark winced. There was *no way* that he could explain to Lois that his actions had been influenced by the snickering that he had heard when he left the Justice League meeting. As he exited the convention room, he had even overheard someone say smugly, “Guess we know which one of *them* gets to be on top.”

And how about appointing Wonder Woman as head of the Justice League to win approval rates from heterosexual females, while at the same time not turning away heterosexual men by covering up more of Wonder woman's body in more uniform? rotflol

Hilarious, Vincent!

jump Totally hilarious!!
Thanks for the comments all!

Originally posted by TOC:

And how about appointing Wonder Woman as head of the Justice League to win approval rates from heterosexual females, while at the same time not turning away heterosexual men by covering up more of Wonder woman's body in more uniform? rotflol
Hehe, I had actually considered specifying that it was Wonder Woman who had replaced Superman in the Public Relations post, but I wasn't sure how heterosexual females would feel about the League putting a woman who dresses like that in such a visible public position. They might be accused of pandering to men, and lose even more ground with women.

I left it unspecified because I didn't know what modern, empowered, female superhero would work. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, from the perspective of us males? lol), most female superheroes are created by men, so they tend to dress too sexily for formal public office.

My superhero knowledge is relatively limited, (not going much further than names and some basic information), so I don't really know what the personalities of the various female superheroes are like, or which ones of them dress modestly.

But yeah, your "appointing Wonder Woman head of the Justice League idea" is exactly what I was trying to accomplish by having a capable, modern female superhero being head of Public relations. smile

Having a female Public Relations Director would appeal to women - a solution that doesn't involve changing Wonder Woman's uniform. Furthermore, Superman would be able to pay more attention to his wife, hence Lois's favorable press coverage incentive.

So, Clark's leash is back to it's shorter length, the Justice League gets not one but two things to increase their approval rating, and everything works out nicely smile
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