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Posted By: LaraMoon FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 03:44 PM
Hey, that's a cool challenge... makes me want to join in the fun... smile

Tom Wells? Ok.. wait.. I'm scratching my head here, trying to figure this one out. I know you, Nancy, I'm so absoluely sure there's an inside joke somewhere in there. Mind you, I can think of one, but it couldn't be THAT, could it?

For some reason, I'm surprised you didn't pick someone like Michael Jon Carter or something. Unless the timeline is wrong... I forget.

That was real cute - but you're going to have to expand on the date and tell us a bit more about the proposal, too. hehehe! And I wanna know who the guy is, dang it!!!
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 03:48 PM
This was cute, Nancy! I am glad Lois found her Superman, so to speak. And the name Tom Wells rings a bell with me, but I can't think why.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 03:58 PM
My first thought was that Tom Wells sounds wayyyy close to Tom Welling. But... nah. She couldn't have? Could she?

Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 03:59 PM
Mind you, I can think of one, but it couldn't be THAT, could it?
And the name Tom Wells rings a bell with me, but I can't think why.
Yep, that's it, Lara...Tom Welling plays Clark Kent on Smallville. rotflol

Thanks guys!!
Posted By: DSDragon Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 03:59 PM
At first, I thought he might've been a decendent of the Wells we know (namely, H.G.), but now that Lara mentions it, it could just be a pun on "Tom Welling." Sneaky, sneaky, Nancy.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 04:01 PM
Sneaky, sneaky, Nancy.
What can I say? I wrote it in 20 minutes. Tom came to mind and then Welling... and then I shortened it to Wells... rotflol

I must admit that I didn't get the reference to Michael Jon Carter, Lara.
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 04:27 PM
Cute piece. Marrying that fast sounds just like Lucy.
I didn't get the bit about Tom Wells (because I don't watch Smallville. Period.), but I decided to run a google search. Guess what I found:
Tom Wells
Nah, she wouldn't have married that one.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 04:42 PM
OMG! (yeah, that's the right expression all right!) Yeah, please let her not marry THAT guy.

Michael Jon Carter is........... Booster Gold! [Linked Image]
Posted By: Marcus Rowland Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 05:02 PM
Thanks for giving the challenge a try - I had a feeling it'd work well here. I'll post another one in a week or so.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 05:09 PM
Yeah, please don't let her marry that guy.

Argghh... I can't believe I didn't know who Michael Jon Carter was... I should have known... Time to break out the 22 comics again, isn't it?
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 05:53 PM
he was in a relationship, wasn’t he? It wasn’t a great relationship, but he did have what he loosely termed as a girlfriend. Hmm… Surely a little harmless flirting couldn’t hurt, could it?
The date was great. Life was great. Six weeks later, Lucy Lane became Mrs. Thomas Wells. Yes, life was wonderful.
And thus began years of emotional abuse as she had to endure his countless affairs.

Leopards don't change their spots and cheaters cheat.
Posted By: Lara Joelle Kent Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 06:22 PM
And thus began years of emotional abuse as she had to endure his countless affairs.

Leopards don't change their spots and cheaters cheat.
I guess that's why the title is 'Unlucky in Love'.
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 07:18 PM
he was in a relationship, wasn’t he? It wasn’t a great relationship, but he did have what he loosely termed as a girlfriend. Hmm… Surely a little harmless flirting couldn’t hurt, could it?
The date was great. Life was great. Six weeks later, Lucy Lane became Mrs. Thomas Wells. Yes, life was wonderful.
And thus began years of emotional abuse as she had to endure his countless affairs.

Leopards don't change their spots and cheaters cheat.
Nope, not in this case. I wrote this with the idea of it being from the 'A New Hero' universe. The relationship he was in was what one would loosely call a relationship - nothing serious. I ran out of time, but I've already been asked for more, so I'll tell you more of what I was thinking. Tom is a minister (already established in A New Hero) and he and Lucy are quite happy together - no emotional abuse. And let me reiterate that I did say his so called girlfriend was what he loosely termed a girlfriend. Not the type of girlfriend he was living with and not the type of girlfriend he was at all serious with. I thought I'd made that fairly clear.
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: Unlucky in Love? - 01/07/07 08:36 PM
Aaah, gaaaahh! I was scratching my head and wondering who the heck this Tom Wells could be. He sounded like an actor, and I was thinking Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks....

Tom Welling!!! She got to marry "Superboy", eh?

Lots of fun, Nancy.

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