Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mervoparkite FDK: Strange Fantasy 2/2 - 02/14/07 05:56 AM
OK, this is my very first post so I hope I'm doing this right.

Oh this is just so much fun. I love how Superman keeps figuring out that he is Clark and everyone tells him how wrong he is!!

Great story!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Strange Fantasy 2/2 - 02/14/07 05:58 AM
Nice story, indeed. Clark showing Lois the Suits. hahaha!!

Well done!
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Strange Fantasy 2/2 - 02/14/07 09:17 AM
Ack, so much fun!

Excuse me, but English is not my native language, so...

“Clark, take out Madison behind you!” she said as she dashed to the telephone.
Did I get you correctly? Was Lois actually asking Clark to tackle another reporter?

Lois sighed as she pushed him into Madison.
She was!!!!

“Jonathan, why did you tell her that Clark was here? Now we can’t go to Metropolis, or even try to call him to tell him who he is!” Martha shouted despairingly.

“Well, what was I supposed to tell her, Martha? ‘Oh, he’s just standing right next to you after losing his memory from ramming an asteroid?’” Jonathan asked, pointing out his inability to think superhumanly fast.

As they exchanged worried looks, Clarks’ parents could only hope that he would regain his memory soon, and that his secret would remain intact.
Yep, that's the number one law of nature of any Superman universe: Lois must be kept in the dark about Superman's double identity. razz

Superman’s eyes widened. “Nobody knows where I live?” he stammered incredulously. “Then where am I going to stay tonight?”

Lois stared at him blankly. She hadn’t even considered the fact that Superman might need a place to stay - surely, as a friend, she should offer to let him stay at her place, right? Just because he was a friend who needed help – it wasn’t as if she had any ulterior motive...

Suddenly, Lois felt as if she had been punched in the gut. Superman had thought that he was Clark! As she realized what that meant, the situation lost all of its humor. Superman wanted to believe that he was Clark, and had been subconsciously trying to convince himself that that was really the case.
Ooohh... that convoluted logic of Lois's.... razz

Which finally made the true meaning of his fantasy painfully clear. Superman didn’t have any romantic interest in her after all. Furthermore, his subconscious desire to be Clark Kent was resurfacing in his mind, and he didn’t even realize what was happening. Lois looked down at her feet, crestfallen. It was almost enough to make her wish that Superman really were just Clark Kent.
Duh, Lois.

“Aha! I knew it!” Superman said as he looked up the occupants of the building at the center of the most Superman sightings.

“Lois! I’m going *home*!” he said purposefully as he walked past her in his stride towards the door.

“Wait! Where are you going?” Lois asked, alarmed and fearing the worst. If he was trying to delude himself into thinking that he was Clark again…

As she ran after him out of the Planet’s entrance, she heard him say, “344 Clinton Avenue,” before he took off with a loud swoosh.
Haha!! Yes!!!

Superman could be going through all of Clark’s stuff and claiming it as his own. He could be sleeping in Clark’s bed. Maybe he decided to use Clark’s shower.

She blushed as she tried to dismiss the image of Superman taking a shower.
Oh, so funny!!!

“Superman, you can’t be here! What if Clark comes back from his fishing trip and finds you in his apartment?”

“Lois, I *am* Clark.” he responded fervently.

Lois groaned in despair. Why couldn’t he just give up his Clark fantasy?
It's going to require some extra special effort to make Lois give up her Superman-is-not-Clark-Kent fantasy.

“Lois, this is *my* apartment!” he insisted.

“No, it’s not!”

“Well, if I’m not Clark Kent, then what are *these* doing here!” he declared triumphantly as he rotated his closet to reveal a secret compartment with several Superman uniforms, a hint of challenge in his voice.
Woo-hooo!!!! Yes!!!! He proved it to her!!!

“Lois, wake up! Please, say something!”
Ahh, poor Lois. But it is funny, too.

Without warning, Lois suddenly bolted upright. “But that means that…” she began, pausing to reorganize her thoughts. Then she let out a gasp.

“Clark Kent, *how dare* you fantasize about getting me into bed!” she yelled as she indignantly poked him with an accusing finger.
Wow!!! Ooooohhh!!!! Wow!!!!

Clark’s face clearly registered shock. “What?? Lois, honestly, I would never…”

“Oh yeah? Well, I’ve got news for you, buster! When you were testing out Dr. Klein’s device, I put a tape in, and…” suddenly Lois’s eyes widened and she trailed off, realizing what she was admitting to.
Priceless!!!! clap

As they wrapped their arms around each other, kissing passionately, Clark suddenly remembered in the back of his mind that, before he had lost his memory, he had always tried to *prevent* Lois Lane from finding out that he was Superman, not prove it to her. But he could worry about that later…
Yes, because he's got something much more important to concentrate on now... (and he can deal with Martha and Jonathan's shock later, too.)

Ahh, Vincent! Did I love this story or did I love it?


Posted By: DSDragon Re: FDK: Strange Fantasy 2/2 - 02/14/07 05:37 PM
Fun, fun, fun! I love the ending!
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