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Posted By: Classicalla FDK: The Talk 2/2 - 01/14/07 05:27 AM
How old is poor David again?

"David, there comes a time in every man's life when a bee flies from flower to flower..."
Like that’s gonna work, Clark...

David nodded. He was following, though still somewhat bemused. "So that's what sodomy is, then?"
Bet the kid already knows.

"Jeffrey Morgansen's dad said that you being married to Mom was a terrible sodomy," David elaborated. "So what is it, and why is it so terrible?"
rotflol Jeffery got something wrong, David...

"Some people think that, since I'm from another planet, that I'm breaking those rules by being with your mother.
Ah, everybody knows!

Though maybe next time," he softly muttered, "we could try for something simpler, like where babies come from."

"Oh, I already know about that," David replied off-handedly as he climbed off of Clark's lap.

The mortified look returned to Clark's face. "You do?"

"Sure," David shrugged, apparently baffled at his father's sudden state of ignorance. "Remember, Dad? You took me to the museum when they put your rocket on display."

"Wha-----" Clark groaned as realization sunk in, and David just cheerfully grabbed the remote.

Still not quite sure Clark explained, but I love how he handled it.
Posted By: Poussin Re: FDK: The Talk 2/2 - 01/14/07 05:34 AM
Though maybe next time," he softly muttered, "we could try for something simpler, like where babies come from."

"Oh, I already know about that," David replied off-handedly as he climbed off of Clark's lap.

The mortified look returned to Clark's face. "You do?"

"Sure," David shrugged, apparently baffled at his father's sudden state of ignorance. "Remember, Dad? You took me to the museum when they put your rocket on display."

"Wha-----" Clark groaned as realization sunk in, and David just cheerfully grabbed the remote.
That totally cracked me up! This little David got it right; babies come from the sky in spaceships! The stork mythos is definitely old! LOL
I bet Clark couldn't have explained it better anyway. He wasn't doing so good with his "bees and flowers" explanation...
Posted By: SuperRoo Re: FDK: The Talk 2/2 - 01/14/07 08:52 AM
"Sure," David shrugged, apparently baffled at his father's sudden state of ignorance. "Remember, Dad? You took me to the museum when they put your rocket on display."

"Wha-----" Clark groaned as realization sunk in, and David just cheerfully grabbed the remote.

That totally cracked me up! This little David got it right; babies come from the sky in spaceships! The stork mythos is definitely old! LOL
I bet Clark couldn't have explained it better anyway. He wasn't doing so good with his "bees and flowers" explanation...
Oh Okay, I get it now. I was glad someone wrote about it a bit b/c I was still confused!

Funny part! Poor Clark trying to use the whole bee and flower thing wasn't working out for him, but he tried his best to stick with it. Thumbs up Clark but boy oh boy. Clark's awkwardness made for such a funny story.

Now that I understand the ending - THE ENDING IS FAB!! blush laugh
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: The Talk 2/2 - 01/14/07 11:29 AM
hehehe! Oh, great follow up! smile Very amusing!!
Posted By: jackiek Re: FDK: The Talk 2/2 - 01/14/07 12:32 PM
Aww, what a sweet explanation and I love the ending. Hilarious!

Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: The Talk 2/2 - 01/14/07 01:44 PM
Mary, that was awesome. rotflol You had me bursting with laughter after reading David's last statement.

But the whole bees and flowers bit was great as well. The whole time I expected Clark to end up explaining, "Sodomy is when bees try to pollinate bees." But nooo, no such thing. Well, I liked the trees and rocks, too.
Posted By: Elisabeth Re: FDK: The Talk 2/2 - 01/14/07 05:47 PM
But what a sad story of bigotry. >>Sigh<<

Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: FDK: The Talk 2/2 - 01/16/07 07:22 AM
Hey there, Hi here, Ho there! wave
Thanks for the feedback, guys. smile

Originally posted by Classicalla:
How old is poor David again?
I tend to leave the timeline a little ambiguous in these stories, but this is meant to be set somewhere between "Mysteries of Life" and "The Big Debut." So, David's alive, but he has not yet turned 8.

Ah, everybody knows!
Sorry, I negelected to mention: The Universe these vignettes are set in is AltClark's universe. So yep, everyone knows.

But what a sad story of bigotry. >>Sigh<<
*sigh* Yeah. Of course, this is nowhere *near* as sad a story of bigotry s Yvonne's "Purity".
That one is frightening...*shudder* dizzy
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